Moving in

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A week later I was piling my things in the car and Susan was driving me to Barry's. Dennis was waiting outside for me and smiled as he saw us pull up. Susan got out and shook his hand but that's as far as their communication went, and she left after she'd taken my stuff out of the boot. I was going to go back later to see her so it wasn't so bad.
Dennis helped me inside with what little belongings I had and told me to make myself comfortable.
"There's only one bed so I hope you don't mind sharing."

I smirked, "I don't see anything wrong with that."

He smiled thinly and carried on with the boxes.
It was hard to believe, but in the months since the park incident Dennis had refused to be intimate with me-anything more than a kiss was enough and he wouldn't talk about it.
Not that we had any time to be doing that sort of thing; we never got a chance to be alone in a place where it was doable, we'd always hang out in public places.
I could tell that it was still bothering him, even by the way my flirting fell flat and he waved off any advances I made.
If I saw him more often then it would definitely get annoying, but I was always so happy to see him that I didn't dwell on it. I decided that it was something we needed to talk about soon if we were going to be living together, but that could wait for a minute.
We had to keep unpacking.

Once my things were in my room and packed away, Dennis turned to me.
"Well I guess it's official then," He sighed, "you're stuck here now."

"I guess you're right," I put my arm around him, "aren't you lucky?"

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, "I'm very lucky."

"Are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just a bit worried... about you..."

"Why? I'm okay," He looked down at me, "is this about the sex thing?"
I nodded.
"Why does it matter?"

I shrugged, "I guess I enjoyed how it used to be... and I don't want you holding back."

"I have to hold back. It's for your own good."

"It doesn't feel like it," I commented dryly and he breathed out through his nose.

"Casey, I don't want you to hate me. What am I supposed to do?"

"It would never hate you, we can work around it. Don't you miss it?"



He smirked, "what do you think?"

"Well then do something about it."

"I can't..."

I moved so I was facing him and held the back of his neck, "why not? I know you won't hurt me."

"I don't want to risk it."

I kissed him softly and stayed close to his lips as I spoke, "I want you to..."

He was scanning my face with lust-filled eyes but there was still a reluctance that wouldn't budge, "Casey, I can't..." He went to look away so I pulled his chin back to face me, kissing him a little harder than before. I let my hands drop to his waist and pulled him close to my body, "Casey... please..." He breathed between kisses but I wasn't giving up. I took his hands and put them on my own waist before wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt his fingertips griping into my skin a little, but by the way they suddenly let go I could tell that he was trying to hold back.

"Just stop worrying," I pulled back to look at him. I could tell that he was giving in because he was still gripping my waist against his body and I'm sure I could feel something happening below his belt.

"I can't..."

"You can," I kissed him again and this time he kissed back harder, squeezing my hips and holding my even closer to him. I smiled against his lips and let him practically drag me into the bedroom.

He promptly pushed me onto the bed and began to remove my clothes, then hurried to take his own clothing off. After a moment he kissed me deeply, grasping the back of my head to pull my face close to his. He stopped after a second, eyes still closed, and rested his forehead against mine. He was breathing heavily and seemed to be trying to calm down, his free hand grabbing a fistful of the clean bedsheets.
I tilted my head to kiss him on the nose, "I trust you," I whispered and, without moving, he opened his eyes. He gazed at me, loosening his grip on my head, and kissing me softly. When he looked at me again I smiled reassuringly, "just remember all the times before, it was fine."

He nodded his lips brushed mine before finding my collarbone. I sighed into the touch and closed my eyes.
This is what I wanted, it had been so long since I'd felt Dennis' skin on mine and it was almost a relief. I knew he felt it too, and I wasn't surprised that we were soon laying, exhausted, with my head rested on his chest.
"I'm sorry, I... uh... I was hoping I could last a bit longer than that..." he cleared his throat and I chuckled.

"I'm not complaining," I kissed him on the cheek and he gazed lazily down at me, "see? You were worrying for nothing."

"I guess... I still need to be careful..."

"Maybe you do, but we can work on it."

"Okay... I look forward to working on it..." He grinned at me and we both laughed.
"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too," I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, letting sleep take me.

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