Chapter Six

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When Lucy and I arrive at her house, I made my coat disappear into my little pocket dimension. Lucy began to panic, asking if I was as powerful as Erza. Maybe even as scary.

I lightly laugh, "No. Requip magic is my secondary. I'm almost positive that she would beat me in this magic."

"Then, what's your primary," she asked.

"I don't know if I should say," I answered nervously. "It's powerful, and I don't want to attract any unwanted attention."

She gave me a reassuring smile, "I'll keep it a secret, I promise."

I purse my lips in thought and was brought out of my inner debate by a familiar presence in the room.

"Why hello beautiful. I never knew my Lucy had a friend like you," Leo's seductive voice said behind me. "May I ask for your name?"

Lucy let out a shriek as he appeared behind me. I just smirk. 'When will this cat learn not to flirt with me?' As I turn to glare at him. He immediately started to panic.

"Oh, u-uh A-Akima. I-it's you. M-my apologies," he stuttered. "I shall be leaving." And just as quickly he came, he vanished in a poof of smoke.

"Um, you two know each other," Lucy asked me.

I sigh, "Sadly, yes. He constantly flirts with me. Nice to know who Leo is contracted to. Last I heard was that he was banished from the Celestial World."

"So," she continues, "you know about Celestial Keys and the like?" I nodded. "How?"

"Because I'm a," I pause, hesitant on telling her, "dragon slayer."

She sweat-dropped, "Uh. Exactly what kind?"

I fidget with the hem of my shirt, "A Celestial Spirit dragon slayer."




"Lucy, are you going to be okay," I wave my hand in front of her blank face. 'Is she going into shock?'


I jump back holding my ears. 'What the hell?'

"Does this mean that you are a spirit," she asks and grabs my wrists to pull my hands off my ears.

"In a way," I answer. She looked confused. "I'm actually a zero generation dragon slayer. My soul is my dragon. My very essence. So, I am technically a Celestial Spirit, but yet I'm not."

"Zero generation? What's that," she gave me a very confused look.

"It's a lot of explaining, but you have to understand that no one, except a few people, even know that I'm a dragon slayer. So this all has to remain a secret, for now."

She nods sharply with determination in her eyes. "I promise."

I take a deep breath. "I am a zero generation because my dragon was fused into me as my soul, my essence. A long time ago, my parents asked for help from the Celestial King's Dragon, Calina (Picture of her above ^^). She was- is -the queen of dragons. Calina was called upon by my parents because I wasn't born with an essence. They thought that she could help me, and she did.

Calina fused a bit of herself into me when I was still a baby. My powers were dormant until I was about three years old, then she began teaching me dragon slayer magic. One day, when I was about ten years old, I wanted to prove myself that I was as strong as I said that I was. That mistake lead to me absorbing her completely and cursing my life, along with Kida's."

"What was the curse," Lucy asked, intrigued with my history so far.

"Oh, that Kida and I reincarnate after every death and come back as a younger version of ourselves, the same age as when I had cast the spell," I answer partly.

"So, how old are you exactly?"

"Well, I'm twenty-one right now. But if you're talking about my past lives included," I pause to think, "about four hundred, give or take a couple years." Her jaw dropped and she fainted. I can feel myself sweat-drop. "Uh...........Lucy?"

She was mumbling something about beauty contest going down the drain. I shake her shoulder gently, which didn't have any effect on her, so I did the one thing that I could think of, I got a glass of water and dumped it on her.

She shot up shrieking. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

Covering my ears I answer, "You fainted and I didn't know what else to do." That was a lie. I could do something else, but this was more fun.

She went to her closet and got dry pajamas on, "So, how long have you been a member of Fairy Tail?"

I shrug and sat on the chair by her desk, "Around just after it became a guild. Mavis made me a member with a title."

"What did you do to become a guild member," she asked.

Laughing to my memory, "It was a deal that we made. I lost. I learned my lesson, never challenge Mavis to a game of strategies. She will most likely win."

We sat in silence for a few minutes before she asked another question, "Who all knows about you?"

"Well, there's Mavis and Mokorov that know what I am and my title. Then there are the S-class wizards that only know that I'm a dragon slayer. Other than that, everyone thinks that I'm just an average S-class spirit wizard. Unlike Natsu, I don't yell any dragon slayer moves. Like he does his roar, and what not."

"Why are you telling me all of this then?"

I shrug, "I guess I can trust you with my secret, and that I have a feeling that my secret will be spilled eventually by Mavis. Only because I had broken our promise."

We continued to talk for a while before we were so tired that she fell asleep in her bed, whereas I fell asleep upside down on her couch, with my head on the floor and the rest of my body sprawled across the couch.


Large blue and red flames engulfed my home. My family inside burning, with my small body shaking in fear. 'Help me. Someone. Anyone.'

Kida is asleep in my arms from the trauma. Tear stains running down my cheeks as I stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Someone.....HELP ME!!!!!!!" I yell and collapse to my knees. Smoke began to cloud my vision, and the blistering heat made me want to scream. Even though I was not in the fire, I can still feel all the souls burning. "Please, someone," I barely whisper as I too, pass out.

Me: Holy shoot! This is fun.

Loki/Leo: Um, Akima. Are you still mad at me for hitting on you 200 years ago?

Me: *glares* What do you think? YOU GOT ME KILLED FIVE TIMES IN A ROW!

Loki/Leo: Okay. um, goodbye. *poofs away*

Me: *sighs exhausted* Well good night my pretties! See you all in the next chapter!

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