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We bought a bottle of beer from the little shop on the corner of the road and headed home to wait and see if Hedwig would appear.
I waited for hours with Barry but he hadn't said anything about Hedwig's return, so I assumed that my plan hadn't worked.
"I told you he was more complicated," Barry tutted, "you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up."

"Maybe if he formed the day after his birthday, he might have done something else that day to bring him forward..."

Barry shrugged, "whatever the reason, it's getting late. Let's stop worrying now and relax, okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good... want to order pizza?"

"Honey, do you need to ask?"

I laughed, "I'll order it. Pepperoni and ham?"

"Yep, I like my meat," he winked and we both laughed. I hadn't realised quite how much I got along with Barry after not having the best introduction, but I really liked him. Apart from Dennis, he was my favourite person to spend time with.
I sighed. Dennis...
I missed him more and more every day. It seemed like forever that I'd spoken to him and I wanted nothing more than to be curled up on the sofa together.
I called the pizza place before I felt too lost without my partner, and switched on the TV. Barry lay sprawled out across the sofa, leaning his head on me while his legs hung over the other end. He plucked at the material of his shirt, not really watching the television, "I might get rid of my sewing machine."

"What?" I looked down at him, "why?"

He shrugged a shoulder, "I guess because I'm not gonna be using it much anymore. It's gathering dust in the corner there and taking up room."

"But you love making clothes."

"I do, but... in the scheme of things I don't think it's that important. Besides, Dennis will be in the light a lot more when he comes back, and Jade is already going on at me to see you more often. I don't think I'll be out here much."

"Yes you will, you're still their leader. I want to spend time with you, and you can't give up what you love, Barry."
When he remained silent I nudged him, "hey, please don't get rid of it. You still haven't made me anything."

He laughed once, "sweetie, you don't need my advice, you make anything look good."

I rolled my eyes, "that's a lie."

"It's not a lie," he shook his head, "you're a stunner, you're not like the generically 'pretty' girls, you're unique and if you were more confident then you'd be perfect. It's clear to see why Dennis is head over heels for you."

"Shut up," I nudged him harder and he laughed.

"Am I not allowed to voice my opinions?"


He laughed again, "fine. But you're a very attractive girl, Casey."

I shook my head and changed the subject, "what's the plan then? What are we trying next?"

"I thought I said we weren't going to worry about it anymore tonight."

"I know, but-"

"You're tired and stressed, if you just relax for a while you're bound to think of something. I need to rest too."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I just want it to be over."

"I know, and we'll figure it out, but until then just chill out."

"Okay. But you've got to try and get more done with Kevin while I'm at college, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll persuade him."

It wasn't long before the doorbell went and the pizza arrived, and I ate until I felt drowsy. The last thing I remember was leaning my head on Barry's shoulder and gazing at the TV, then I was out like a light. I don't even remember putting my pizza down.

The next thing I knew was I was being shaken awake by Barry, my head dropping forward before jolting up to gawp around the room, wondering what the hell was going on. When I saw no reason to have been woken, I turned to scowl at him, "what the fu-" I stopped dead when I saw Hedwig grinning back at me.

"Hi, Casey!"

"Hedwig?" I breathed, my head spinning in its sleepy state.


"What... where... when did you get here..."

"Just now," He shrugged and I sat up more.

"But, I didn't think my plan worked... Barry said... he said that it wouldn't work..."

"What are you talking about?" He asked while looking at me like I had three heads. It became clear that he had no idea that he'd even gone missing and I shook my head.

"Uh... nothing, forget about it... are you okay?"

"Yeah," He beamed, "can I have this?" He looked at the remains of Barry's pizza and I nodded. 

"Yeah, take what you want..."

He didn't waste any time in cramming the last three slices into his mouth and then dragged his sleeve from one cheek to the other. Barry would not be happy about that...
"Why are you staring at me? Etcetera?"

"I'm just... happy to see you," I was still in shock to see him and he smiled quickly.

"I'm happy to see you too. It's lonely in there right now."

"Aren't they talking to you?"

"Pfft, no! Jade's annoying and Barry's talking to Kevin... I don't talk to Sam..."

"Who do you miss the most?"

He considered his answer, "Orwell promised me he would teach me how to make good paper aeroplanes, so I want to do that."

"But who do you miss?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, no one really talks to me. I guess I want Miss Patricia to come back."

"But doesn't she frighten you?"

"Yeah... but... I feel safe with her. She tells me off but she's nice to me sometimes. She doesn't let the others pick on me."

"That's nice of her."

"You wanna watch monster trucks?" He completely changed the subject, his attention turned to the TV.

"Um, yeah, if you like. Just make sure that Barry gets the light back if he asks for it, okay?"

"Sure," He ran out of the room to find his movie while I sat staring at the ceiling, trying to process what had just happened.

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