The Beast

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The dreaded day was here, the day the beast was coming for the other girls. I hadn't seen much of Patricia, only to drop off meals, and hadn't seen Hedwig or Dennis since we'd had lunch together a few days before. I could only hope that they had kept away because they were plotting, but it was more likely that they couldn't get any time with me.

I banged on the door, wanting to know more about what was going to happen that day and at least try and get her to stop what she was doing. There was no response so I put the TV on, the only thing that half distracted me from the horrors on the other side of the door.
I must have been watching it for nearly three hours before there were any signs of the others, and Dennis came in quickly. He smiled thinly, "I don't have much time, I'm going to leave the door unlocked okay? And you need to get the girls and get them out of here before the beast comes. We've got twenty minutes, if that, so you have to hurry."

I stood up, a little dazed from the responsibility that had just been put on my shoulders, "what? How do I get them out?"

"They haven't locked the doors throughout the place, only yours and the one the girls are in... I've left the key next to the door... look, this is the only chance you have to save them but it puts you at risk... I don't want that but if you insist on getting them out, then this is your last shot."

"And what about me? I have to get them out of here and then come back? What will Patricia do to me?"

He thought about that, a frown deepening the lines on his forehead, "I guess you have to go too."

"What? You want me to leave?"

"If you have to, yes."

"But... what about you? I'd never see you again..."

"I guess if this all goes well and Barry somehow manages to control us all again, maybe we can see each other some day."

My heart sunk and I hugged him, "I don't want to leave you."

"And I don't want you to go. But there's no other way," he looked down at me and smiled sadly, "I won't forget about you... about what you did here. You are so important to me..." he kissed me softly before letting me go, "you'd better get moving before Patricia finds out."

I nodded and followed him out the door, parting ways as I went to the room and he left the building.
I picked the key up from the floor and unlocked the door, peering in as I pushed it open.
My eyes darted to four young girls huddled on the right hand bed, staring back at me with terrified eyes. Two were blonde with dark eyes-they could have been sisters-one of the others had mousey brown, short hair, and the last had black hair with dip dyed blue. It occurred to me too late that there were supposed to be five girls, and the room fizzled out of sight as I was struck over the head.

I drifted in and out of consciousness, listening to the sounds of the girls panicking and asking if I was okay. I wanted to warn them, tell them to run and how to get out, but I couldn't open my eyes let alone talk.

When I finally managed to open my eyes, Patricia was standing over me, staring down at me with a look of disappointment. She was holding a shawl over her shoulders and had blood on her hands, "well, Casey... this attempt to, once again, ruin my plans has failed... those girls are dead and I'm sorry to say that you're next."

I tried to sit up and back away, but my head was spinning and it was a struggle to keep my eyes focused. I watched as she started to double over, dropping the shawl to the floor. I shuffled away from her and desperately willed my legs to work, but they fought against me.
"Please... no..." I trembled as I watched the veins spread across the firm skin. I could guess who this identity was-the beast was soon leering over me, his completely dilated pupils adding to his overpowering presence.

He took a step towards me, "we do not need you, you are pure... but those who stand in the way must be dealt with."

My legs finally started to work and I stumbled backwards into my old room. The beast followed me, taking large strides until he was standing over me again. I wanted to give up and hide my face behind my hands, cover my ears, anything to block out the reality of what was happening. I looked up at him, "please don't do this, I won't do it again, I'll be good!" 

"I wish I could believe you, but you had been warned. You must be sacrificed," he bent down to grab me and quickly recoiled. I backed away to the wall where I sat shaking, wondering if this was what I thought it was.
He glared up at me, baring his teeth, "no! I own this body! I am your salvation!"
He gritted his teeth and almost sunk to the floor, veins shrinking noticeably.
He looked up at me then, one eye open, and I didn't see the beast anymore... I saw Dennis. He blinked and then I could see Hedwig.
In every blink someone else was gazing back at me.
Showed a new saviour.
I didn't know what I could do to help, so I just watched in amazement as they all fought for control.

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