| The Opposite Project |

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Genre: Fluff

Draco taunts Y/N.

Warning(s): mild bullying, profanity


Draco Malfoy.

You fixed your glasses, pushing them upward to get a glimpse of the handsome Slytherin. He looked at you and snickered, he then proceeded to grab your glasses. You snapped out of your trance. You looked down. You hated how you looked without your tinted glasses.

"Malfoy," Aaron growled, "give them to me."

"Shut it, blood traitor." Draco bites back.

"At least I'm not a little bitch." Aaron rolled his eyes, snatching your glasses out of his hands.

Draco's face turned red in fury, "You-,"

"Mister Malfoy, Mister Carter, if you both would please sit down. Class has begun." the professor spoke out. Draco sat down begrudgingly in his seat while Aaron sat down beside you. Aaron handed you your glasses and you placed them on quickly, sighing.

"Thank you, Aaron." You whispered. "It's nothing, Y/N." Aaron smiles. You quickly placed your glasses on your eyes and looked up with a smile.

"Class as I have mentioned their will be a social experiment. Since this is Humanology class, of course, the experiment is going to be partner based and with your opposing house. The goal is to speak about your partner and present them in a positive and negative light, but you both have to actually bond first. I'll make sure you won't lie and cheat. Also, I'm choosing partners." the teacher beamed while all the students groaned.

"Ha, imagine me getting paired with four eyes over there." Draco snickered. Blaise snickered along with him, a smirk on both their chiseled faces.

"Draco Malfoy and Y/N Westbrook." the teacher announced.

Malfoy's eyes went wide in disbelief as Blaise laughed to the coincidence he just witnessed.

"Great," you sigh, "I get to be partners with a prick."

"That's not gonna end good." Aaron cringed. "Oh well, we live and we... try to survive." You gulped.

"This is due in two weeks. Now, find your partner and write a paragraph about them." the humonology teacher spoke. You looked up at Draco and he just sneered at you. You sat down beside him, he wouldn't even dare look at you. "You already know me and who I am, four eyes, just write." Draco scoffed.

"Okay," you beamed beginning to write, "Draco Malfoy is an annoying, self centered prick. That's just the start of this Malfoy heir! Draco Malfoy is sixteen and acts like the world revolves around him. He's a lowlife who picks on young-,"

Malfoy grabs your parchment and throws it away.

"Hey! I wasn't done!" You yelled.

"Don't even get brave with me, Westbrook." Malfoy looked at you for once. "You weren't brave when I snatched your glasses as your beady eyes stared at me like a creep." Malfoy smirked. "C-cause Malfoy I-," you stuttered. You didn't want to mention your insecurity about your face. You felt as if your glasses hid every flaw due to their large size.

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