| Heartthrob |

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Genre: Fluff

Y/N is ignored by her best friend the now popular, Scorpius Malfoy. But maybe showing him what he's lost can open his eyes.

Warning(s): a spoiler


  It was no lie that Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy is the new heartthrob of Hogwarts. While you stood in the background, not hitting that stage quite yet.

You were friends with Albus and Scorpius, when the both went through tough times. Now, Scorpius doesn't need you as it seems like he's earned all the attention. Albus hangs out with you when Scorpius couldn't or rather didn't want to. You cared for Scorpius as much as Albus, but what you received back was ignorance from Scorpius.

"It's snowing!" Albus grabs your hand and pulls you outside in the chilly day. "I'm cold!" You whine with a giggle. Your cheeks and nose turning a hue of flamingo pink. Your hands began to freeze quickly. Albus laughs at your adorableness, "Sorry, here have my jacket." Albus offers to which you decline. "Come on, or I'll have to tackle you." Albus suggests, you quickly grab the jacket and put it on.

"I miss Scorpius, Alb." You frown. "I don't know what has gone into him." Albus replies. "Thanks, Alb." You say, wrapping your arms around his waist as a gentle, warm embrace. "Your warm." You mumble, against him. "Thanks." Albus chuckles. "Hey," You mummer, "Yes?" "Let's take a photo." You suggest. "Alright." Albus said. You look around and then pulled out your phone. "Ready, selfie!" You giggle. The two of you took multiple photos with goofy faces and weird poses. "I love these." You smile skimming through the photos.

"Let's go back inside." Albus proposes. Albus stood up putting his hand out for you to grab. You grab it as he pulls you back up. Albus notices the red pigmentation from the coldness on your hands. He swiftly intertwines his hand with yours; warmth coming quick within contact. "Mistletoe!" You hear girls cheer. You look up and see a mistletoe right above you and Albus. "I guess it's tradition." You smirk at Albus.

Albus cups your face and kisses you, you hear the group of girls cheer. While, you taste a sweet, sugary substance on his lips, and a slight smell of cologne.

Meanwhile, Albus is fantasizing of what was currently happening. Your lips tasted of hot cocoa with sugar cookies, and the smell of your pomegranate body wash.

Scorpius was curious of what the cheers were, so he located the source to find Albus and Y/N kissing, passionately.

Scorpius became gloom, when he saw you with Albus. Albus and you depart, leaving the mistletoe, hand in hand.
"Scorpius, hello!" Albus greeted.

Scorpius got caught, and hesitantly turned back to the two of you. "Hello, Albus. Hello, L/N." Scorpius sneered your last name like it was a curse. "Hi." You said back. "Well, we'll be going." Albus said, you walked beside him and left Scorpius behind.

"That was fantastic, Y/N." Albus complimented. "What was?" You question. "The kiss." Albus said, you blushed an said, 'oh'. "Let's go to the common room." Albus proposed. "Sure." You smiled. As you two entered the common room the first thing you found was Scorpius and a bunch of girls surrounding him. "You smell lovely." Scorpius told one of the girls, with a husky voice. "I'll be going to my dorm." You whispered to Albus, who nodded and you two dispersed from the Common Room.

You laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering why Scorpius has not realize of his situation. Before, he became 'the heartthrob of Hogwarts', he was a bullied boy, who people kept saying he was Voldemort's son and he was truly not. After his transformation everyone wanted to be his friend. He ignored you.

Maybe, even forgot about you, the best friend you were.

It grew dark. Your roommates entered and had gone off into bed, your eyes grew droopy. You were close into falling into a deep sleep. Until, there were cries being heard trying to be softened. Your eyes grew wide, you grabbed your blanket and opened your door silently. You walked to the Common Room finding a blonde headed boy, crying.

"Scorpius." You called out. Scorpius stopped his sobbing and looked directly at you. You approached him, and sat down right beside him. "What's wrong?" You run his back, trying to calm down his faltered crying. "Are you and Albus... Together?" Scorpius asked through his sobs. "I don't know. Why?" You said. "Because I l-love you." Scorpius chocked. "I'm sorry for all I've done." Scorpius whimpered. "It's alright." You hesitate to say something.

"I love you too." You replied, gripping onto Scorpius tightly. "I don't need a mistletoe to kiss you, right?" Scorpius asks, you giggle. "No." You smile. Scorpius grips lightly onto your face pulling you in for a kiss.

The taste of butterbeer tainted his lips as Scorpius kissed you. It was not a staged kiss, it was not a forced kiss, it was beautiful kiss that you're sure he or you will never forget.

Little did you and Scorpius know that Albus was staring, smiling.

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