| Brother's Footsteps |

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Genre: Mild Romance

Y/N is a sweet girl that followers her brother's footsteps to please him. She's harassed the boy she would least like to harass. She then comes to a point where she can't take being in her brother's footsteps anymore.

Warning(s): mild bullying


Y/N Narcissa Malfoy is a pureblood, Slytherin. The youngest child of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and sister of Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Y/N follows her brother's [Draco] footsteps. Even with enemies, Y/N was kind-hearted like her mother and if someone close to her saw her being cruel and rude they would argue in disbelief.

Once Y/N entered her first year at Hogwarts, she looked at one particular boy in awe. Harry Potter. She hadn't known he was the extraordinary boy who lived because of all her time spent inside her room reading, cleaning, or playing with some muggle items she hid from her father. They both stared for a moment until they both concentrated on the sorting.

Y/N twirled the one small single section of blonde/black hair around her fingers.

"Malfoy, Y/N"

Y/N walked up and sat on the stool as the Sorting Hat was placed on her head. The hat wanted her to be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff but quickly asked to be in Slytherin not wanting to disappoint her parents.

"Then it ought to be SLYTHERIN!" The hat bellowed, Y/N stood up and strutted to the Slytherin table as all the Slytherins clapped. Y/N sat down beside her brother looking back to see the same boy with green eyes that looked at her before. She smiled and waved, earning one in return.

"Y/N, who are you waving to?" Draco asked her already being overprotective. "That boy with the round circle glasses." Y/N responded. Draco gasped and scowled, "You're not allowed to talk to Gryffindors, mudbloods, especially Scarhead."

"Is that his name?" Y/N pondered.

"His name is Harry Potter. Gosh, Y/N where have you been all this time?!" Draco shrieked. "Sorry." Y/N mumbled.

"Just follow my directions and rules, alright?" Draco said, Y/N nodded and listened to all of it.

Y/N's Fourth Year

"Hey Scarhead." Y/N snickered. Showing off her Slytherin (Malfoy) attitude (and ego). Y/N changed only following what her brother, had told her to do.

Harry had been quite disappointed that she was a Malfoy. She grew up beautifully and kind only to turn her own heart black.

"Back off, Malfoy." Ginny a girl in the same year as you, said.

"Defending your boyfriend, Weasley." You taunted, Ginny glared while you smirked. "He's not my boyfriend." Ginny pouted. "Yet." You teased.

You began to walk off and shouted, "Good luck, Potter!"

"Good job, Y/N." Draco complimented you.

"Is that all for today?" You asked.

Truth was your heart was never purely hatred for Potter and all the others who weren't Slytherins'. You wish you could apologize to them all for your actions. Draco led you around to follow his footsteps.

You told yourself you would stop following his footsteps and orders. Today was the day.

Draco left as you scurried to find Gr- Hermione. You decided to go to the library, from what you heard she loves reading.

You looked for the naturally curly haired girl. You found her reading Hogwarts: A History.

"Are you Hermione Granger?" You ask her, she looks up and takes out her wand. You put your hands up in the air showing mercy.

"What do you want Malfoy?!" Hermione whisper/shouts.

"I'm s-sorry." You squeak, Hermione looks at you in disbelief, Y/N Malfoy being kind. Just a Malfoy in general being friendly.

"I'm sorry for calling you a M-Mud... I don't wanna say it again. I'm terribly sorry, Ms. Granger." You apologize, so sweetly you didn't seem like a Malfoy.

"What's going on Malfoy?" Hermione asks you.

"You look at my exterior but, my interior shows a different story." The corner of your lips lift up to form a smile. Hermione was uneasy of this 'new' you. It had been so unexpected to happen so suddenly and from a Malfoy.

"If Draco finds me apologizing to you, he'll tell my father a-and," You shudder from the thoughts of what will happen if your father found you apologizing to a muggle.

"Before I turn back to my fake self. I want to apologize to you all. I'm truly sorry." You said as you heard Draco enter the library, his voice ringing through the numerous shelves of books; only to be hushed by Madam Pince.

You swiftly left the library without Draco catching you. Hermione decided to tell Ron and Harry of this weird encounter.

"Harry, Ron." Hermione whispers, both of the boys attention fell on her.

"Today, was an odd day." Hermione told them.

"Y/N Malfoy, apologized to me." said Hermione. The two boys thought she was crazy and right out of her mind.

"You sure, Hermione?" Ron questions her, as Hermione nods in reassurance.

"She told me if Draco ever found out, her father will do- awful things. She wanted to say sorry for her 'fake' self." Hermione chirped, as Harry's smile grew wider.

He knew you were a sweet girl; since your first year at Hogwarts.

"What do you think she's going at?" Ron asks as Hermione shrugs her shoulders.

"Is that her?" Harry asks, he looks closer studying your features and a bright smile plastered on your face.

"Hello." You gleamed as all the house members gave you a funny look, wondering if you were sane.

"I wanted to say sorry. And say it in front of a lot of people. I'm sorry to all I've bullied and been an arrogant jerk to." You speak as everyone just stared at you with consternation.

"Draco, I truly love you brother. But I'm not you nor father; I'm me and I don't have anything against anyone that's not a pureblood. I don't care if your a muggle or a half-blood." Y/N walked over to the Slytherin table receiving glares from them all.

Draco was furious and disappointed and didn't want you beside him. "How the hell is your sister a Slytherin?" Blaise Zabini nags Draco. "Probably isn't supposed to be one." Draco growls.

"A Gryffindor?" Blaise implies, Draco scoffs. "More like a Hufflepuff." 

Meanwhile, Harry felt hope. To form a bond with Y/N. He has seen you walking down the halls reading a book. "Y/N." Harry calls out, you take look up and shut your book.

"Yes?" Y/N quirked. Harry played with his robes, until taking a deep breath.

"I was wondering if you truly changed?" Harry asks as you stifle a giggle.

"I didn't change, Harry. I've been covered by a false image of myself. I'm still me." You smile, Harry returns the grin back.

"I was also wanting to be f-friends? Maybe. You don't have to. I was just wanting to b-become friends. I need to go." Harry ranted as Y/N held his shoulders. "I would love to." You reply as Harry lets out an exaggerated breath of relief.

You said, "I'm the younger sibling, Harry. I follow my Brother's Footsteps." You then peck his cheek leaving Harry as a blushing mess.

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