Last Day

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From then on we met for lunch every day, savouring the time we could get together and always sad when the hour was up. It also sucked to see him but not be able to so much as hold his hand, let alone do any of the things I wanted to do to him.
But it was good to talk. He told me what he'd been doing since I'd left and how the others were coping; he said that Hedwig spoke about me almost every day and that Patricia was still sulking with the rest of them. They hadn't heard anything from the beast which I was glad about; Hedwig must have been stronger than I thought to keep him at bay.
On the last day it broke my heart having to say another farewell to him, but in eight months I would be able to live alone if I pleased, and I told him that I would leave my home as soon as possible. We exchanged numbers but with Barry in the light all the time it was unlikely that I'd be able to speak to him much, but at least I could try and talk to him if I wanted.
I was about to leave when he grabbed my sleeve, "Wait."

"What's the matter?"

"Follow me."

I did as I was told, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, and followed him to the feed storage room. He glanced about the quiet zoo, making sure that the majority of the guests had left, before pulling me inside by the hand.
"What are we doing in here?" I asked as he shut the door and locked it behind him.

"What do you think?"

"We can't do that in here!" I almost laughed, "What if someone sees us?"

"They won't, I locked the door," He walked over to me deliberately slowly, making me laugh.

"Come on, if we get caught then you'll be out of a job."

He stepped up to me and put his hands on my shoulders, letting his fingertips glide down my arms until they were holding my hands, "no one will see us," He lifted my right hand and kissed my fingers, "Stop worrying."
He stretched his arms out behind him, making me lurch forward and into his solid chest. I laughed as I gazed up at him, and he smirked down at me, letting go of my hands so that he could wrap his arms around my waist. I did the same and leaned up to touch my lips against his, but he moved away as I moved towards him. I looked at him questioningly and he shook his head at me, "I thought we couldn't do this in here."
I snatched a kiss before he could move anymore and he chuckled against my lips, giving in.
I took my top off and my bra followed, but just as I started on my lower half the door jolted against the lock and we both froze.

"Hello? Who's in there?" Came a man's voice from outside.

Dennis and I looked at each other in shock before I quickly threw my clothes back on, giggling to myself as I did so.
Dennis didn't look very amused, either worried we'd get caught or maybe frustrated that we were interrupted.
"Just a second, I'm just making a call," He growled in Barry's voice to the person on the other side of the door.

"It's okay," I whispered, "Don't get snappy."

"It's not okay, this was my last chance to see you like this and it's been ruined."

"It's not been ruined, and it's not your last chance. Don't worry about it."

He shrugged it off, "I don't want you to go just yet."

"We can start meeting up now, it'll be easier now that people know we've 'met'."

"I want to be with you now. I don't want to have to wait another couple of months. I've been so lonely without you."

"Me too, but it won't be long, okay? Maybe we could meet up on your next day off."

"Yeah, I'll ask Barry."

"It's been so nice to see you again," I kissed him, "I've missed you so much."

"Me too," He smiled sadly and went to the door, unlocked it and spoke to the man on the outside. They both walked off so I guessed that he was giving me the chance to get out, so I quickly left the room.

I got out without anyone spotting me and stood at the main gate. I glanced back, hoping that he would be beside me to see me off, but he stood near the gift shop maybe ten metres away. He didn't come over or even wave, just stood solemnly and watched me as I gazed back at him. I looked towards the road and then back at him, not wanting to leave without saying goodbye properly, but it was Barry who met my eyes. He smiled warmly and raised a hand to bid me farewell, and I left with a quick smile back.

I texted him on the way home to tell Dennis that I said goodbye, and Barry replied a few minutes later with 'it to was nice to see you, I'll tell him.'
I asked about meeting up for coffee and he said he'd think about it and let me know. So much for being able to see more of him...
I couldn't help mope around after that and went to bed early.

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