Chapter 36

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Justin's POV

"Ayeeee! Party!" Za shouted into the LA streets as he blasted music through his car speakers.

We had a little break until the next show, so I was going to a party with Za and Khalil.
We pulled up to a house with a beach view, there was about 20 cars there.

"Alright little bro," Za turned to me. "You ready to turn up?"

"Oh yeah!" I opened the car door and we walked into the party. Music blared so loud it shook the floor, people were dancing everywhere, and I instantly smelled weed and alcohol.

A tall guy pulled me to the side, "wassup bro." His words slurred.

"Um. Hi." I said quietly.

"Here, try some." He handed me a blunt.

I thought about it for a second... I was almost hesitant but without thinking I grabbed it out of his hand and put it between my lips. I inhaled it and nearly coughed up a lung.

"You got it bro, it takes practice." The guy patted me on the back.

I took another puff and I was getting the hang of it. I felt like all the stress of the past couple weeks had lifted from my shoulders. I was free. I let loose throughout the party and continued to smoke the weed and even drank some beer.

As I was dancing with a hot brunette I felt someone grab my shirt collar and pull me out of the house.

"Bro, you got turnt!" Za laughed and patted my shoulder.

"Aye that was fun." I laughed.

"You hit that blunt like a pro." Khalil patted my shoulder as well.

We all stumbled back to the car and I laid down in the back seat. Za sped down the streets and drove us to my house. They dropped me off and then sped away. I unlocked my door and fell inside. I couldn't see straight let alone walk straight.

"Hey babe." Shawna's voice frightened me.

"Oh hey." I stood up.

"You okay?" She furrowed her eyebrows together.

"I'm fine." I went over and hugged her.

"Sorry I didn't tell you I was over here. I was bored at home and Scooter said I could spend the night, he knows you've been feeling a little stressed and upset lately." She said, her voice echoed in my head.

"It's fine baby." I kissed her forehead and interlaced our fingers together.

"Why do you smell so bad?" She asked me.

"The party had a ton of weed and alcohol."

She nodded slowly. The room was dark so she couldn't see my blood shot eyes. We stood in silence for a second.

"Justin?," she broke the silence. "Did you drink tonight? Your breath smells like beer."

"Just one." I lied.

She raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Okay I had four."

"FOUR?!" She let go of my hands and stepped back. "Don't tell me you smoked too.. And DONT lie to me!" I could see the tears glistening in her eyes.

"I did." I was ashamed.

"I can't believe this. Justin alcohol and weed won't help with your problems. Don't avoid them like that. You're a role model and this is not okay for your beliebers to see."

"I know Shawna. I don't need a lecture. It was a mistake and it won't happen again. I've been stressed about these paparazzi lately and I just didn't think."

"Hopefully nobody got any pictures of you." She said.

"I'll be able to explain it to them. My beliebers that is."

"Okay, I'm sorry to lecture you. I know I'm not your mom. But I'm worried for you. We're supposed to look out for each other." She wrapped her arms around my torso.

I kissed the top of her head, "I love you."

"I love you too. Now go shower and brush your teeth." She nudged me toward the staircase and then slapped my butt.

I laughed as I walked up the stairs. I started the shower and rinsed off. My body was sore from being intoxicated and I felt a headache coming on.

"Never again." I mumbled to myself.

After I dried off, I put some clean clothes on and brushed my teeth before I went into my room. Shawna was laying on my bed, sleeping.

I kissed her forehead when I laid down and fell asleep almost instantly.

~Next Morning~

My head was pounding as I fluttered my tired lids open. Shawna was sleeping beside me and the sun was just rising. My phone was bright to look at but I had a few missed calls from Scooter.

I called back.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi." I spoke quietly.

"Believe tour is back in 3 days."

"I know. I wouldn't forget. How many shows left?"


"Awesome, okay.. Um I should probably get into the studio to finish my album shouldn't I?"

"Yeah, meet me there at around 12:30, bring Shawna."

"Okay see you then, bye Scooter." I hung up.

I laid quietly and admired Shawna's peaceful body. I watched as her chest rose up and down gently and her hair was spread across the pillows. I kissed her forehead softly and brought her into my arms. She slept for a few more minutes and when she woke up she kissed my chest and trailed kisses up to my lips.

"Good morning." She smiled in between kisses.

"Good morning." I smiled back. "We have the studio today."

"Oh yay! Let me go get ready." She hopped out of bed and went into my bathroom. I heard the shower start.

I went onto twitter and noticed a bunch of hate surprisingly from my fans. They were saying that I let them down and that I was a terrible role model. I saw on the discover page a picture of me with a blunt in my hand and another of me drinking a beer. I felt the tears holding in my eyes and this time I didn't hold them back. I threw my phone across the bed and rolled over to cry into the pillow.

Not my own beliebers. They can't do this to me. These past two weeks have been stressful enough with photoshopped pictures and rumors and paparazzi that harass me, but my beliebers stuck with me. Not anymore. This was a huge mistake.

I heard Shawna come out of the bathroom, "Justin are you crying?"

I nodded into the pillow. I heard her feet shuffle across the floor and I felt the other side of the bed sink down. Without saying anything she laid her head on my back and left tiny kisses in one spot. She rubbed my back as I laid there and cried.

"I l-let th-them down." I sobbed.

"No you didn't Justin. It was a mistake and mistakes happen."

"Now they h-have pictures to pr-prove it, I don't know h-how you ever went through th-this."

"I know baby. It'll be okay, because someone once told me that everything's gonna be alright." She sang to the melody of my song.

I sat up and turned to look at her. She sat up and held the pillow against her chest.

"I love you." I brought her into a hug.

"I love you too. Everything will be fine Justin."

I squeezed her tightly because I knew she's the only one who'd never give up on me, her behind my Beliebers.


HUGS NOT DRUGS 😂 thanks for reading guys<3 xoxo

Love Worth Fighting For (Justin Bieber Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz