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I hardly slept that night as I insisted that Barry and I should sit up and discuss how we were going to bring the others back-partly because we needed to figure it all out but mostly because I didn't dare let him out of my sight.
"We should focus on someone easy first... maybe Hedwig..." I suggested.

"Right, and how do we get him to come back? I don't think he's as easy as you think he is."

"Didn't Hedwig form because Kevin didn't really have a proper childhood?"

"Yes, to some extent, but Hedwig doesn't just represent childhood... he's the happiest of all of us, he's brutally honest, he's friendly... everything about Hedwig is the complete opposite of Kevin, so anything could have made him form... I think Hedwig will be the hardest..."

"Maybe we should be asking Kevin when each of them formed and try and get an idea of what caused each personally to be?"

"Sometimes personalities don't make themselves known straight away, it could be something he'd done the day before that created Hedwig. And, to be honest, I don't think he'd remember anyway... he focuses on the negative and obsesses over it, so I'm sure any information that could be useful has been forgotten."

"Okay... who do you suggest then?"

"How about Dennis?"

"Dennis?" I asked, excitement bubbling in my stomach.

"Yeah, just trash the house, he'll soon come running..." He smirked.

"This is serious, Barry..." I sighed, any hope I had quickly fading.

"I was being partly serious, he used to keep things clean for Kevin's mother, right?"

I looked around the room and gestured to the plate that was left on the coffee table, "if that was the case, don't you think he'd have come back by now? Kevin isn't the cleanest of people, I've been tidying up after him for days..."

Barry looked thoughtful, "I guess you're right... maybe Jade? I remember him telling me about her... she formed when he went to college. He said she gave him advice on how to talk to people... the few friends he had were because of her."

"So we could just get him to talk to a few strangers and see what happens?"

"He's not going to agree to that..."

"Well he's involved in this whether he likes it or not, he's the only chance we have of bringing them back... and if he wants them back that badly then he'll have to do what we say."

"You're right, but you're not the one that has to try and convince him... thing is, most of us were a result of him going through something stressful or humiliating, so don't be surprised if he's not thrilled about the idea."

"After meeting Kevin I'm not expecting him to do anything willingly..."

"He's a good guy, he just doesn't fit in."

"I know..."

Barry chuckled and I raised my eyebrow, "what?"

"I bet when you were in the basement under the zoo you never thought you'd be here doing this right now."

I laughed, "no I can't say the thought crossed my mind."

"Look, I'm gonna talk to Kevin and then go to bed. You should get some rest, looks like we're gonna have a busy day tomorrow."

I didn't want to go to bed, but it was already past three in the morning and I had to be up at 7 o'clock. I groaned, "okay... I'm only at college until 11:30 so I'll come home as soon as I can."

"Don't rush yourself, we'll both still be here. I'll try and get Kevin to go for a walk or something and see if he can sort some of this out on his own."

"Okay," I got up, "thank you for talking to me... I've really missed you."

He waved a hand, "Oh stop, you'll make me blush!"

I grinned and went to bed, leaving him to talk to Kevin.
I drifted off quite quickly, but felt him get into bed as well around half an hour later, and smiled to myself, letting sleep take me again.

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