Chapter Fourteen

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Erza and I got back to the guild that night with Crime Sorcier tailing us. Everyone was there and it is in it's usual chaotic disaster. I had to dodge a thrown Grey who is in his boxers.

"Nice tattoo. Now get dressed before I put you in a dress Ice Princess," I told him before walking up to Mira. Erza stopped Natsu and Grey from fighting again. "Hey Mira. Can I get a beer please? I really am going to need it at the rate that I'm going."

She passed me a mug as I sat at the bar. I sigh and take a long drink from it. When I sat the mug down, Cana is sitting right next to me along with Levy. I raise my eyebrow at them, showing that they have my attention.

"Do you know that a certain lightning dragon slayer is watching you," Cana whispered to me.

I growl, "Don't go there Cana. Very bad idea."

"Why," she asked and smirked.

"It just is," I answered. "Now I'm going to go upstairs and relax while I can." I stood and went up the stairs.

When I got to the top, Laxus was waiting for me. "Who is it?"

"Who is what, Sparky?"

He crossed his arms over his chest. "The guy we would have to help you take down."

I sigh, "No one because none of you are going to be facing him."

"Akima. Give me a name," he growled.

I growl back, "Beat me in the challenge then you'll have a name. And only then."

Amusement shone in his eyes. "I want to make you a deal, since it seems that you like to make them."

"No," I said shortly. "I know what you're going to make the deal for."

"If I win," he continues like I didn't just say no, "then you tell me the name. It won't go past me. If you win, then I won't ask again."

I sigh and moved around him to sit at the table by the S-class job board. "No." Before I can sit down I felt electricity zap my ass. "Aahhh. SPARKY!"

He shrugged, "Make the deal or I'll keep doing that."

I growl and sat my empty mug down on the table. Then I walked over to the railing and jumped on the edge. "No." Before he can reply I jump up and land on one of the rafters and continued up and out the window.

The cool night air felt nice on my heated skin. I sat down on the edge of the roof. 'Damn Sparky.'

"Don't damn the poor guy." I look up to see Cobra smirking at me. I scowl and look away. "You can deny you your feelings all you want, but you can't damn him for the way you feel."

"Shut up, Snake. If you know that much then you know that I can't," I said.

He sat beside me. "Yeah, but you both are going to be miserable. Especially since-"

"Don't," I interrupted him. "Don't even say it, Cobra. You know why I can't so don't push it." I give him a pointed glare from the corner of my eye. 

He held his hands up in mock surrender. "I was just saying. Don't bite my head off."

"Keep "just saying" and you will end up headless." I stand. "I'm gonna go for a flight. Not a word about our talk to anyone. My threat still stands."

"See ya in a bit then," he stood and dropped to the ground and went inside.

I allow my wings to burst out and open wide. Taking a stance, I push off the ledge into the sky. With a couple strokes with my wings, I'm soaring above the clouds. The air up here is cold and helps me feel free again.

"I really need to distance myself from Laxus." I spoke to the stars in the sky, like I am talking to Calina. "What would you do? Calina?" As always, no answer. I scoff at myself, "I guess I have to find out for myself, huh? I suppose it's what I deserve, since I killed you and damned Kida and me to this eternal hell. 

After all, when we die, no one will remember us. No close ties to the ones that are alive. I guess it could be worse. I could be all alone in the matter."

At this point tears stung my eyes as I just flew in place, watching the sky. The silence is deafening and I wonder if I should really stay around. Maybe Kida and I can go the Celestial Spirit world. Then again she has been with Pantherlily as of late. She doesn't realize that I notice, that she stays with Levy because then she could be with him.

"I can lift the spell from her so she has a shot at a normal life. I will miss her greatly, but she has been distancing herself lately." Fresh tears sting my eyes as I finally move below the clouds.

I fly to a tree on top of a large hill and landed on the highest sturdy branch that can hold my weight. Allowing my wings to retract, I sit with one foot on the branch and my other leg dangling on the side. I lean forward and wrap an arm around my bent leg and rest my cheek on my knee.

"What the hell am I going to do Calina? I'm so lost and trapped, that I don't know what to do." I allow a stray tear to fall as I watch the sky.

I don't know how long I've sat there when I heard something. My head snaps up and I watch my surroundings below me. Then out of nowhere I felt a shock to my side and it made me lose my balance. I was so startled, I couldn't even scream. As I went down I tried to grab at the branches. No luck.

As quickly as I began to fall, I stopped suddenly. The slight jolt made me close my eyes for a second. During that time I realized something. Two strong arms are holding me behind my back and under my knees. Someone caught me, and judging by the spirit and smell, I know exactly who it is.

"Let me down Sparky," I growl. "I'm sure you made me fall to begin with so put me down." I snap my eyes open and glare at him.

"No. We're going back to the guild. We have some things to settle first," he said as he began to walk.

"What are you talking about? Put me down you lightning lizard brain!" He ignored me and just continued walking. "Put me down! I can walk!"

Me: Oh man. This is getting interesting.

Cobra: Yup. You can say that again. So when are you going to finally kiss Laxus?

Me: *blushes red making Erza's hair pale in comparison* Never! Not happening!

Cobra: *smirks* You're lying. You're thinking about him right now and are liking the thoughts.

Me: *grabs a baseball bat and starts swinging* You snake! Come here and let me hit you!

Cobra: *dodges each swing* How about no? I know that it'll hurt. But as I was saying, you like him. He likes you. Plus, Mirajane won't stop fangirling over the idea of you two being together.

Me: I don't care! *continues to swing the bat* Stay out of my love life! Bye my pretties, until next time! Come bake here SNAKE!

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