| The Unspoken Words |

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Genre: Fluff

Requested by: unknown & @slytherinskeeper

Request Prompt:
A fight emerges between Harry and Y/N at the beginning of their sixth year. The argument being their lack of communication since Y/N got attacked by Death Eaters during the summer. They avoid conversations between each other until Harry pulls Y/N aside and tells her...things.

Warning(s): arguing, abuse


"Stupid, foolish girl! All for your dear boyfriend, Potter." Bellatrix cackled. "He's not my boyfriend!" You yell at her. Bellatrix slaps you and then grabs your arm beginning to drag you somewhere. Each step you took it seemed as if it got darker.

Then, you got pushed on the ground. Bellatrix then got on top of you and pulled up the sleeves of your sweater. She smiled maliciously and took out her dagger. Your eyes showed terror and she knew.

"This will only hurt— a lot."


You looked at your arms the scarred words on them reminding you of the horrors of Bellatrix. It was near the end of summer break and your mind only partially settled from the trauma she caused. You sipped your tea and let out a sigh.

The letters on your arm a light pink turning into white. It had three weeks since the incident and you had recovered well, but you still had ptsd. Your mother comforted you as much as she could, but it was no use whenever you looked at your arms. The words triggered something in your mind that took you back to that day.

A tear slid down your cheek onto your left arm.

"Bravery is another word for foolishness." Bellatrix cackled.

You stared at your right arms and more tears began to spill.

"You're ours." Bellatrix began to engrave into your skin. Your eyes slowly drooping closed.

You took a deep, rigid breathe and wiped your tears away. You slowly closed your eyes and sang lullabies to yourself.

*click, click*

Your eyes shot open and you saw a white owl out your window. You opened your window and let the owl in. You took the letter and smiled at the owl and went to your drawer and grabbed a small snack for the owl. "Here you go." You said and the owl hooted and flew off. You opened the letter and immediately knew it was from Harry.

"Dear Y/N,
Hey! I was wondering if you would like to come over to the Weasleys if it's fine with your mum. I look forward to seeing you; if you're able to.


You knew your mom would let you. She always knew you had comfort in hanging out with your friends. However, you just couldn't bare to see Harry and the others in the state you were in. You feared you would break down in panic or fear. You grabbed a piece of parchment and quill and begin to write.

"My dearest Harry,
I will not be able to attend to see you and the others at the Weasleys. My mom has important plans for her and I. I'm deeply sorry. I do miss you, Hermione, Ron, and the whole Weasley family. Goodbye till later.


You sighed and rolled up the parchment and wrapped a string around it giving it to the owl. You knew you couldn't keep quiet for long since Harry would begin to bother you.

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