Chapter Thirty-Three

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Cobra is a real pain in the ass when It comes to getting him to leave. It was getting later into the day and, I was really, really tired. Not to mention, my mark has been bugging me to no end. Debating on what to do, I just fell asleep on the couch.

'Just a small nap. Then, I'll meet with Laxus.' Within seconds, darkness consumed me.


I run as fast as my legs would carry me. Yet, I have no idea where I'm going. All I know is that I must hurry.

Then I was blinded by a bright light, and heard a familiar voice.

"Akima. Please remember to let others choose their own fate. Don't decide for them."

"Calina?" I look around, only to be met with nothing. "I know you already said this, but I don't want to curse anyone to this fate. You know that."

"It's not for you, alone, to decide."

I sigh and allowed myself to fall back, and when I felt a solid ground beneath my body, I looked around to see a bright blue sky and a green field as far as the eye could see. Then, there was Calina.

She is laying down above my head and looking back down at me. "I guess, I'm still like a kid to you, no matter how much I grow up?"

I heard a low rumble of laughter in her chest. "Yes. I suppose that much is true."

We both laughed and went to a peaceful silence. "I'm glad I have a chance to talk to you again, Mom. It's been too long, and I don't know how long we can talk like this."

"Not for much longer, I'm afraid," she said. "But I am serious, Akima. If the boy wants to share your fate, in his heart, then I want you to be open to granting him that wish. Same goes for Kida."

"I know," I said, losing all happiness I had a moment ago. "I'll try."

"Thank you, daughter. I will try to stay with you in your dreams, if I can. There is no guarantee though," she said before everything began to disappear.

"I love you, Mom."

~End of Dreamland~

I slowly open my eyes and saw where I was. My bedroom. I went to sit up, only to fall back in pain.

'Damn it to hell. My mark has to act up now?!'

I press my hand against it, hoping to ease the pain some. Only thing is, it's not working. I almost didn't hear when someone walked into my room. Instantly, a larger hand moved mine and took its place.

The pain subsided enough for me to recognize who it was. Unsurprisingly, it was Laxus. And of course he had his usual cocky grin.

"You didn't show up. So I came by, only to see you asleep on your couch."

"Eh. Had to keep you on your toes," I shrug. "Anyway, what is the guild up to?" I felt a small zap on my lower back, which made me yelp a little. "Knock it off, Sparky!"

He of course, laughed at me. "You're cute when you do that."

I crossed my arms and looked away, pouting. "Meany." He proceeded to poke my cheek, and I threatened to bite the offending appendage off.

Instead of backing away, he freaking kisses me. Combine that and him lighting up my marking, I became putty in his hands. I completely forgot that I was mad at him.

When we pulled away for air, he moved to my neck, straight to my sweet spot. I lost all train of thought. I really don't know how much more I can take, with his wicked mouth and the electricity flowing through me. I'm so screwed.

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now