| spontaneous weasley. | *

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Genre: Smut, Romance, & Angst

Y/N and Fred like each other so when they graduate Fred decides to make a move on Y/N. They both live together in happiness until the war comes and destroys everything, everyone, and you.

| lyrics in italics. Halsey;Roman Holiday |

Warning(s): smut, some cussing, recklessness, angst, almost suicidal act, sadness!


  You and the Weasley Twins had just graduated from Hogwarts. The two mischievous red heads were sending off a firework of their departure. Once you saw the bright, red-orange firework explode you beamed. They sprinkled the night sky so brightly. You saw Fred, and smiled at him. The three of you were best friends, you'd usually scorn the two for their mischief being the one to keep them under control.

Fred looked at you and winked. You blushed uncontrollably, George laughed at Fred.

"What's so funny George?" Fred asked. "How she blushes uncontrollably when you look at her? She always clenches her legs together when you two talk. Come on Fred and just shag already." George smirked at his twin, who was flustered. "How are you so sure that she likes me?" Fred questioned George. "Bloody hell Fred you're the most dumbfounded person I know and that's saying a lot." George shakes his head.

You looked at the talking Twins curious of their conversation. You left the area, heading to your dorm to pack all your items. You grabbed one of your own books and went in the Common Room to find out a party had been started. You sighed, and dropped off your book. You were about to stay there till one of your friends called your name out.

"Y/N!" Corey called out.

"What Corey?" You huffed. "Fred Weasley wants to talk to you." Corey breathed. "Oh OK, I'm coming." You walked out fixing your clothing and hair. You bumped into someone, "Huff! Oh my I'm so sorry!" You then looked up to see Fred grinning at you. You sheepishly smiled, "It's OK, twinkie." Fred called you by his nickname for you. "I've already told you many times that I hate that nickname." You pouted. "Anyway why did you want me for?" You interrogate.

"I've wanted to know if after we leave Hogwarts. If you want to come with me and George to the Muggle world?" Fred asked. "Sure! That'd be lovely Fred." You smiled. "Can't wait to be out of Hogwarts. Yet I'll still miss my home from home." You beamed.

"Life is so spontaneous. Don't you think Fred?" You asked him. "Sure is." Fred muttered. "I can't wait to be living an adult life, odd I know, but I feel like I'm ready. Ready to be a Ministry worker. Reader to find my love life. Have a kid or two, but the first thing I'm gonna do is have a nice cup of tea and read a Shakespeare novel." You giggled. Fred laughed and sighed, "I'm ready for that too, sadly this war that's going on is something that I want out of this world."

"Me too. Life can be so spontaneous, Weasley, too spontaneous it's horrifying. You never know what happens." You shivered. "Well thank you for the offer." You turned around starting to walk back to your dorm. "Wait Y/N!" Fred shouted over the booming of music and screams. "Yes, Fredrick." You quirked. "I'm gonna pick you up late and bring an extra pair of clothes and some pajamas." Fred said. "OK." You chuckled.


You made it home. Where your mom and Dad greeted you with hugs.

"I'm glad your back." Your mom cried. "I'm happy to see you two." You hugged your mom and Dad. "I know that you will be with us for a long time to come. And you will have the opportunity to visit us as much as you want. Also since you graduated, your father and I decided to let you go out into the city with a friend." Your mom told you. "Are you serious?" You coughed. "Yes. Just contact us every chance you get to make sure you're safe." Your Dad smiled. "Thank you so much." You embraced them both again.

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