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Barry had been just as surprised as I had when he found out that Hedwig had formed again, "we'll I know I said that you were wrong, but-"

"Yeah, I was right," I grinned, "I was right and you were wrong."

"Yeah, okay, I was wrong... and that's not something I'd usually admit to so don't get used to it!"

I teased him for most of the afternoon when I got back from college, but I'd let him off after a while because he'd managed to bring back another five personalities that day; Mr. Pritchard, Polly, Norma, Ian and B.T. I had spoken to Polly a few times, but the others I didn't know all that well-that didn't stop them from taking the light and saying hello to me anyway.
I liked that I was a person of interest to them and they were all so happy to speak to me. Because of my lack of friends throughout most of my life, suddenly having twenty two people that were so focused on me was refreshing... a little overwhelming at times... but refreshing.

Friday soon came round and Barry took my arm while I was looking through the fridge, smiled at me, "come on."

"What?" I shut the fridge, being pulled away, "where are you taking me?"

"We, Casey, are going out."


He stopped by the door, finally letting go of my arm, "well... there's this cute little bar down the road that's just opened up so... I was thinking we could get a few drinks, then maybe get something to eat on our way home."

"I don't know if that's such a good idea..."

"Oh, come on! I haven't had the chance to take you out yet have I? Live a little," He took my hand before I could answer and dragged me into our room, "I got you something."
He sat me on the bed and pulled a dress from the wardrobe. It was sleek and black, and had a red pattern that ran down one side. It was a single shoulder dress and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was beautiful, but definitely not something that I could pull off.
"Ta da."

"Tell me you're not expecting me to be able to wear that gorgeous dress out in public..."

"Well, honey, I won't be wearing it now, will I?"

"I think you'd pull it off better than I could!" I smiled, not knowing how to react.

"Come on, I made it especially to suit you. Trust me, I know what I'm doing and I know what looks good."

"You made that?" I was shocked at how perfect it looked.

"Don't sound too surprised, I am good at some things, you know..."

I stood up and walked over, taking the fabric from his hands and holding it out in front of me, "Barry... I don't think I-"

"Uh-uh, stop talking and just put it on. I'll be watching TV," He flashed a smile and left the room.
I looked down at the dress, admiring the carefully crafted material, and held it to my body.
Maybe it wouldn't look so bad...
I slipped out of my clothes and pulled the dress over my head, smoothing the fabric over my stomach.
It fit amazingly well, hugging my figure just enough to be flattering, and it ended just below my knees.
It was a sexy dress, something that I didn't consider myself to be, but it was also classy. I loved it.
I put some make up on and went back to the larger mirror in the bedroom.
I had to hand it to him, he knew what he was doing...

I went to the living room sheepishly and he was waiting for me, arms folded as though he was waiting to judge his work.
He nodded in approval, "Hmm, very nice... if I do say so myself..."

"It's brilliant, thank you so much... I can't believe you made this for me..."

"Well... I thought it was about time. And besides, you didn't let me sell my stuff when I was ready to give it up, so it's to say thank you... and you better like it because I've been working like crazy to get this finished today."

"I love it, Barry, thank you."

He pulled some black stilettos out from behind the sofa and passed them to me, "come on, let's go."

We walked to town, arms linked, until we found the bar that Barry had mentioned. It was a nice little place- quite fancy but small. I settled into a chair in the corner of the room and Barry shook his head, "When you look like that, you are not hiding yourself away. Come and sit here," he held a chair out for me at the other side of our little table and I slunk over to that one instead.
"Be more confident, you don't need to try and hide."
I smiled timidly and picked up the drinks menu. Barry snatched it from me and stepped towards the bar, "I'm bringing a few different things back with me, try something new. Live a little."
I couldn't help smirk at the look of excitement on his face and I wondered how long it had been since he'd had someone to go out with.
He returned to the table with three small glasses of liquid, went back to the bar and came back with four different colour shots and then, to my surprise, went and picked up another glass of something orange.

I stared at him as he grinned down at the drinks, then looked up at me, "do you really think that's a good idea?"
He continued to grin and nodded his head quickly, raising his eyebrows.
"Okay... but anything that happens tonight, I'm blaming on you."

He laughed, "oh be my guest!" He picked up a red shot and held it up, meaning for me to take one too, so I picked up a green one.
"Good luck," He winked and we both drank.
It was gross. I pulled a face and he laughed loudly at me, "mine was good!"

"Good for you," I retorted and put the tiny cup back on the table.

"Next," He picked up another and I grimaced. I think I was going to regret this...

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