Chapter Thirteen

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It took a bit of persuading, but I manage to talk Mokorov into the plan and Kida is angry at me and said that she is going to stay with Levy for a while. I leave her be.

"You really are insane," Erza said. The two of us are on our way to the train station to go find Jellal and therefore Cobra. "What made you decide on going against everyone you listed?"

"I have my reasons. To be honest, I have a hunch that the fight will prove to be a challenge for me if I don't take it seriously. I have a feeling that Cobra will want the rest of his guild to join in the fight." I board the train with dread.

"I understand," she said. "Do you personally know Cobra?"

I sigh, "Yes. He is an old friend that went against me in a fight and lost. Knowing him, he's gonna want a rematch and he'll be excited at the chance to have a half-ass fair fight." She raised a brow at me. "I would not have listed the people I did if I didn't think that it wouldn't be a fair fight. Hell, you can have whole guild against me and it might not be enough to beat me."

"Just how powerful are you?"

I shrug, "Powerful enough to hide the fact I can kick Gildart's ass in seconds." She kept her features schooled, but I can sense the shock. "Don't forget that I'm Fairy Tail's Dragon for a reason."

The train moved and the hellish ride ride began to take us to the town the Crime Sorcier is in.

~~~Timeskip: brought to you by a death trap.~~~

"Do you know how to find them," I ask her as we got off the train and I shake off the motion sickness.

"He said to find him in this town in the forest." She looked lost in where to find him.

I sigh, "Do you have something of his?" She pulled out a cloth and passed it to me. I hold it to my nose, but the smell is so faint I can't get a proper read on the scent. "Come on. I can't track him like this." We walk in a dark alley and I made sure no one was around to see me. "Don't say a word to anyone about this. If the guild knew of this, they'll never let me live it down."

She just look confused but nods in agreement. Taking a quick breath, I requip my clothes off, leaving me naked and Erza looking worried for my mental health. I concentrate on my soul, and my body begins to morph. Fur grows over my skin along with a tail. My ears change as my teeth and face changed.

Within seconds, I'm standing there on four paws with beautiful fur. 'Man it's been a while since I've been in my wolf form.' I sniff at the cloth that Erza is holding again, the smell is a lot stronger and easy to track.

I stepped around her and began to run along the scent trail. She was able to keep up with me. "I can see why you are worried about the guild finding out, but they should know your ability," she said as we ran.

I huff, "No. They don't need to know."

'Especially Laxus and the Thunder Legion. They will make fun of me being a wolf and make dog jokes. At least Bixslow will.' I just keep following the scent.

"Why did you need to change to track them," she asked as we reached the tree line.

"It allows my dragon and wolf sense of smell to combine. That cloth hasn't been on the guy for a long ass time, so the smell was faint but not strong enough to track without my wolf senses," I explain.

We slow to a walk as I sniff the air. 'We're close.' I move quietly around a large tree to see Jellal with his back to us. I smile widely and shot my head up and let out a loud howl. His reaction was priceless.

He jumped and turned to face me. "What the- Easy there girl. I don't want to hurt you."

I smile widely again showing off my sharp teeth. "Oh please. You can't hurt me. Nice attempt at the bravo act after jumping. Besides I'm here for business, not to eat you."

"What," the relief and curiosity were obvious in his features.

Erza came from behind me. "We need to speak with Cobra."

"Erza? Yeah, he's at the camp with everyone else," he pointed his thumb behind him.

"Hey," I got his attention. "Is there a tent or someplace private that I can barrow for a moment?"

He nodded, "Follow me. Even though I must admit that I'm curious as to how you can talk."

"You'll know when in a bit." I walked ahead of them, following his scent to his campsite.

They were sat up in a clearing in a circle with a fire in the middle. I can see everyone that belong to their secret guild. I saw Cobra look up instantly and look at me.

"Long time, no see Akima," he said as he approached me. "You miss me?"

"Watch it snake. I'm here to make an offer that you can't refuse," I said kept my mind blank.

He scoffed, "Come on. You can use my tent to change."

~~~Lil' Timeskip~~~

Once I was back in my human form and dressed in my sleeveless blue top and black jeans that are tucked in my black combat boots, I stepped out to speak with Cobra.

"You remember who I fight against my whole life, right?" He gives a sharp nod. "Well, my guild is determined to know who it is and they want to fight with me."

"Idiots," he muttered. "Do they at least know that they can't fight him, that it's something only you can do?"

I nod, "I tried to tell them, but you know Fairy Tail. They want to help me fight someone that they don't know. Bad part is the fact that Kida is with them on the matter and is mad at me."

"Okay," he said. "So how am I involved with this matter?"

I smirk, "How do you feel about a rematch?" He raised a brow in interest. "Well, I challenged some of the wizards to a fight to find out whether or not I should tell them."

"What's in it for me?"

I shrug, "The satisfaction of kicking my ass if you win?"

He shook his head, "I want to up the price. Should you lose, everyone that fought you gets to dare you to do something. And you cannot refuse, no matter how embarrassing."

I growl, "Fine. It's a deal if you fight. You also have the benefit of adding to the list. So if you want, the rest of your guild can come, to fight or to just join for the show."

He smirked and looked to his guildmates, who were listening to the entire conversation, then looked back to me. "Then you have a deal."

Me: I'm speeding through! WOOHOO!

Cobra: *smirks* You are asking for death if you don't watch how many people you have fight you.

Me: *crosses arms and glares* Well, at least you have a shot to fight me. So don't complain.

Laxus: *glowers behind me with electricity flowing from his body*

Me: *anime sweat-drops* Hi Sparky.

Laxus: *continues to glower*

Me: *clears throat* Are you mad because I refuse to just let the guild help me when I don't need it.

Laxus: *more lightning shows*

Cobra: Yup. He's mad. Best of luck. *runs away leaving a dust cloud*

Me: *screams* Don't leave me alone with him! Cobra come back!

Laxus: *grabs upper arm and drags me behind him* Come on Shorty.

Me: NEVER! *tries to escape but fails* Until next time my pretties! Laxus let me go!

Laxus: No.

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