Chapter Thirty

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I quickly dodge the attack and kicked him to the ground. All the while keeping a big grin.

"Come on Fireball. Surely you can do better than that," I taunt.


I quickly move to dodge but was too slow, and went flying back into the stone castle. Groaning, I sat up in the rubble that was once my room.

"Smooth. Very smooth," Cobra said. "When are you going to stop playing? You're giving them false hope here."

Chuckling, I look back out at the others. "When are you going to join the fighting?"

"Later. For now, I'll watch," he replied.

Rolling my eyes I took off. 'Lazy ass snake.' I fly high into the sky, unfazed by their attack, which got me a few surprised gasps.

"So, who wants to go first?"


A few hours pass, and I haven't even broken a sweat, unlike the others. They were all getting a second wind, and I have yet to throw out any meaningful attacks at them. And it's the dragon slayers, Erza, Gray, Gildarts, the Thunder Legion, Mira, and all of Crime Sorcier.

"Okay. My turn." Consintrating a good sum of my magic, pulling it from around me, I inhale a large breath. "CELESTIAL SPIRIT DRAGON ROAR!"
A huge wave of energy spiralled out toward everyone.

Only, it never hit them. Curious, I stop my attack, only to see Laxus. Damn Sparky was giving me a cocky grin. So being the brilliant being that I am... I stick my tongue out at him.

Yeah. I'm a hundred percent mature.

He raised a brow at my behavior. "Really?"

I give a sharp nod, "Yup. How are you Sparky? Where have ya been?"

He just shrugged. "LIGHTNING DRAGON ROAR!"

'UH-OH. I should probably dodge that.' It came close, but I managed to move a split second before it could hit. 'Well, I wanted the fight. Here goes nothing.'

"SPIRIT DRAGON SHOOTING STAR!" I cupped both hands together, palms facing out, and a bright white light shot out toward him.

Unfortunately, he was skilled in the art of dodging as well. Being quick, I moved behind him and shot another 'Shooting Star' attack. This time I manage to land a hit.



That I can't dodge. Next thing I know is face-planting into the far castle wall. As in I went through one outer wall and through several others, to the far side of the castle.

"Wow. Now that's playing dirty," I chuckled. "Perhaps I should start being more serious in this fight."

Opening my wings wide, I flew out to view my opponents. Judging by the look on their faces, I really surprised them.

"Nice attack guys. Maybe I should step up my game. Last chance to back out while you can." No one moved away. In fact, I think they were just getting ready for a bigger battle. I shrug, "Alrighty then. CELESTIAL SPIRIT DRAGON TRANSFORMATION...STARLIGHT DRAGON!"

I took off into the sky, and felt myself change, and I let loose a loud roar.

I took off into the sky, and felt myself change, and I let loose a loud roar

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'Good luck beating me like this,' I thought before dividing down at them. They all ducked and scattered.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO AKIMA?!" Natsu and Gray yelled.

I land on the ground in front of everyone. "I am Fairy Tail's Dragon, for a reason." I let out a energy filled roar at them.


More and more spells were cast, but none really affected me. Smiling, I flew back into the sky, only to come crashing back down, sending a shockwave through the ground.

Our battle continued on the rest of the day, and even into the night. Eventually, we called it a break when they went back to their campsite and I changed back to my human self.

"Well, maybe they have a chance at defeating me," I mutter then groan at the possibility. "I'm so not sure whether I want them to win or not. Ugh. Such a pain."


I watch the night sky as the sounds of the guild floats to my ears. 'Always keeping themselves happy. Man, I really did miss Fairy Tail.'

"Hey, Akima." I look up from my spot on the ground to see Kida smiling at me from the air.

"Hey, Kitty. What's up," I ask.

She landed in my lap, "Nothing, unless you think Mavis helping the guild is something."

I fall back and dubbed death. "I'm so screwed. That girl could outsmart anyone in battle. And she is the only one who knows my weaknesses. Kida, can you help me dig my grave now?"

She laughed at me. "Nope. You're on your own."

We continued to banter back and forth with a few laughs. Apparently, the exceeds all have been helping around the ship, and the Old Man has been shitting bricks ever since I transformed.

"Too bad I couldn't see it. I bet it was priceless," I said in between my laughter.

As the night went on Kida went back to the group, while I change my location. It didn't take long to reach the opposite shore from their campsite.

"I hope they get the rest that they need. Because I won this round."


As more time passes, and one night became three, I began to wonder if they'll manage to even find me. I haven't moved from where I went. I remained by the shore.

"Okay, now I'm understanding how Natsu feels. Where the hell are they?!" I started pacing along the beach, impatiently. "This is getting ridiculous."

Finally giving in, I open my wings and took to the sky. For some reason, I have a bad feeling. And I was right. When I look out past the place where their campsite was, in the middle of the ocean was...



Me: What the hell guys? You would abandon me? *cries anime tears* Some family you are.

Fairy Tail Guild: You did it to us!

Me: W-well...I...Oh man, come on! I said I was sorry!

Natsu:*in a pirate costume* Keep 'er sailin' straight ahead!

Happy:*wearing pirate hat* Aye sir!

Me: Come back here!

Carla and Kida: Inmature children.

Wendy: Goodbye everyone. Hope to see you soon!

*luney tunes theme song playing as I chase the ship*

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