Chapter Eight

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The cool air blew past me as I walked down to the lake that seems to be as big as an ocean. I sat down under a large oak tree that is at the top of the hill. 'Well, now the guild knows that much.' I can laugh at myself for having to explain as much as I did.

"You know, I only knew you were a dragon slayer. And something tells me that a lot of what you said, the old man didn't know either." I glance back to see Laxus. "Care to explain why everything had to remain a secret?"

I shrug, "Memory?" I was hoping that he would drop the subject. He just stood there looking all broody. "Get in the line Laxus. Everyone probably has the same question." I turn my attention back to the water. Watching the waves roll in, it would always calm my nerves.

"Fair warning, Flame Brain is fuming and is storming this way," he said before walking away. I already knew Natsu was on his way. Along with Grey. Judging by the intensity of there spirits, they are pissed. Well Natsu is, Grey is just perturbed.

"What's up Fireball? Frosty?" I just smile and wave. Natsu came right up to me and tried to punch me but I dodge it with ease. "Really Fireball? You really need to work on your hellos."

"Why didn't you say anything about you being a dragon slayer? We're your family! We don't keep secrets from each other," he yelled at me. I just scoff and roll my eyes. "What do you mean by that?!"

"Sorry. Last time I checked, I wasn't even planning on coming back in this lifetime. So cut me some slack when I'm forced to dig into my own past. Especially when everyone in Fairy Tail has at least one secret." I snap back.

The crowd grew nervous with me as a dark aura surrounded me. In a split second Natsu came at me with a flaming fist. I dodge it and kick him in his stomach, sending him back a few feet. He came at me again and I send him reeling back when I punch him in the face.

"Honestly, why should I even waste my magic when you don't give me a challenge," I sneered. "If you want to fight, then do a better job, brother."

"Don't worry, I was just warming up, sister." Fire engulfed his entire body. He did his famous roar, sending a stream of flames right at me. The last thing anyone sees of me before the fire blocks their view is me smiling like a lunatic.

I let the flames lick my skin and surround me before inhaling them. "Nice job on the meal, Fireball. I never thought I would have a chance of trying it before. Tastes awesome," I praise him with a thumbs up and smiling. The crowd gasps and becomes confused. "I'm a Spirit dragon slayer, remember. Therefore I eat spirit, or the emotion in your magic. Fellow dragon slayer magic is pretty powerful food for me. Best one is a Celestial wizard's magic."

He smiled, "So, then that means-"

"No holding back in a real battle against me." I finish for him. "But we need to take it easy, considering the old man is probably going to have a heart attack if we fight for real. After all, we don't want to destroy the guild, or Magnolia."

"You using that as an excuse to not fight me," he asked as he got back into a fighting stance.

"Hell no," I laugh. "I'm just saying that we can't go all-out here. I did just get back and would like to see the guildhall stand for a bit more time." I start walking back to the guildhall when I here Natsu do his wing attack. 'Fine. If he wants me to show a dragon slayer move, perhaps I can do one.'

I turn around in time for the fire and inhaled it again. "You are so persistent." I inhale a deep breath of air before yelling, "ROARRRR!" Natsu was hit by a wave of clear energy mixed with his fire and was sent flying back into the lake that was now behind him.

Waving bye to everyone, I went back in the guild to get a job. It's been a little while so I kinda need the money. Kida came over to me and asked if she could hang out with Levy for a couple days.

"You don't love me anymore," I cry, faking my tears as she just punched my shoulder. We both start laughing. "Yeah. I'll probably gonna go out on a job here pretty quick."

"How long are you going to be out?"

I shrug, "It'll be an easy one. Maybe the weekend, at most." She nodded okay and flew off to stay with Levy. Looking back at the board, I found a job requesting help at a rodeo in a couple towns over. I grabbed it and showed it to Mira, "Taking this one. I'll be back later today."

"Okay. Have fun," she called after me. On my way out I felt eyes watching me and I had to refrain from looking back.


It only took me a matter of a few minutes before arriving at the train station. My stomach began to tie itself into knots by just looking at it. "I hate trains and cars," I mutter to myself before requipping into my long black coat.

As I got on the death trap I had to look behind me. 'Who the hell is following me? If the guild wanted to make sure that I was coming back, then they don't need to hide from me.' Seconds after I thought that, I see Bixslow's dolls fly toward me. "What the hell?"

I look into the crowd to see the Thunder Legion with Laxus walking toward me. Evergreen looked surprised to see me. I just blink then turn and board the train. I already know that they were going to follow and sit by me anyway.

I went back to the closest available seats that are to the door. As I sat, Evergreen, Bixslow, and Freed sat across from me, leaving Laxus only one place to sit. I pull my hood up, not wanting to talk and leaned against the window.

"What's wrong," Ever asks me. "Don't tell me you get motion sickness?"

I was about to answer, but the damn death trap started moving and I wrapped my arms around my stomach and closed my eyes and kept my mouth closed tight, clenching my teeth. Bixslow began laughing at the fact that both Laxus and me are suffering.

"Jackass," I ground out to him. I roll my eyes, "What town are you guys heading to anyway?"

"Same one as you, apparently. Mira had told us when we got the job," Ever replied.

The rest of the train ride was silence for me and Laxus, while Bixslow was pushing for Ever and Elfman to get together. It felt like forever of endless torment before I was able to get off. I had to lean on a pillar for a quick support to calm down my stomach.

"I. Hate. Trains." I mutter again. Looking at my flier, I saw were I had to go to meet up with my client.

Ever caught up with me and grabbed my arm, making me stop to look at her. "Where is your client meeting with you? Because ours is at a cafe by a rodeo around here."

I began to get a weird tingly feeling on the back of my neck, "Same here." I glance around my surroundings.

"Is everything okay," she asked.

I turn my attention back to her and smiled a closed-eye-smile, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll catch you all later." I turn and started walking off, but got stopped by a hand on my shoulder. "What do you want Laxus? I have a job that I need to do here."

"So do we, so we might as well walk there together. Seeing how we're all heading to the same place," he said and began walking ahead of me.

'Really?' I'm gonna end up pulling my hair out if this how it's going to be. 'Damn lightning lizard better watch himself.' Ever wrapped her arm around mine and began to drag me to the cafe.

"Someone get this crazy person off me," I call to the guys. They all just continued to walk without helping, if anything their laughing or ignoring me completely. I just collapse to the ground, making Ever stop because of my dead weight. "Haha. Good luck dragging me now."

My small victory was short lived though. The next thing I know is I'm over Laxus's shoulder. Panic overtook me and I held tightly to him.

"Put me down Sparky. I can walk just fine," I almost yelled. The Thunder Legion were walking behind us, laughing. "Not Funny you three!" I know that my fists are white from gripping his coat so tightly, afraid that I might fall. "I'm serious Laxus, put me down."

"You were taking forever, so no," he grumbled. "This way we can meet with our clients on time."

"That's it, you leave me no choice," I said before doing a back flip off him. I land gracefully on my feet. "Don't ever pick me up." I turn and walk to the cafe.

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now