Fresh Air

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I don't know how much Barry and I had drunk in the last few hours but I was feeling woozy and wanted to go outside for some air. He clumsily lead me to the door and we were met by a cool breeze. I breathed it in and smiled, "let's go sit down."

Barry took me to a small brick wall and we sat on that. I almost fell backwards because I hadn't realised how low down the wall actually was, and Barry had thrown his arms out to catch me. We both laughed amongst each other, forgetting that anyone else was around.
"You know, Casey, you're so much fun to hang out with, we should do this every day!"

"I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon to go out drinking every day," I chuckled and Barry shrugged.

We sat there for a little while before Barry stood up, "I think I need to use the loo, wanna join?"

"Sure," I got up too and we started towards the building, holding onto each other and giggling away. Evidently we weren't aware of our surroundings and I bumped into someone. I stopped laughing and looked up at the man I'd just walked into, but unfortunately Barry didn't notice.
The man's lip curled into a snarl and he towered over us both, "hey, watch where you're going!"

Barry tried to stop laughing and continued in between bursts of giggles, "what?"

The guy grabbed Barry by the collar, forcing him to fall silent, "I said watch where your going!"

Barry held up his hands, "Hey, I don't know what you're talking about, okay? We're just trying to get back inside!"

The man sneered, finding Barry's way of talking in some way amusing. He looked at me, "you know your boyfriends fucking queer."

I blinked, thrown off and thinking that maybe I hadn't heard him right. I was at a complete loss for words and I looked at Barry who was staring at the man in the same way I must have been.
I was a little surprised that Barry hadn't bitten back, considering he's usually quick to find a cocky response, but I guess it must have taken him by surprise.
I suddenly found my voice, "I was the one who wasn't looking where I was going, and he's not my boyfriend, he's my friend, and his sexual orientation is nothing to do with you. Unless, of course, you're interested in him."

The man let go of Barry's collar and watched him as he took a few steps away. He looked at me and smirked before turning and walking back inside. I looked at Barry, who was looking miserably at the floor, and stepped up next to him, "are you okay?" I asked, putting a hand on his arm.

He quickly looked up and smiled, "of course I am, why wouldn't I be? I mean... what age was that guy living in."

"Let's go, we can stop and get some chips on the way home."

He let his face drop again, realising that he wasn't fooling me, "okay."

We walked back through town, arm in arm, and I tried to talk to him to take his mind off of the whole incident, "so I have the whole day off tomorrow, what do you want to do?"
He shrugged.
"There's nothing you want to do?"
He shrugged again and I sighed, "come on, Barry, that guy was a dick. He was drunk, too, and as soon as I stood up for us he backed down. He's not worth worrying about."

"It's not that he was having a go at me..." He sat on a bench outside some shops and I joined him, "people have done a lot worse in the past... I'm upset because he called me queer as if it was the most ridiculous thing in the world. If people aren't even prepared to accept that some people are gay, then how will they ever going to accept people with DID?"

"It doesn't matter if he accepts you or not. He's just one person who is ignorant enough to single you out, other people aren't like that. And who cares anyway? If you're happy then it doesn't matter."

He shrugged, "I guess it was the way he said it too. I can't help the way I am... the way any of us are... I just don't want to be reminded that I'm different... in any way..."

"Barry?" He looked at me, "I love you guys for who you are. You don't need to pretend to be someone you're not, and you're one of my best friends. I wouldn't want you any other way... this is your life and it's exciting, it's different. I like being part of it. It wouldn't be the same if you were like the rest of us."

He smiled sadly, "you know, if I wasn't gay, I'd be so in love with you."
I was caught off guard and a bashful smile slipped to my face.
He mused at my embarrassment for a moment, "I have an idea, come on," he stood and pulled me to my feet.

"Where are we going now?"

"Back to the bar. There's something I need to take care of."

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