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I was frozen watching them fight for the light, praying that I wouldn't be disappointed again, and part of me wishing it was all over... maybe the beast would finish me off quickly... maybe he wouldn't have to eat me if I wasn't like the others... I really wanted to close my eyes as if I were watching a scary movie, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. It was so intense, even with just one person. I went to call to Dennis but I realised I didn't know what to say... would it even help to hear me call to him? Or would it make him feel worse if he couldn't win this?
"Dennis, if you can hear me... I want you to know that if you can't stop him... then it's okay. You're trying and that's more than anyone's ever done for me... and I'll always remember that... you mean so much to me and I love you for who you are, never forget that... and don't let them push you aside anymore..."

"I won't... let him... hurt you..." Dennis said through gritted teeth, the beast still holding his body close to the ground.

"You can fight him, I know you're stronger than he is!"

"We... all... are..." Barry grinned at me and then bowed his head.

"I can take the light, he can stay in his chair!" Hedwig blurted out, the realisation seeming to suddenly hit him, "Patricia can't tell me what to do anymore!"

He collapsed to the floor and I waited, not daring to move. He shakily pushed himself up and glanced up at me, "You okay honey?"


"The one and only..." he sat up and coughed, "I don't know what the hell's been happening but I'm glad it's over... why are you looking at me like that?"
I realised that I was gawping and shut my mouth.
Barry got up, almost stumbling, and came over. He knelt oposite me and smiled reassuringly, "Come on, let's get you out of here..." he helped me to my feet, despite hardly being able to stand himself, and we started down the corridor with him holding my arm. He shielded my eyes with his free hand as we passed the bodies of the girls and I heard him gag, letting go of my arm to cover his mouth. I asked if he was okay and he swallowed uncomfortably, "yeah, I'm alright."

We got to Hedwig's room and stopped, "Wait."

"You okay, sweetie?"

"I want to talk to Dennis."

"Dennis? Why ever would you want to talk to him?"

"Because he tried to help me escape."

Barry looked surprised, "really? Dennis? Are we talking about the same personality here?"

"Yes, can I see him?"

"How do I know that if I give him the light, this isn't all going to happen again? Isn't it their fault this all happened?"

"Dennis and Patricia are not the same," I said firmly, "and you should treat Hedwig better too. I want to speak to him."

"Okay... you got five minutes."

"That's not enough time"

"Why? What do you want to talk about that would take more than five minutes? Unless..." he pulled a face, "oh, your not his play thing, are you?"

"I'm not a play thing, and that's actually none of your business," I said defensively and he held up his hands.

"Okay, sorry I asked," he said and rolled his eyes.

"Why do you get to decide who stands in the light?"

He shrugged a shoulder, "it's just the way it is. I must be a natural leader," he winked at me and smirked, "you got ten minutes. That's it."

I nodded and he took a step back, letting Dennis take the light.

He looked up at me and smiled a little and I leapt forward, grabbing him and holding him as tightly as I could. He buried his face in my neck and sighed, "I thought I was going to lose you."

"You didn't, you saved me," I replied, welling up a little.

He let me go and took my face in his large hands, "I didn't think I was strong enough, if it wasn't for the others you'd be..."

"Don't think like that, you're stronger than you think and if it wasn't for you, they wouldn't have helped either."

"They were all trying so hard, they all worked together but..."


He smiled thinly, "they listened to me... they helped me when I asked... that doesn't usually happen."

"They knew you wanted to do good, that's great."

"Yeah," he almost let himself chuckle. I remembered the original plan and I suddenly felt ill, and he frowned at me, "what's the matter? We've won..."

"Those girls... I was supposed to get them out and I let them die... She knocked me out and... I couldn't save them, it was up to me to help them and I couldn't even do that..."

"You tried and that's all that matters... if one of them hadn't hit you then you would have done it. You can't help their deaths."

I shook my head, "I don't think I can ever forgive myself."

"Welcome to my world."

I held his hands and looked into his solemn eyes, "are you okay? I don't want you to have to be here after... you know... I could speak to you another time? I don't expect you to have to stand here with blood on you again."

"I'm... trying to ignore it. I want to see you and Barry hasn't given me a lot of time, I just want to see you."

I smiled, "okay. I'm glad you're here... I guess this means that I don't have to leave you now?"

"Don't you want to go?"

"I don't... I don't want to go back to my uncle and if I did then I might never see you again. I don't have anyone out there... what's the point in going back?"

"You have to have a normal life-"

"A normal life? Do you think that's what I have?"

"I guess not..."

"I've made my decision... I want to stay here."

He hugged me again, "I want you to stay but..."

"There's nothing else to say, I'm staying... you're stuck with me."

He chuckled, "that's not such a bad thing..." he blinked a few times, "Barry's telling me to hurry up, I'll come and see you soon?"

"Okay," I let him go and smiled.

"I won't kiss you... I've probably got something in my teeth..." he tried not to laugh at his own joke and I screwed my face up.

"Yeah, I think I'll pass..."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then Barry appeared, his face taking on a look of disgust,  "Jesus Christ, something in his teeth? That man is vile."
I couldn't help laugh and Barry shook his head in amusement, "honey, if you find that funny then maybe there's something wrong with you too..."

"I don't doubt it..." I smirked, making myself comfortable on the sofa and preparing myself to tell Barry that I wasn't going anywhere.

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