Hello Again

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It had been over a month since I'd moved in with Barry and I couldn't have been happier. I saw Dennis most nights, getting a chance to go to bed with him, and if I didn't sleep with my partner then Hedwig wasn't far away to curl up next to me. I'd even shared a bed with Jade a few times, she enjoyed our 'sleepovers' and we'd sit up all night chatting about guys and watching movies. Obviously she didn't want to hear about Dennis, but that was fine. She seemed to be fairly crude when it came to men and I'd rather not talk about him that way anyway.
It was a rare occasion when Barry had the light for the night and, being gay, he wasn't too bothered about sharing a bed with me. It had been a pleasant evening, we'd sat up speaking until we'd drifted off, and I was sleeping heavily.

That is until something woke me.

I heard movement outside the room and i turned to Barry.
He wasn't there anymore.
I tried not to panic as I shifted up in bed to get a better look out of the room.
I could just about make out a figure, but in the shadows I couldn't tell who it was, "Barry?" I squeaked, but there was no reply. The man stepped into the room and the dull light from the window illuminated his skin. My first thought was that he was completely naked and, thinking it was Barry, I looked away quickly, "would you put some clothes on?"

"I have no need for clothes," the figure responded in a sickly familiar voice, and my eyes darted back to him. I looked closer and could see the veins spreading throughout his muscled body.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered, "you aren't supposed to be here."

"Don't worry, I am not here to hurt you."

"Then... what are you here for?"

"We have started something that needs to be finished. Don't you see? The human race needs to succeed. I will help them do it."

"I'm sorry but they don't need you anymore," my heart was pounding and I could hear the shaking in my voice, "can't you talk to the others? They'll tell you."

"They have made themselves very clear, however I would not have formed if they did not need me."

"Maybe they did need you, but the plans have changed now."

"You can't just go back on something like this. We must evolve, Casey."

"What has Patricia said?"

"She has not spoken to me, none of them have. That is why I must insist on taking matters into my own hands."

"How did you even get the light?"

"They have fallen asleep. I had the opportunity to come forward and so I did. The child has power over me, and the mouthy one. They both get in my way, but they're sleeping now."

"Please stop it, we're finally getting things back to normal..."

"This situation is anything but normal, little one. Why don't you join me? I can help you understand the potential we hold."

"I'm not helping you. Not after everything you've done," I drew back against the headboard as he moved towards me, only stopping when his face was inches from mine, his black disks practically staring into my soul.

"Well isn't that a shame? You showed a lot of promise. You've already accepted us for who we are and you're living with us. Where's the harm in taking the next step?" He grinned a wide, toothy grin which made my stomach tighten.

"I'm sorry, but I'm helping them, not you."

His face dropped and he looked more agitated, "you're a brave girl, Casey... but you're not smart."

"I think in this case I am."

"You're not listening to reason," He gripped the duvet one side of me while putting his palm flat on the headboard next to my cheek. I was still very aware that he had no clothes on.

"You're making me uncomfortable..."

"Why ever would you feel uncomfortable?"
I glanced down and he smirked, "do you not see this body every day?"

"Yes, but it's different..."

"How? Because I am someone else in my mind?"

"You are completely different... you even... look different..."

"Are you not intrigued?"

"No, I'm definitely not," I looked away from him completely, feeling more and more threatened as the seconds passed.

"Just imagine, Casey... we could start a new generation..."

I pushed myself firmly against the headboard, pressing my back against the wood completely, "stop it."

He tilted his head, "Oh, Casey, you don't have to be afraid. I would not force myself upon you. No matter what you think of me, I am no monster. I am not human, but I'm most certainly not a monster..."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Have you not been listening to me?"

"I have, and I get what you're trying to say but... can't you see its wrong?"

"No," He blinked, the black orbs glistening in the dim light, "if it assures our survival then it's necessary."

"So... what do you plan to do with me?" I asked nervously, remembering that at one point he was ready to kill me.

"I think we are past all that now, aren't we? Yes, I'd like you to join me... but you prove yourself worthy to live more and more every day. I do not wish to kill you. Not today, anyway."

"What do you mean 'not today'?"

"As I said before; if you get in my way then you'll have to be taken care of."

I nodded, "I understand. But when they wake up, they'll take the light again, won't they?"

"I don't doubt it," He smiled, "but now you have been warned..." He leant towards me and kissed me on the forehead, "be smart my pure one," and then he was gone, leaving Barry blinking like a deer in headlights.
"What's going on? Casey?" He registered the way he was leering over me and gasped, hiding his naked body as he fell backwards off of the bed.
He got up, flustered, "what the hell is going on?" He darted to the next room to find some clothes. It would have been hilarious; any other time I would have been laughing until my eyes watered and my stomach hurt, but the beast's words were clear in my head.
He wasn't finished...
Not yet...

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