| Heartbreakers |

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Genre: Romance

Y/N and Draco are both heartbreakers. Ready to break others hearts, Cupid is sure to make sure that they don't break each other's.

Warning(s): none


"Draco Malfoy and Y/N Sire." Cupid said, checking the two of you off. Cupid held his bow and arrow, positioning the heart-tipped arrow at your back. "Steady, hmm, quite the mover." Cupid said, as you moved through out the Forbidden Forest. You heard a noice and stood still giving Cupid enough time to shoot you.

Your PoV

I felt dizzy, a simmering pain in my back. I tried heading straight back to Hogwarts, but I couldn't. I fell at time and gripped onto trees trying not to collapse. I walked until I saw the Hogwarts Castle. I tried the run, but before I knew it I saw pink.


"Oh she's waking up." A voice hushed. I groaned, and stood up rubbing my head with my palm. "What happened?" I asked. "I found you outside the Forbidden Forest, passed out, looking like you went to a party and then came back hungover. So how are you?" Your friend, Ezra, said. "I'm good, Ez. I just feel funny." I said.

"Well, get back on your feet, you have three boys to break up with on Valentine's Day!" Ezra told you. "You only want me to get out of here to make boys suffer as your entertainment?" I quirk an eyebrow. "Oh, how did you know?" Ezra deadpanned. "Just a hunch." I say, sarcasm dripping in my voice. "And then win a hottie and break his heart, it'll be the talk of the school for the week, they'll want to know who broke up with who, and oh it's just nice." Ezra fantasizes.

"Well, I mean I'm up for a challenge." I say, Madam Pomfrey enters and sets down a tray by your table. "How do you feel dearie?" Madam Pomfrey interrogates. "I feel alright. I don't feel sick, it was probably a awful smell from the forest." I say.

"That good news, just take these medications and you'll feel better than ever." Madam Pomfrey handed me potions of resisting ache and such. "May I go?" I ask. "Yes, just sign out." She gleamed at you. I signed out and thanked Madam Pomfrey. "Who first?" I question Ezra, who took out a list.

"First up, Colin Creevy." Ezra said. "Ironic. Did this boy honestly think he had a chance with you, he was absolutely creepy. Ah! Colin Creepy." Ezra laughed. "I like how you fooled him with the 'First Kiss Talk'. He fell so in love with you." Ezra told you. "There he is." I said, "Gum." Ezra took out gum and handed it to me, I took a piece and chewed on it the mint flavor tingling my tastebuds.

"Hey Colin." I grinned sweetly. "Oh, hello Y/N!" Colin beamed. "I got you something." Colin blushed, pulling out a box of chocolates. "Oh my gosh, Colin these are amazing, but that's not what I came for." I say, the end of my sentence becoming gradually sadder. "What's wrong Y/N?" Colin asked. "Colin I don't think this is going to work out." I said, putting on a sad smile.

"And it's not me. It's you." I said, grabbing the box of chocolates and heading of with Ezra. I looked back at a stunned Creevy. "Poor boy." Ezra fake poured. "Let's just go before he tells." I said. Spitting out the gum in my mouth into the wrapper. "Dean Thomas." Ezra said. "Sad, I kind of liked him." I shrug. "Oh well." Ezra said, checking him off. "Gryffindor Common Room?" I ask, thinking he'll be there. "I'm not sure." Ezra said. While heading to the Gryffindor Common Room, I spotted bleach white haired boy with a girl.

I inspected the scene closely and saw that the girl was in tears. I felt awful, but that is the same thing I'm doing to boys. It has always been like this, get them in love with me, get all I need, and then throw them away. It seems that I'm not the only one doing this. I seemed to feel awful about the dilemma all the time. They were in love and I wasn't, I just couldn't. I just don't want to be heartbroken.

Draco's PoV

Pansy Parkinson was sobbing at my feet, I felt awkward, it was embarrassing. I needed to get out fast. I pushed Pansy off my feet and walked off casually. I still heard her sobs and screams of coming back to her, but I didn't. I still had Astoria Greengrass and another chick to break up with. I headed towards the dungeons to the Slytherin Common Room. It was decorated in silver hearts, which was hugely preferred towards the pink ones.

I saw Astoria sitting and reading a book, she looked up and gave me a grand smile. "Hello Draco." Astoria said, her voice sickly sweet for my liking. "Hello Astoria." I said, playing a gloom face. "What's wrong?" Astoria questions, becoming worried. "I think we need to call this an end." I said, as I felt a tingling pain in chest at my heart specifically. "Why?" Astoria said with tears in her eyes. "I-," I stop talking as my head gets dizzy. "I need to go to the Infirmary." I say, clutching my head as I stand up and fall down.

"Draco! You alright, mate." A blurry figure of Blaise told me. "I'm not." I said. "Come on let's go." Blaise putting my arm around his shoulder dragging me to the Infirmary passing out as I saw pink.


I woke with Blaise beside me. "You awake?" Blaise asks. "No." I retort. "Alright let me make you a grave." Blaise cheekily smiled. "Gosh, I feel awfully weird." I told Blaise. "I just want to get out of here." I said. "Ask Madam Pomfrey. And quick I have to go to the Valentine's Day Ball with my girlfriend." Blaise told me. "There's a Ball?" I question. "Yes." Blaise said. "Now hurry." Blaise rushes. I ask Madam Pomfrey if I could leave, she said of course but I still got medications. We went to the Slytherin Common Room and Blaise went to get prepared and I think I'll join him to the Ball.

I looked at pure black suit with a white blouse underneath. "You need something festive." Blaise said, handing me a pink bow tie, I put it on even though I dislike the color. "Ready? You don't have a date don't you?" Blaise interrogated. "Yes and no, but I'm still going." I said. "OK." Blaise sighed.

We walked out of the Slytherin Common Room, Blaise's Ravenclaw girlfriend beside him, as I was the third wheel. We headed towards the Grand Hall. It was decorated in intriguing decor. I walked down to the end of the staircase. Watching all the love in the air, I looked up at the staircase and found two girls, one with pink and blond hair and the other with H/C hair.

She was absolutely breath-taking, I couldn't remove my eyes off her. "Stop staring at her lover boy." Her friend told me, I didn't realize that they were down the stairs already. "By the way, she's single." Her friend winked at me, walking away. I looked back at the girl's friend. She looked stunning, with her curled/straightened hair with a rose crown on top, her flowing fair pink dress that reached her knees were paired with glimmering silver heels.

I walked towards the girl, who was oddly alone. "Hello." I said, catching her attention. "Ello." She smiled, making a grin appear on my face. "May I have this dance?" I ask, putting out a hand for her to grab in which she did. "Sure." She said. "I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy." I told her. "Y/N. Y/N Sire." She tells me as I twirl her around.

"You look lovely." I say, "Thank you. Well, you look rather dashing yourself." Y/N complimented me. "Thank you." I laugh. The songs kept playing as we stared at each other, a stare like this could only appear to be in a Romance Novel. The song came close to an end and this was my chance, I dipped her and gave her a kiss. I pulled her up and she didn't pull back, she laid her arms around my neck pulling me closer. Her soft, chocolate lips went on my slightly chapped, mint lips. A breeze swept right by us as a pink and white aurora surrounded us. We let go and looked at each other with Cheshire Cat grins on our faces.

Cupid's PoV

"Matched." Cupid smiled.

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