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We walked around the dimly lit town for a while before getting to the park. Neither of us had said a thing to each other as we wandered, but Barry piped up when he noted my reluctant expression.
"What's up?" He asked as we neared the wall where Dennis had pinned me a few nights before.

"It's nothing..."

"It doesn't seem like nothing... c'mon, you can talk to me."

"I thought I could."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just... it seems like... I don't know, that you don't like me..."

"Of course I like you, sweetie, we just need to get our situation sorted out. So what's wrong?"

"Just something that happened with Dennis the other day..."

His interest was sparked and he tilted his head, "what did he do?"

"It's probably nothing... I... don't even know how to describe it..."

"Did he hurt you?"

"God no, he wouldn't do that... it was... I mean... I guess he got too forward for my liking... and then snapped at me when I told him to stop."

Barry sighed, "I'm not going to say I told you so but..."

"See I knew I shouldn't have told you," I huffed and he shook his head.

"Hey, I didn't mean it, just listen okay? Dennis is a complicated guy... he's done some bad things but, believe it or not, he's better than he was. Patricia was stupid to bring those girls there while he was helping because she knows how careless he gets. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, whether you like it or not, Dennis is sick."
I shot him a look but he held up his hands in submission, "I don't mean sick in that way, I mean he's not right in the head."

"There's nothing wrong with Dennis," I argued but Barry raised his eyebrows.

"All I'm saying is that Dennis is different. You'll have to expect things like that from him because it's just the way he is. But he's better than he was."

"I know what he's like... but I don't know what I can do."

"I don't think Dennis would do anything bad to you, he's done so well with bettering himself. You just have to be firm with him, that's all. He's a big guy but he's soft."

"I know."

Barry looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing, "Kevin told me once that Dennis was his best friend... before all this... before the Horde. When it was just Dennis and Kevin. He said that Dennis kept him safe even if it meant that Dennis would be the one to suffer... I remember laughing because I couldn't imagine Dennis ever caring about anyone else but himself. But... I guess there's more to him than I thought... than we thought..."

"I know he's a good guy really, I'm just worried that I'll act differently around him now."

"Maybe that's what he needs."

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe if he thinks that this has put you on edge then he'll try harder."

"He is trying hard, I know he is... but he said that he's worried he'll hurt me... what if he doesn't want to see me anymore?"

"Honey, no one has ever given that man a second chance until you showed up, he's never had someone that believes in him before, so he's not going anywhere. Trust me."

I nodded, trying to shake the feeling that I was going to be left on my own again, "so what's the plan for me? You... Dennis... us...?"

Barry let out a long sigh, "I think... I want you to come and stay with us. Once you're ready, of course."


"Yeah. I think you've proved that you have our best interest at heart and I guess I can go with the whole Bisexual thing... maybe..."

I could hardly control myself and I flung my arms around him, "Oh Barry, thank you! Thank you!"

He pulled back a little, "come on you're gonna crease my shirt!"
I let go of him, still grinning, and he half smiled, "so I expect-"
"You're letting her live with us! This is so cool! We're gonna have so much fun!" Hedwig was suddenly babbling in front of me and grabbed my hands, swaying them from side to side as though he was going to dance for joy. I glanced around, making sure there was no one to see this outburst, before responding.

"Hedwig, what did I tell you about taking the light?"

"No one's around, I did as I was told!"

"But Barry didn't say you could have the light, did he?"

Hedwig let go of my hands, a look of recollection on his face, "Oh..."
"You have to stop doing that, kid!" Barry snapped and Hedwig shrunk visibly in response.
"Oh, I didn't mean it... I just wanted to see Casey..."
"I'm taking the light" He said firmly and Hedwig's scolded posture straightened up once more.
"That damn boy, when is he gonna start listening to me?"

"It's sweet," I argued, struggling not to smile.

"It won't be sweet when he speaks to the wrong person and we end up in the loony bin..." He retorted and I shrugged.

"At least he does as he's told eventually. He just got excited, that's all."

"Yeah, I know. I know he's only a kid but it's just frustrating, you know?"

I nodded, "so you really don't mind me coming to live with you?"

"No. After talking to you earlier I realised how difficult I was being. I want you to be happy... and I want the others to be happy too... even if that means that I have to make sacrifices. I mean, I can still be myself... right?"

"Of course... look, if it's too much trouble-"

He waved a hand, "pfft, honey please, you think you're too much trouble? After I had to clean up after the Horde's mess?"

"You know you shouldn't still be calling them that..."

"I guess old habits die hard," He scratched the back of his neck, "want to get something to eat?"

"Sure," I grinned and he put his arm out, linking it onto mine as we strolled back towards town.

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