Chapter Twenty-Five

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I went ahead and plopped down on my bed and faced the window that gives a view of the ocean behind the ship. The sun is halfway down past the horizon making the sky and ocean almost look blended together.

The door opened up behind me and I saw Mira dragging Laxus in and closed the door. She stood there facing the both of us with a smile. "This is an improved Seven Minutes in Heaven. There is no time limit, only that you two are in here until I let you out." She left before either of us could complain and protest.

I roll my eyes and rolled over to watch the sunset. "Why am I not surprised that she did this."

Laxus chuckled before I felt him laying down behind me. His arm wrapped over my waist, and his breath tickled my ear when he spoke. "I can't complain."

Rolling my eyes for the zillionth time I turn my head. "Such a man."

He smirked and pressed his lips to mine. I melt into the kiss and reached a hand to touch his face as he pulled me closer to him. When we pull away for air we rested our foreheads against each other and closed our eyes. I'm just happy to be in his presence, which is somewhat frighting.

"Akima," he pulled back enough for me to look at him. "You owe me an explanation for what happened earlier. Why were you on the floor in pain?"

I swallow the lump in my throat and look at his chest instead. "It's a little complicated. In all honesty, I really don't want to talk about it." His body tensed. "Don't worry," I said and looked up at him again. "I'm certain that it won't happen again."

He raised a brow. "Then tell me why you fought against your attraction to me until now. It's either that or, you answer my first question."

I sigh and look back at his chest, "It all ties into one answer. One that I can't give. Not yet." Zap. "Laxus," I gasp and glare at him.

He shrugged, "Answer one of my questions. I have a feeling we're going to be here for a while, so you have time to explain." I look away again, but he shocked me again. "Answer, or I keep doing that."

I pout and cross my arms defensively, "You'll do it no matter what. So no. I have my reasons."

"Then your reasons are bullshit," he said. That got my attention and I glare accusingly at him. "Don't look at me like that. You know I'm right."

"You don't understand. It won't help either of us, only hurt me when I explain it." I got off the bed and walked over to the window. I watch the horizon as we moved away from it, and the water rippling as we move through it.

I felt his arms wrap around me and electricity coursed through me. It relaxed me, a little and it frustrated me. 'How can one man have this big of an impact on me?'

"Akima. I need to know," he spoke softly. It was so out of character for him, it took me a moment to wrap my head around what he said. I shook my head no. "Fine." He released me and stepped away.

I felt cold where he was, and my mark twinged a little from the sudden feeling of loss. I turn to see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. I give him a look of confusion.

He shrugged, "You'll have to tell me. Or that mark will react without my touch. Either you tell me before then, or every time it begins to hurt, I'll ease it only slightly. Eventually, you'll be frustrated enough to tell me just to end it completely."

My jaw went slack. 'Is he really going to do this?' He just shrugged again. I didn't have a chance to say any complaints when the ship did a sudden jolt. My body slammed into the wall behind me.

"What the hell?" Laxus managed to stay standing in the same spot he was in. 'Lucky bastard.'

I regained my balance and stood straight. The ship jolted again. I quickly made my way to the door and opened it. "Kida! What's our position?"

She flew over to me as The Sea Dragon began to lose control. "The portal."

I nod my thanks. "Natsu! I need some fire power here." I step up to the railing of the upper balcony of the deck. "Everyone! Get to your bonkers and remain seated! This is going to be a bumpy ride. Natsu. Send a powerful roar at the Fairy Tail emblem. Once done, follow your team to your bonker."

He nodded and did as I said. I back up and made my clothes change to it's usual open back blue top, black jeans and black knee-high boots. My wings unfurl from my back and I fly into the air. Once floating above the ship's sails I take a deep breath before casting my roar.

"FAIRY DRAGON ROAR!" I position my hands in front of my mouth, like Natsu, but Fairy Tail's emblem appeared in front of me like Fairy Law. A large white beam shot from the magic circle right at the sails.

I held it for a moment before falling gracefully back down to the dock. I wave Natsu to take cover and had Kida follow him in. I saw Laxus out of the corner of my eye.

"You idiot! Get in a room! Now!" I grip the wheel and move it to steer the ship toward a really big whirlpool that is ahead of the ship. I look to see that Laxus is still standing there. I growl, "Take cover, or so help me, I will knock your ass out myself and drag your heavy ass into the room!"

"What about you?" His stubborn streak is showing really bad right now.

"I'll be fine. I'm steering, so I won't fall off. You, on the other hand, will. Now, do as I say for once!" The whirlpool is getting closer and he is just standing there. Finally having enough. "Sea Dragon. Help me out here will ya?"

I was barely able to see his shock when the floor opened up underneath him and he fell through. I knew he went straight to a bonker. Hopefully it's the one Kida was in as well. My attention went back to the front of the ship. It began to tip into the whirlpool that is the portal.

"ACTIVATE ALL MAGIC STORED!" I call out and The Sea Dragon began to glow a brighter blue as we went down. I grip the wheel tightly and held my ground. As the ship was about to go through the portal I yelled out again. "TO VAHARRA!"

'I'm coming home.'

A bright array of lights surrounded my vision and everything went dark.

Mira: I thought I locked you two in your room Akima.

Me: You did. You forgot a few things that I've mentioned. You're lucky that I broke out of there though.

Mira: *pouts* I was hoping you two would get together.

Me: Mira?

Mira: Yes?

Me: Stop playing matchmaker please. Oh, and don't ask Cobra for any help.

Mira: Why?

Cobra: Yeah, Akima. Why?

Me: You know why Snake. 'Stupid.'

Cobra: I heard that.

Me: Good. Good bye my pretties.

Mira: Hey Cobra, can you suggest a couple people that should get together?

Me: NO!

Cobra: Sure. Akima and Laxus.

Me: *falls to the ground* Why me?

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now