Chapter Fifteen

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"WHAT?!" I look at Mira in complete and utter horror.

"Yup. You and Laxus are challenged to a game of strip poker," she said in her casual cheerful tone while smiling.

Apparently, Laxus has asked Mira to name the challenge that Laxus and I had to do together while I was out flying. I can hear Cobra laughing his ass off in the background. I school my features into looking calm.

"I did not agree to a challenge, Laxus." I allow my bangs to hide my eyes. "I'm going to check into a hotel for the night. Good night everyone." I turn and walk out the guild doors. I heard footsteps follow me on the way out. 'Lightning lizard is asking for it.'

I turn to face him and tell him to leave me alone, but I was off my feet in an instant and over his shoulder. In shock, I grip the back of his coat.

"Laxus! Put me down now! This isn't funny," I ground through my teeth. My long black and blue hair falling over my face and my knuckles turning white from my grip.

"I'm not laughing," he said. "You're going to stay at my place since your house burned down. No point in making you pay for a room when you can use one of my guest rooms for free."

'Damn it! I can't be around him.' My thoughts are going all over the place. "Let me down Laxus. I can walk just fine."


"And why not?" My heart is picking up speed as I continue to hang over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

"You'll run or not move," he answered simply. "I'd like to get home and sleep before having to go to battle against you."

"If I promise to stay with you will you set me down?"


"Come on, Laxus. Set me down," I continue to complain. But it all falls on deaf ears. "That's it! Spirit Body." My body becomes like a gost and I almost got loose. But electricity shocked through me, making me become a solid being again. "Damn it! Put me down!"

"No." He kept his hold on my legs and went on walking. I just lay limp while keeping a tight hold on his coat.

"Damn you," I mutter.

~~~Timeskip: brought to you by a stubborn Laxus~~~

It felt like forever before I was finally sat on my feet. It took me a minute to get past the blood rush to my head. I held onto his arm, luckily he wasn't a jerk and let me gain my balance.

"I really, really hate being carried like that," I said, not expecting him to reply. I release his arm and stepped back. When I turn to see his house, my jaw dropped and hung slack.

What is in front of me made me wonder what surprised me more, that the house was one that I thought he would have, or that it is actually breath-taking. It is a freaking mansion with a waterfall fountain in the front.

I felt my jaw be pushed up. When I look at Laxus, he's smirking. I mentally growl at myself for my reaction. Shaking my head I followed him up the steps to his elaborate double doors. The inside is just as impressive as the outside.

The foyer is large enough to fit a group of people and it goes to the living room and a staircase to the second floor. The walls are a very light tan with white woodwork framing. The furniture is black and looks up to date along with the glass tables. On one wall is a large fireplace with a television lacrima above the mantel.

"Are you going to be okay?" I spin to see Laxus standing really close to me. I quickly take a step back to put some space between us. I nod to answer his question. "Come on. I'll show you to a guest room."

I followed him to upstairs and down the hall and stopped in front of a door. A plain white door. He motioned for me to go ahead. I hesitantly reached my hand out and gripped the knob and twisted it. It opened easily and what I saw took my breath again.

A large bedroom with a four-post queen size bed in the center of a wall to my right. A nightstand on each side with a light lacrima hovering above each one. Two doors across from the door we're standing in. A television lacrima is on top of a fireplace that's slightly smaller that the one in the living room. The walls are more golden than the rest of the house.

I quickly snap out of my daze and looked at Laxus, who was watching me the whole time. I feel heat creeping up my neck and tried to push back the feeling. "Thank you for letting me sleep here."

He looked surprised then smirked. "Sorry. What was that?" He cupped his ear and held it closer toward me, pretending he didn't hear me.

I roll my eyes, 'He wants to play that card?' I clear my throat before saying, "Oh I just said that I'll get a hotel room instead."

He straightened up with amusement in his eyes, even though he is looking as serious as ever. "That's if you can escape my house."

I cross my arms and smiled, "Is that a challenge?"

"Better than Mira's challenge idea," he said. I nod in agreement.

"So if I can get out of the house then I win?" He gave a nod. "What would be the time limit?"

"Tomorrow at noon." At that he left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Noon," I mutter to myself. "Very well."

I look around the room and saw a window with the view of the front yard and the fountain. 'I'm pretty sure he is watching the window and it won't do anything to help me escape.' I look past one door to see a walk-in closet. It's empty, but it is huge. The other door has a bathroom. It is rather large and nice. A bathtub and a separate shower, both are amazing. And the sink is fairly basic.

'I could really use a bath. God only knows that I reek of stench.' So I close and lock the door behind me then got set up for my bath.

~~~Timeskip: because no one wants to read/hear how I bathe.~~~

I sigh in content, 'That was refreshing.'

I walked back out into the room in clean clothes, ready to plan my way out. 'It's obvious that I can't let him touch me at all. So, if I'm grabbed then I'm dead.' Walking to the window, I touch the glass and am automatically zapped. 'Figures. I knew something like that was going to happen.'

"My hand is tingly now. Nice one Sparky," I whisper to myself. I walk over to my bedroom door and touched it. "No zap, so this is one way I suppose."

The fireplace drew my attention next. Ducking my head I went in and looked up. I could smell cool air. It's big enough for me to climb through. 'I could pretend to be Santa. Only a small female dressed in black instead.'

I duck back out and stood in the middle of the room. A knock came at my door and I opened it to see Evergreen standing there. "Hi Akima."

Me: Another chapter done!

Evergreen: Yay it's a girl's night!

Me: *sweat-drops* Uh. No.

Ever: *stares daggers* Yes we are.

Cobra: Well I won't be needed in this conversation. Bye girls! *speeds away*

Me: Cobra! You slithering coward! *notice Ever smiling and waving goodbye to Cobra* Ever what do you want?

Ever: *smiles wickedly* You and I are going to have a girl's night.

Me: *trembling in fear* What might that entail?

Ever: You shall not know.

Bixslow: Have fun girls! *smiles and walks away with Freed and Laxus*

Me: NNNOOOOOOO! *tries to run but Ever has me by the neck and is dragging me away* NO! I HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR! Until next time guys. Please hope that I survive to the next chapter. NO! NO NO NO NO! I WILL LIVE! I CHOOSE LIFE!

*door slams shut after being dragged through it.*

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