Soulmate Au: | Lost Soul |

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Genre: Soulmate AU & Angst

Time tells when someone finds their soulmate. Y/N doesn't find happiness in the day she's supposed to have her soulmate due to it being the anniversary of her mother's death.

Warning(s): death scene, suicide attempt, sadness


  Harry stared at the time. Ginny came along, staring with Harry. Too much of her disappointment; when they both had different times. Ginny sighed loudly. Harry turned to look at her, Ginny is pretty. Harry had considered dating Ginny. "Different times." Ginny muttered. Harry felt pity for Ginny, he knew she had liked him. "Sorry." Harry said, Ginny weakly smiles and walks away.

There was only little time. Harry searched for any one of his friends. None of them where in sight. Harry sighed walking towards the great hall.

Meanwhile, Y/N was in the great hall, waiting every so patiently. It would have been a pity if she hadn't found her soulmate. Imagining her life with someone else unaware that her once to be soulmate was not right beside her.
Y/N had thought it would be alright to be with someone else. Wrong. From the stories she heard; once you timer hits negative twenty-four hours and you still haven't found your soulmate; they vanish from your life, leaving you; soullost, as they call it.

You drew the flowers that you love. Your personality was part of each house having a little bit of each. Yet, the hat felt that you were braver. So you were put in Gryffindor. As you drew, you put all meaning and emotion for this drawing. It was for your mother. It's her anniversary.

Today was the day she died. Trying to disregard the lurid reminiscence.

Your mother's agonizing caterwaul, pleading for amnesty. Only wanting you invulnerable. She protected you. It's sorrowful to think that you'll be getting your soulmate today... on your mother's death date. You've been reserved due to your past. Sometimes you'll talk to yourself. Imaging your mother right beside you, with a lighthearted smile plastered on her face. "You like it mama?" You told yourself. Studying your masterpiece. "I should've died, mama. I'm going crazy. Please help me, mama." You cry. You acknowledged the fact that you are progressing to mental insanity.

"I love it, sweetie." You heard your mother's voice wisp through your ear. "I knew you would, mama." You smiled. "Mama, why couldn't you take me with you?" You ask the gracious wind. The only reply was silence. "Don't worry. I'll be with you soon either way." You responded to the silence.


"Torture her first!" A lady cackled, you yelled know the lady snickered as her gaze had no remorse. The crucio curse hit your mother as her screams penetrated the halls. "Mama!" You wail, you see your mother in pain, only wanting to take it all away for yourself.
"Please, she's pregnant." You blurted, the lady looked at you in shock. "Awe, oh well." The lady smirked. "Avada kedavra!" The lady casted. Your mother was lifeless, she laid on the stone cold floor. You cried silently, running up to your mother and holding her head. Wishing to be with her. You've thought this was all your fault.

~Retrospect End~

You hadn't lost your mother that day but also your sibling, your little brother. You mourn for them; knowing that you'll never have a sibling. You were happy to announce yourself a sister, when you heard your mom tell your dad.

Today, you just felt like leaving.

Harry sighed, pure boredom was on his mind. A girl entered the common room. She had H/C hair, E/C eyes, and a S/C body. Harry had never seen this girl before even though her tie with proudly shown the colors of Gryffindor told a different story. The girl went to her dorm ignoring the fact that Harry Potter was present. Harry now acknowledged the girl. Harry shut his eyes taking a short nap.

Y/N heard her mother's voice clearer.
"Don't do it." Her mother warned. Y/N kept writing ignoring her mother's pleas.
Y/N wanted to thank all the girls in her dorm, who have helped her with even the littlest things. Y/N thought it would be something kind to do as a final farewell. "Y/N!" Her mother's voice rang in her ears. Tears pricked her eyes.
"I don't want this, sweetie. Mama wouldn't want this." Her mother told her.
Y/N paused, 'Mama wouldn't want this.' Y/N thought. "It's all just a hallucination." She told herself not believing a single plea. Y/N punctuated her letter, signing off with her name.

"I love you, mama." Y/N said her final words. Walking out of her dorm towards the common room window.
Y/N was prudence not to make a single noise.
The window was open leaving a traumatizing end to where the ground was. Y/N placed the note on the table. Took a step on the ridge off the window only a step away. The wind blew on her face backlashing her. Y/N eyes fluttered closed.

Harry woke up hearing footsteps. Grabbing his glasses as he saw a girl on the window ridge. Harry stood up and ran to the girl. The girl took her final step almost falling to her grave. Harry latched tightly on her waist. Pulling her back as a pink cloud unleashed. The girl tried wiggling away from Harry's grip. Failing.
The girl stopped moving gazing on the pink cloud that surrounded them both. Harry realized this and let the girl free.

Y/N's soulmate was the Golden Boy, himself. Y/N felt bad for him having to deal with her. "We can't." Y/N croaked.
"I don't k-know." Harry stammered, confused. Pure consternation was the aurora that filled the common room.
They stared at each other's eyes.

Y/N and Harry were paired through their experiences with their horrible past. They didn't happen to be soullost. They are the desired pair. They found each other. Because, they both have a Lost Soul.

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