Final Choice!

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This is just going to be a re-post of the author note from what I had just typed in the beginning, I apologize if it would be considered annoying.

(AN: I know how everyone hate these, but allow me to warn all readers that this story is of cringe-worthy awards. I wrote this story a few years back, and as I am re-reading it, I'm already cringing at how bad it is.

I am retyping this story on Google Docs, and having it edited and proof-read before I post it onto wattpad as a final and finished copy. Once finished, I figured I would post a chapter each week once I'm finished typing it completely, but it'll take some time.

I thank anyone and everyone that has stuck around during this, and I appreciate the support thus far!

If any of you are willing, please comment and give me feedback so I know what I should keep, or what I should change. I'll be changing the timeline to right around Phantom Lord, so there's a bit of the difference, but I figured I could use parts of this story for fillers.

Again, please comment and thank you again for everything this far!)

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