Chapter One

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(AN: I know how everyone hate these, but allow me to warn all readers that this story is of cringe-worthy awards. I wrote this story a few years back, and as I am re-reading it, I'm already cringing at how bad it is.

I am retyping this story on Google Docs, and having it edited and proof-read before I post it onto wattpad as a final and finished copy. Once finished, I figured I would post a chapter each week once I'm finished typing it completely,  but it'll take some time.

I thank anyone and everyone that has stuck around during this, and I appreciate the support thus far!

If any of you are willing, please comment and give me feedback so I know what I should keep, or what I should change. I'll be changing the timeline to right around Phantom Lord, so there's a bit of the difference, but I figured I could use parts of this story for fillers.

Again, please comment and thank you again for everything this far!)

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My name is Akima Frost and I am currently twenty-one years old. I have slightly tan skin, from working in the sun a lot, violet-grey eyes that can change to gold and looks cat-like. My hair is long, wavy, and black with blue ends and silver tips, my bangs almost cover my eyes. I have a curvy figure and am a pretty average height.

I am a wizard and am capable of more than one magic, but I can thank my long life for that.I have two unrelated magics. One is requip and the other involves spirits- it is complicated. Another thing is I'm a Fairy Tail wizard, along with my partner.

I have a warrior exceed partner, Kida. She is a snow leopard with dark purple eyes and an attitude that sometimes makes me wonder if she is loyal at all times. She and I have been friends for a long time, and we will remain partners forever. She wears black pants and a purple top that goes across her chest. A silver double earring is pierced in her right ear, and a silver armband on each upper arm. Her purple guild mark is under her left armband.

My guild mark is silver and on my left shoulder blade. I wear tight black jeans and badass combat boots. My light blue top hugs my torso and chest, and it ties around my neck and has a low back. A silver double earring is the same as Kida's and it sits in the top part of my left ear, and silver arm guards wrap around my forearms and wrists with built in knives that can materialize out the sides as weapons. I also wear a long black coat that almost goes to the ground and hugs my upper body, and has a cloak-like hood, which is down at the moment.

Even though we are Fairy Tail members, Kida and I haven't been around the guild for years. I don't know how long exactly at the moment. We left as teenagers for reasons that we never told anyone, leaving everyone confused and probably upset. The thought of Mavis being upset at me made a lump form in my throat.

Mavis was the one that made Kida and me join. We made a deal and she won. Now I am forced to return, before anything else can happen to the Fairy Tail wizards. My palms are sweating as I stare at the night sky.

'What am I going to do,' I thought to myself. I'm standing in the small clearing in front of the cabin in which we lived in the forest. We live just outside Magnolia deep in the forest to prevent anyone from socializing with us. We took jobs and went on missions to make some money and to keep from boredom.

"Akima?" I turn to see Kida coming out of the cabin. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "You about ready to go?"

A humorless laugh slips between my lips, "When am I ever ready to go to the guild, especially when it's twice in a lifetime?"

Kida and I reincarnate after every death, and come out as little kids when we come back. We always went to Fairy Tail right after coming back and "re-joined" the guild, then left again. A constant repeat ever since the beginning of the guild existing.

We were on Tentro Island, hidden when Agnalogia showed up. I am an S-class wizard so I show up ahead of the trials to help guard the island, but was trapped before I could do anything. So, we were frozen in time with the group of wizards that were there. Other than that we missed all other battles. When Agnalogia hit again, Kida and I were across in a different area on a mission.

When we heard that Fairy Tail was disbanded a year ago, we were shocked and I was felt with regret for not being there. Now they are a guild again, and I need to atone for what I did. I need to return and stay. Kida and I just stood there watching the night sky, in silence for what felt like forever.

*Here's the first chapter. Sorry if it is horrible, I promise that it will be better in the next one. Thank you for reading! Spiritdragon out. :p

Kida: You're right. It's terrible.

Me: Hey! Not cool! You're suppose to be supportive!

Kida: *blows a raspberry* I'm your best friend. I'm being honest.

Me: *pouts and cries* You're so mean!

Kida: *panics* Now Akima, don't cry I was only kidding.

Me: *grabs and bear hugs her* I know. How was my acting?

Kida: *struggles to break free* Let me go you pain in the ass.

Me: Nope. So long my pretties!

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