Chapter Eleven

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I shoot up with my eyes snapping open. My breaths are short and shallow, as if I was running for miles. I soon fell back on the pillow. Looking and smelling my surroundings, I'm in the guildhall's infirmary.

A splitting headache pounds through my temples and my ears begin to ring. I cover my ears and close my eyes as the pain and ringing increased. Eventually it was too much.

I scream, at least I think that I do. I felt others burst into the room and worry and fear are in their souls, even a bit of anger. I felt my body begin to glow as the headache grew to be so much more painful, I don't think 'headache' is the proper term anymore.

I felt the commotion around me as everyone panicked and didn't know what to do. I don't blame them, I don't know either.

It felt like forever before the pain subsided and everything became numb to me. My eyes are closed, because it's too much effort to keep them open right now. I can hear everyone around me and sense who is where and even what they could be doing.

"What was that Kida?" Mira.

"I don't know." Kida. "This has never happened before. Then again, there wasn't something normal about that fire."

"Any idea what we should do?" Lucy.

"I don't know. I'll go talk to some of the spirits that were close to Akima." Leo.

Eventually it became silent, and only two souls were still by my side. Kida and Laxus. I try to send some magic into the air toward Kida so she knew I was conscious and able to hear everything. I sense a bit of surprise.

"Akima," I hear her ask. So I change the magic a little. I hear her sigh a breath of relief. "Stupid Wolf. Don't scare me like that."

"What are you doing" Laxus.

"She's awake. Sort of," Kida said. "If you feel the air she is using a bit of magic to communicate. It's not fool proof, but it works for me. She's really weak right now, so she can't really move right now. Watch, try asking her a question."

"Okay..... Akima, why were you in pain a little while ago? Or do you not know?"

Allowing some spirit magic to condense around me, I cast it outward. It's not powerful, but it provides a means for me to communicate with Laxus too. I heard his intake of breath.

"I see. Your as clueless as us," he said. "So are you feeling better?" The magic changed to a positive energy. "Well that's good."

"See? It's a way for us to still talk to her and know how she's doing," Kida told him. "She has been in a couple comas before and is always awake for them. This is different though, she is just drained of energy."

A third presence entered the room. Mokorov.

"That's right, so you two better let her rest. Laxus, the Thunder Legion are getting out of hand with the others. Kida, Levy still is offering for you to stay with her for the time being."

"Thank you, Master," Kida said. "I'll probably take her up on that offer."

And just like that the two left the room leaving Mokorov with me. "Honestly child. You really shouldn't scare everyone like that." I put out a small bit of magic to show how sorry I am for doing that. "Once you are up and moving around with the guild, I would like to speak with you." Again I send out some magic. "Get some rest child. You need it."

I drift off into a dreamless sleep for the first time in a long time.


I manage to slowly open my eyes, just to be blinded by the bright white light from the infirmary. I quickly close them again and tried to adjust to the light. Eventually I succeed. 'HA! Take that bright light!' As soon as my eyes open I sit up carefully.

I can feel my magic energy fully recovered and I also know that I'm alone at the moment. Looking down at myself, I notice that I'm still in the same clothes as when I passed out. I sigh in exhaustion before requipping into new clothes.

Long jeans that tuck into my black boots, a black tank-top that has a jean-jacket over it. I let my hair hang loose to my waist. I walk to the door and took a deep breath before opening the door and walking through the threshold.

The minute I got to the railing, a table came flying at me. Out of pure instinct I punch the table and it was obliterated into many splinters. Everyone continued to fight, ignoring the fact that I was just about hit by a flying table. Not to mention that I'm walking around after what had happened yesterday. 

Taking in a lung full of air I yelled out, "OKAY BRATS! WHO THREW A TABLE?! AND WHO STARTED THIS FIGHT?!" Everyone became silent as they became still. Then a path cleared to Natsu and Gray. "Okay. So it was the demon slayer and dragon slayer," I mutter to myself.

I walk down the steps and through the crowd toward a panicking Natsu and Gray. They are hugging each other and sweating bullets. When I finally reached them I spoke in a calm voice and smiling.

"You both know better than to throw furniture without knowing what you're aiming at," I said. "So you both are coming with me to the field behind the guild. Come on." I turn and walk knowing they are following close behind me.

Once outside, I stop and turn to them. I gave them both a big toothy grin before putting my arms over their shoulders with me in the middle. They both calm down a little. 'Big mistake dumb-asses.' I requip my coat away so my shoulder blades are bare.

I begin walking forward with them until they were completely relaxed. "You both do realize that I just woke up right? I'll let you two in on a little secret, I hate fighting right after waking up. Kida could tell you this and vouch for me on that fact."

Before they could reply or think to leave, I sprout my wings and spread them wide. The next thing anyone knows, I am flying in the air up into the sky pulling them with me. Natsu began screaming, not knowing what I was going to do, and Gray was just in shock.

After getting above the clouds I drop them, "Have a fun trip down," I call to them after making magic-concealing cuffs appear on their wrists. I plummet down with them, enjoying the air rushing past my face. "WOOHOO!"

Eventually they both crashed into the water before I made their cuffs disappear. I just flew over them and landed on the beach. I gave them a final warning and told them that they got off easy this time before turning to go back to the guild. What I saw was almost hilarious, everyone from Fairy Tail staring at me in shock.

I shrug, "What? Do I smell really bad?"

Lucy spoke up first. "Are those wings one of your requips?" I shook my head no. "Then how do you have them?"

I smile and answered, "I'm Fairy Tail's Dragon for a reason. And it goes beyond just wings. Perhaps one day you all will know what I mean." Then I walk back into the guild hall after retracting my wings. "Now to meet with the old man," I mutter to myself.

*Sorry for not posting for a little while. Things have been hectic. Anyway, thank you all for sticking with my story so far. Until next time my pretties!

Spiritdragon out! Peace peoples! :p

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