Chapter Eighteen

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I shrug, "Okay. You asked for it. Here's another spell I like to use in these situations..."

Back to the Story:

A black and violet magic circle appeared under mine and Nate's feet. "Spirits, far and wide, show me how you have died. Family of Nate Nashin!" 

Three silver balls of fire, the size that can fit in a person's hand, appeared in between us. One floated higher than the other two. What showed next made everyone gasp and Nate truly panic. They became people. Apparitions. Ghosts.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Nate struggled against his cuffs.

I shrug again, "The spirits of your family. The three people you killed without hesitation."

It was a woman with two girl twins hanging on her. They all smile at everyone and me, but change to sorrow when they saw Nate. The girls climbed off their mother and stayed behind her as she spoke.

"I'll never forgive you for taking our daughters' lives." Her voice held pain and betrayal. "I hope you live long, just so you can feel the regret."

"Get away from me!" His screams are annoying.

"Excuse me ma'am," I said to the mother. "Would you mind stepping to the side for a moment? I have questions for him." She smiled and nodded, and stepped a couple feet over to make it so I can talk to him. "Now, why target me? I know you burnt down that last house to get my attention. So, why?"

His head is hanging forward. When he snapped it up, there is no sanity left. "Go to hell!"

"Well, you aren't bright," I smile and put a fist on my hip. "Sorry bud, I'm a resident. I believe I need to make my payments again. Try again, only answer my question this time."

He sneered, "I swear, I'll kill everyone you love in front of you and make you wish that you die with them, but I won't. I'll keep you barely alive, even when you beg for death." He is panting from saying his threat and is smiling like he won.

I raise a brow, "Are you kidding? Been there, done that. It doesn't really work anymore. So, back to the subject at hand. Why target me?" He remained silent and sneering. "You don't believe me?"

"Of course not! I don't see you begging for death," he yelled.

I look to the mother and twins, "I think I chose the wrong spell. Unless you know how to get him to talk?"

One of the twins stepped forward, "I do! Victoria, help me."

The other one nodded, "You got it, Olivia."

They both went up to their father and touched his head. A bright light appeared. When it vanished the ghosts were gone, along with my magic circle. 'That's new.' I look at Nate to see him crying.

"Y-your b-b-br-brother." He said. My heart stopped. "Yo-you kn-know who I-i'm talking a-about." Then just like that, he is unconscious. I let my body change back to normal and before chaos can happen I turn to Mokorov.

"Turn him over to the magic council. They have been looking for him for a couple months. No one go crazy over what happened." I turn and went out the back door. No one followed me.

I walk to the large tree and stepped up to the trunk, extending my nails to claws, I began to climb. I kept climbing until I reached the highest branch that can hold my weight, which still placed me close to the top.

I lean my back against the trunk and crossed one leg over the other, while balancing my weight on the branch. The stars are bright tonight and I've just now noticed. The night air felt nice compared to inside the guild.

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now