9~ "You Know I've Missed You"

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Shawna's POV

My alarm went off at 7:00 and I got up and showered. The only thing I was looking forward to this weekend was dancing. I was just hoping it wasn't going to be awkward between Justin and I.

"Shawna! Bus is here. We have to go." Scooter shouted up the stairs.

"Be right there!" I said as I grabbed the last few things I needed.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my bag before going outside. I stepped inside the bus and Justin was sitting on the couch playing on his phone. I went to set my bag down where the bunk beds were and I opened the sliding door and Chaz jumped out at me.

"Oh my gosh!" I jumped back, "Chaz you scared me." I hit his shoulder.

"Surprise!! I'm coming with you guys!" He put his arms out.

"Yay." I said sarcastically.

I walked around him and set my bag down before I sat down on the opposite couch from Justin.

"Hey Shawna!" Pattie came on the bus.

I looked up and smiled at her.

"I didn't know you were coming!" I gave her a hug.

"Yeah! I wanted to see what you guys have so far." She sat down next to me.

"Oh nice. This weekend just got better."

"Aw you're too sweet." She nudged me in the side a little.

Pattie has been like a mom to me ever since I met her. She's the sweetest and most trustworthy person ever.

"We ready?!" Alfredo said when he stepped on the bus.

"Ready!" Scooter answered and closed the door behind him.

Even though the Staple's Center is only 30 minutes from my house, it's easier to just stay there over the weekend instead of driving back and forth with everyone.

"Shawna, can we talk?" Justin asked after a few minutes of the ride.

"Uh sure." I got up and walked to his back room.

He followed and slid the door closed.

"I... Uh.. Wanted to talk to you about us." He sat down on his bed.

I sat down beside him, "okay."

"You know I've missed you and I know you miss me too. I know I messed up and I can't stand thinking that what I did hurt you. We all learn from our mistakes and I'm sorry Shawna. I'm sorry. I truly am. I just I need you because I love you." He grabbed my hand, "I've never been truly in love with someone like I am with you."

"Justin I just don't believe you when you say you love me. What if you were saying it to her?" I asked him.

"I never said it. I swear Shawna."

"I don't know Justin. You know I love you and that I miss you but I'm not fully ready to trust you yet."

He didn't say anything. Instead he caressed my cheek with his hand and smashed his lips gently into mine. I didn't break away, I missed it too much. When we pulled away I got up and walked away. I went and sat down next to Alfredo and Pattie on the couch.

"Everything okay?" Alfredo asked.

"Yeah!" I forced a smile.

"Shawna since you're in here we wanted to talk." Scooter said.

"About what?" I asked him.

"So just letting you know, I recorded you singing yesterday and sent it to Alfredo."

Love Worth Fighting For (Justin Bieber Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz