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I waited for Barry to finish work, making sure he wouldn't leave before I could notice and he smiled thinly as he got closer.
"Sorry I went to pick up these," He waved Dennis' glasses in front of me and continued to walk past me, expecting me to keep up with him.

I trotted up next to him, trying to match his pace, and cleared my throat, "you're in a better mood."

"Yeah, well I'd had a pretty crappy morning and you'd been bugging me all week. But... I spoke to the others and they told me I was being a prick, so I apologise."

"It's okay, I don't mean to bug you," I said quietly.

"I know you don't, it's just a lot to keep up with. Anyway, I guess you want to see the big guy," He put the glasses on and squinted, "jeez he's blind."
He stopped and let Dennis take the light.

He immediately squeezed me tight-almost lifting me off of the ground.
"Oh god I've missed you."

"I missed you too," I said into his shoulder.

"I didn't think Barry would let me do this, I kept on and on at him but he's been a little distracted lately..."

"Let's not worry about Barry, let's just focus on me and you."

"But what if he keeps me from seeing you again? I can't take another week knowing that you're at the end of the phone but not being able to talk to you."

"I'll talk to him later. But first I just want to talk to you, okay?"

He let me go again, "Yeah, okay."

We walked to the nearest coffee shop and sat down near the back in case we might be spotted. It was quiet in there and with only two other people in the rest of the shop it felt safe.
Dennis reached across the table and his fingers skimmed over mine briefly before returning to his mug, "I'm glad you came to find us. I hope Barry wasn't too hard on you."

"No, like you said, I just think that he's got a lot on his mind... anyway, how was your week?"

"It was okay..." He glanced away and I tilted my head.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I... I almost got us in trouble."

"What? How?"

"It'd rather not say."

"Dennis, what happened?" I frowned, starting to dread the answer.

He swallowed loudly, reluctant to answer, "I, uh... I convinced Hedwig to let me have the light... just for a little while, you know? I just wanted a chance to find you, just to see you for a bit... I looked around the street while I was walking and I saw a girl, she had long dark hair and I thought... I thought she was you. I mean, I didn't get the chance to pick up my glasses before I left, but from the back she looked like you..."

"And...?" I encouraged him to continue when he trailed into thought.

"And... I followed her," he screwed his face up, "I knew I shouldn't but I just wanted to see you so badly... and after a while I caught up to her and grabbed her arm... I almost kissed her, I was just so happy to finally see you... but I realised straight away what I'd done and the girl looked... I mean she looked terrified... I didn't mean to scare her, I just let go of her arm and backed off and she ran away. I was so disappointed and humiliated... not to mention the trouble I could have put Barry in-she could go to the police or something... I did something stupid..." I waited for him to continue and he sighed shakily, "I went back to the zoo... I was just going to go back down to my room and let Barry take the light again, I just wanted to hide away, and someone spoke to me. I was too caught up in my thoughts to put on a voice, and it wasn't until I'd walked away that I realised what I'd done. I turned and made a joke about putting on an accent but the guy didn't look like he bought it for a second. I got back as quick as I could... Barry was furious. I haven't spoken to him since."

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