Chapter Thirty-Five

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I turn back to face Laxus to chew him out for the stunt he pulled on the way here, and a sense of deja'vu overtook me as his lips recaptured mine. 'Damn him and his ability to make me forget being mad at him. Very well, let the challenge begin.'

~Back to the Current Chapter

I was pressed up against the wall as he attacked my lips, trying to get through them, but I kept them sealed shut. 'If he wants to play this game, I'll play too.' Although, I should have remembered his blasted magic. A shock of electricity went up my spine, causing me to gasp, and of course, he took advantage of the moment once again.

My hands were pinned above my head against the wall, and I felt his hand move up my shirt over my mark once again, and more of his magic flowed through me. I pull away to catch my breath, and he moved down my jaw to my neck. When he hit my sweet spot, I felt my knees weaken and thankfully, I was braced against the wall.

He proceeded to nip and suck that little spot, and it caused uncontrollable moans escape my lips. I felt him smirk before finally moving away. I gave a small glare when he gave his cocky grin.

"You are fighting dirty," I grumbled and pulled my hands free. I crossed my arms and continued to glare.

He only shrugged, "Can't blame me."

"Oh, I can blame you till the cows come home," I grumbled. "As long as you understand that it would be easy for me to escape, no matter what you do." He gave a challenging look and I only return it with a smirk of my own. "What? You really want me to prove it?"

"I'd like to see you try."

Not loosing my smirk I turned my body to mist and floated right past him and out the window. Luckily there happened to be a tree that I solidified on and sat with my feet dangling. "There. I escaped your house. Although, I just took the fun out of the whole thing," I laughed.

"Shut up and get back in here," he grumbled.

I raise a brow and crossed my arms, "Now, why should I do that? I did go through some effort to get outside. It's not entirely easy to phase through electricity." Suddenly, I felt a chill go up my spine, and not in any good way. Furrowing my brows in confusion I rose to my feet on the branch and looked in the direction of town. "What the hell," I muttered. Laxus was instantly right next to me.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, but something is going on." I dropped from the branch and began running.

"Is it just me, or is this the second time that 'something' happens while at my house?"

I shrug, "I guess you're right about that. Who knows, maybe next time will be the charm and nothing bad will happen? All I know is, something isn't right and it has me worried." He just stayed quiet and followed right alongside me.


After several minutes of running, we stopped when I heard a loud scream. I quickly looked at Laxus and saw how serious he looked as well. He was the first to move, and I followed. Within a couple minutes we reached the guildhall and saw the members all surrounding it.

Then the smell hit. Blood. Lots of blood.

I saw Mira with Lisanna and Erza as she cried. She caught me looking in her direction and broke down more. Furrowing my brows I began to walk to the doors and saw Mokorov, Laxus, and Guildarts talking in hushed tones.

"What happened," I asked with all seriousness that is required.

"It's nothing for you to worry about-"

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now