Chapter Twenty

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When we got back to the guildhall, Laxus went up to the second floor with the Thunder Legion, Natsu and Grey got in another argument, and I sat near the master at the bar next to Cobra.

"Don't get any ideas Snake," I thought to him.

"Don't worry," he said. "I'm sure that I'll be killed by a certain lightning dragon slayer if I did. Nice house by the way."

"Can you stay out of my head for ten minutes," I ask before taking a drink from my Dr.Pepper.

He drank his beer. "No. Sorry, it's not something that I'm able to do."

I just shake my head. "Pain in the ass." I look toward Mokorov, "Hey old man, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, child. First, Mr. Nashin was sent to the council earlier today," he said.

"Good," I said. "I hope he rots in prison, or until I forgive him. That alone would probably take a few life times."

He raised his eyebrows, "That's a dark thought, don't you think?"

"Old man," I smile kindly, "you don't know what I'm thinking. Cobra here can vouch that you probably don't want to either."

"Yep," Cobra spoke up. "Don't go digging. It's best that you don't wander into that territory."

Everyone began to laugh around us. I even hear Laxus chuckle quietly and felt Cobra smirking at me.

"Not going to be able to stop it, Akima. The evidence is on your---"

I punched him in the face to silence him. "Keep your mouth shut, you bloody Snake! There are people listening to everything being said." Aloud I said, "Shut up."

The electricity on my lower back and my side warming up only proved my point. The punch wasn't as hard as I was hoping, but that's thanks to his mind reading abilities. I stood up to go to Levy, hoping to find Kida.

Before turning, Mokorov got my attention. "When do you plan on leaving for your fight?"

"Tonight, when everyone gets back here. This way Crime Sorcier can travel. We'll be leaving by boat." He nodded in understanding.

I turn and try to work my way to Levy. Key word being 'try'. A zap of lightning hit my back, making me yelp. 'I swear, I'm going to strangle that lightning lizard brain!' I heard Cobra snicker at my predicament. "Watch it Snake. I will strangle you too."

Making my way up the steps, I stood in front of Laxus with my arms crossed. "What was that for, Sparky?"

He shrugged, "I have no idea what you're talking about." His smirk said otherwise.

"You're a horrible liar," I said as I sat down across from him at the table. "So, what do you want?" I heard Cobra choke on his drink before going into a coughing fit. He looked up at me and looked away shaking his head and leaving out the back door. "What was that about?"

Laxus let out a low growl next to me. My head snapped toward him. 'What the hell?' My mark began to burn, and it would be painful to most people. Lucky me, I'm use to it and I don't even flinch.

"Are you okay," I ask leaning over the table slightly.

"Yeah," he stood. "I'll be back for the fight." Just like that, he was out of the guildhall.

"What the hell was all of that about," I mutter. Shaking my head, I stood up and went to the railing. "Alright fuzzball, where are you?"

I look around the guildhall to find Kida, but I saw Cobra walk back in. I slide down the railing and land gracefully on my feet. I needed to know what happened. Before I can say anything, he grabbed my arm and dragged me out the back door.

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now