Second Goodbye

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Barry waited outside our house with me while Susan drove to pick me up. I had a few bags with me to take back which were by my feet.
"I'm sorry it has to be this way," Barry stood with his arm around me, "but it's for your own safety... and hopefully you'll be back before you know it."

I knew he was just saying that, I'd overheard him talking about leaving town with Orwell a few days before but had been too upset to mention it, "will you miss me?"

"Of course we will, baby girl. We'll all miss you."

"I... don't want to go..."

"I know. Obviously we aren't thrilled about the situation either. I think Patricia had the right idea when she tried to kill herself..." He laughed hollowly then became quiet. I looked up, not finding his comment amusing, to see a look of thought on his face. I squinted at him, hoping that he wasn't thinking about doing the same, but before I could talk the car pulled up. My stomach lurched at the sight of it and I suddenly felt the whole weight of leaving drop on me. I turned to Barry, unable to help the look of reluctance on my face, and he looked down sadly, "I'm sorry, but it has to be this way."

"Please, don't leave me..." I hugged him, never wanting to let go, and he didn't reply. I looked up at him for a response but his eyes held none. He was neither denying or confirming that he was going to leave me behind, and that scared me.
"I want to talk to Dennis," I demanded as Susan opened her door, "let me speak to him."

"You know I can't do that right now, hon."

"I don't care, I need to say goodbye, if you're not even going to tell me that you're thinking about leaving town then I need to say goodbye!"

Susan stepped up next to us, noting the look of surprise on Barry's face as he realised that I'd overheard him and Orwell, "are you ready to go?" She tried to be cheerful but I could tell she was desperate to get away from Barry.

"In a minute," I turned to her, "can I just have a few minutes?"

"You've had all day," she raised an eyebrow, "I'll put your stuff in my car," she began to pack my bags into the boot.

"Please?" I asked Barry again and he sighed.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"What's the point?"

"Casey, you need to understand that-"

"I'm in danger if you stay? Yeah, I heard... now let me see Dennis."

"I can't, you know I can't when other people are around."

I felt my lip quiver and had to bite my tongue, "I need to see him."


"Don't take this away from me. Don't take him away."

He looked apologetically at me before walking inside, leaving me to stare after him as he practically shut the door in my face. I couldn't stop the tears from creeping out and I had to stop myself from calling out to him. I was mortified that I couldn't say goodbye to my partner, and even angrier at Barry. He had no right to do that.
I turned and got into the back of the car, looking out of the window as tears streamed down my cheeks. Susan didn't say anything until we were back at the house and helped me with my bags. She moved my hair to the side and gasped, "Casey, how did you do this?"

"I fell over," I mumbled and she frowned.

"Did he do this to you?"

I huffed, "no! Just leave me alone! I just want to be alone!" I turned and fled to my room, sinking onto my bed and crying into the pillows, wondering if I'd ever even see them again.

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