| Privilege |

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Genre: Fluff & Mild Angst

Y/N is a descendent of Rowena Ravenclaw. Y/N's  father is the Minister of Magic, so Y/N asks about Tom Riddle. A male Slytherin she's never spoken to, but maybe Cupid has a way of changing that.

Warning(s): tinge of sadness, death spells


"Father, do you have any information on this boy." You ask your father, who was the Minister of Magic. You had a lot of privilege and no one dared messed with you. Luckily this didn't happen often since you were a kind, dainty girl, who wants to act as an equal. "Which one dearie?" Your father questions you. "This boy named, Tom Marvolo Riddle." You said. "Him?" You father says. "Yes, he's in the same year as me, but is a Slytherin. Never speaks much to other houses. It's been six years and we've never talked to each other even if we're paired up to watch the halls." You told your father.

"Hm, I've heard he was in an Orphanage." Your father tells you. You inspected the photo closer, an pain appeared on your leg, you clutched your leg, while studying the photo becoming infatuated each second not paying attention to your Father's sayings. "And he was conceived under a love potion." Your Father said. "What does that mean?" You ask. "He can't love." Your Father sighed. "What a shame." You replied. "Surely." Your father said.

"School will start in three days and I need to get prepared. Hope you have a splendid time, Father." You said, hugging him. "Thank you, darling, have fun." Your Father responded, you went out and to home since you didn't feel well. "Mistress, are you alright?" An Elf asked you. "No, get help." You said, collapsing to the ground.


Luck was surely not on your side, as the last three days till school were wasted on home and pain. Yet, you went back to Hogwarts. "How you feel? I've heard what happened." Your friend, Conner, said. "No, I'm fine. Just a little cold." You replied. "Alright." Conner said. "Hey, that Riddle boy keeps staring at you." Conner pointed out, you blushed not expectingly. "Really?" You ask, you look at Tom, he sees that you are looking at him and turns the other way. "Yep." Conner said. "Well, I have to go to the Prefects Compartment. See you later." You told Conner, heading out.

"Y/N!" A female Hufflepuff Prefect squealed. "Hello Kelly." You greeted. "I've heard what happened Y/N, it's all over the Daily Prophet." Kelly responds. "Yes, I'm quite alright." You grinned. "That's good news, don't you think Riddle?" Kelly asked, the curly haired, Slytherin boy. "Surely." Tom said, looking at a spell book. You felt an odd aura, you kept a steady eye on the book he held. 'Dark Magic Potions and Spells', it read. You kept silent as no other Prefects came in. {"And he was conceived under a love potion."-"He can't love."} Your Father's words played through your mind. "What are you reading, Riddle?" Kelly asked, becoming curious. "A book." Tom said.

"What kind of book?" Kelly questioned. "A bloody book!" Tom growled, standing up about to do something to Kelly. "Stop right there." You said, pointing your wand at him. Tom looked at you and slyly grinned. "Petrifus Tot-," "Expelliarmus!" Riddle yelled, you dodged the spell. "Get out Kelly." You told her. "Calm down, Riddle." You said.

"Alright." Tom said, dropping his wand as you snatched it away. Tom sat down, the Compartment became private to the two of you until other Prefects came in. Kelly came in last, frightened. "It's OK, Kelly." You assured her. She sat down beside you, she kept staring at you and Riddle. Kelly eventually calmed down and fell asleep as did the other Prefects; only you and Tom Riddle stayed awake. "You're doing Dark Magic, aren't you?" You interrogate. "Is that your business, Miss Privileged." Tom scowled. "I know you were and still are an orphan Riddle." You said. "So, you have everything." Riddle retorted. "I don't. I don't have a normal life nor a mother." You told him.

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