25~ "Ended Our Friendship"

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Shawna's POV

As I finished getting ready for the show I was looking for eyeliner when I saw a picture of Nina and I when we were twelve. The picture brought back a ton of memories, especially the day when we ended our friendship....


I was sore when I woke up since I had been dancing during my break.

"Good morning Shawna." Scooter came into my room with his laptop.

"Morning!" I smiled.

"Yeah it's not so good. Look at this." He showed me his laptop and there were pictures photoshopped of me drinking and another with a cigarette in my hand.

"What the hell? Who did this?" I asked.

"TMZ. Who do you think?" Scooter rolled his eyes.

"This isn't good. What are my fans going to think?" I was so worried.

My phone rang and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered, trying not to cry.

"So you drink and smoke underaged?" Nina's voice was harsh on the other line.

"You actually believe TMZ?"

"Yeah I do."

"Well aren't you stupid. They've been making lies for a week now and you believed me when I said it wasn't true, but now you believe them?" I was so mad.

"They have pictures to prove it."


"Don't yell. I'm just saying you're not doing very well and I don't think I can handle being your friend."

"Nina no. We've been through everything and this lie is going to stop you?"

"Yeah Shawna. I'm just done."

"With what? I'm sorry my life isn't good enough for yours. Sorry I have lies made. Sorry you actually believe them. I'm sorry Nina." I cried.

"Well we had a good friendship. I just can't take it anymore." The line went dead.

I dropped my phone and brought my hands to my face as I sobbed. I cried into the pillow and Scooter rubbed my back.

"Go away." I sobbed.

"Shawna you can't just push me away. It'll get better, I promise sweetie." He kissed my head before I heard him walk out.

I couldn't take it. My best friend out of everyone hates me. The one who's been there for me through everything.


I sat down and looked in the mirror, not even realizing that I had been crying. I wiped my tears and finished doing my mascara. Justin was waiting outside for me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and we walked that way for a few feet.

"You are my everything." Justin whispered.

"I feel the same way." I whispered back and leaned my cheek against his chest.

He kissed my head. "What's on your mind?"


"She's not a true friend Shawna."

"I know. And I want nothing to do with her. I just saw a picture of us from a long time ago." I turned around and wrapped my arms around Justin's waist.

He wrapped his around mine and I tilted my head all the way back to look at him.

"I don't want to perform tonight." Justin whined.

"Yes you do." I winked and poked his butt.

"I know." He giggled. "I'd rather be with you."

"Your beliebers would be upset."

"I know that too." He winked.

I let go of him and hit his butt before I walked away. I got in my position to go onstage and we warmed up a little. The bright lights came quicker than I thought and before I knew it I was going over the steps that were engraved in my brain.

After the show I jumped on Justin's back and he gave me a piggy back ride to the bus.

"I'm not tired." I said when he put me down inside.

"Let's go do something." He smiled.

"What do you want to do?"

"Skateboard! I know a place we can go."

"I haven't been skate boarding in years." I got excited.

"Show me your tricks." He smirked and grabbed my hand.

We got in the car and drove to an indoor skateboard park. I got on my board and instantly remembered how much fun I used to have. I'd spend hours with the neighborhood boys in the summer, just riding and doing tricks with our skateboards.

"Damn, I guess I don't know much about you." Justin kissed my head after we stopped on the top of a ramp.

(AN: I know nothing about skateboarding so bare with me)

"I guess not." I winked at Justin.

I put my board down and rode down the ramp. Justin raced after me and I looked around for him. I whipped my head around fast to see myself headed for the wall. I stopped my skateboard just in time. Justin was laughing so hard.

"Stop it!" I tried to hide my blush.

He ran over to me and hugged me. "Are you okay baby?" He looked into my eyes.

"I'm fine." I hit his shoulder playfully.

"Don't scare me then." He nudged me a little.

"I didn't mean to, I lost you." I nudged him back.

"Yeah I know, what would you do without me." He nudged me a little harder.

"I don't know." I nudged him so hard that he fell over.

"Oopsies." I giggled and helped him up.

"Ow that hurt my butt." He rubbed it.

"I'm sorry babe." I frowned.

"You have to kiss it." He smirked.

"No!" I gasped.

"Please?" He frowned.

"Later, when we get back." I turned him so he was facing the other way and pushed him a little.

I grabbed my board and started riding again. We did tricks and different things for a couple hours. I had bruises and sore bones afterwards but it was fun.

"Where'd you guys go?" Scooter asked us when we got onto the bus.

"Skateboarding... But we're tired, so goodnight guys!" I waved and Justin and I went into his room.

Justin and I repeated what we had done the night before, it was even better. I loved this new level with Justin.


Author's Note:

Sorry it's a little short! I was trying to give you guys something(; hope you enjoy!! Thanks for reading. Xoxo

Love Worth Fighting For (Justin Bieber Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz