Chapter Ten

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"Akima. Time to get up." I can hear Laxus's voice. Groaning, I sat up and realized that I was sleeping with my head on his shoulder. I quickly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I can feel heat crawling up the back of my neck.

'Damn it, Akima!' I shook my head to clear it. "Sorry Laxus. See you at the guild," I said as I quickly got off the train. I can hear the collective gasps from people that saw my eyes. 'Damn it. I can't be getting feelings for him. I better clear my head.'

I quickly ran down a nearby alley and allowed my clothes to change to suit me better for flying and I let huge black wings sprout from my shoulder-blades. Once they were wide open at about a seven-foot wingspan, I took to the sky.

The cool winter air blew past me, through my hair and in my face. My wound up nerves soon mellowed out and I was able to just breath. All of my stress disappeared and I was able to just focus and let all of my worries just slide away.


I don't know how long I was flying over Magnolia, but the sun was setting, and I needed to return to the guild. So I closed my wings enough to to a soft landing and pulled my wings back in me. Not even a scar will show where my feathery wings are. I quickly requip back to my normal clothes.

Opening the back door to the guildhall. It was as rowdy as usual, and I had to dodge a few chairs before I manage to sit at the bar. Once I sat down, I felt eyes on me. 

"Hey Akima," Mira said as she came up to me. "Do you need anything?"

I smile, "Yeah. Some sanity and patience would be great." We both laugh at my joke. "Anyway, on a more serious note, I think I'm actually going to go home here pretty quick. I just wanted to stop by and say hi."

"Oh. Okay," she said. "Will you be back tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Don't worry," I said. "I'll probably be here sometime in the late afternoon. It's been a while since I've had a chance to sleep in." I stood and started walking to the door, saying bye to everyone.

The air is a bit cooler so I requip my coat to wrap around me. I saw Kida up ahead and told her where I was going and we parted ways from there, for overnight.

~~~Timeskip; brought to you by bubble gum.~~~

I was about halfway back home I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Trusting my instincts, I ran. It wasn't long before the smell hit me though.


Running even faster, I broke into the clearing that my house is in. What I saw was equal to a dragon's fist to my gut, repeatedly. Mine and Kida's home. It's on fire. I just stood frozen for a moment. Tears threatening to spill, I didn't even really think.

Anger and frustration came out in a loud dragon-like roar. One that I'm sure Magnolia could hear. When it was out of my system, I collapse to my knees as memories surfaced.

Everyone one fire. Burning their souls and their lives, while trapped in a building of old. My heart breaking and everything just being taken away from me.

I don't know how long I was just sitting there, nor do I care. My home is taken away from me yet again. My emotions are completely drained and I just watch the fire as it continues to burn away everything.

I don't know when, but I felt Kida crash into me. She was crying and had her face buried in my neck. Anger soon filled me again. My hearing and awareness kicked back in, somewhat.

Natsu, Grey, Happy, Erza, Laxus, the Thunder Legion, Gildarts, Gajeel, and Pantherlily all broke into the clearing in utter shock when they see my house. Soon they look at me and are scared when they see the blue fire that surrounds me.

Kida pulled back and panicked. "Akima, calm down. It's just a house. We can find a new one. Please, just calm down."

"What the hell?" I hear Natsu ask, "Shit. How are we suppose to calm her?"

"You don't," Kida answered. "Just put out the fire on the house. It's what's triggered her memory."

People burning. Souls burning. Pain. Sorrow. Anger.

"Akima! Snap out of it," I can hear Kida. "No one is in there. Come on. Akima!" I can feel my fire grow more intense. "Shit. Everyone get down! Natsu, you too!"

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" A dragon mixed with my own voice calls out. My blue fire spread out as I levitated off the ground a couple feet. All of my fury and anger. All of my sorrow and pain. All of it, into the fire. And I cast the fire from me as a means to be rid of a virus that will always plaque me.

When the cry left me, I was drained of all energy and fell to the ground. I was fighting to keep my eyes open when Kida came back to me looking worried.

"Damn it, Akima. Stupid wolf," she punched my arm. "Wasting your magic."

Laxus came up behind her. "Watch out. I'll take her back to the guild."

She nodded and stepped to the side. Laxus bent down and picked me up, bridal style. My arms are on my stomach and my head leaned against his chest. He began to walk back through the forest. My eyelids soon become too heavy to keep open.

"The cat is right, you are stupid for wasting your magic like that," he said before I was wrapped in darkness.


My wings are carrying high above the clouds into the sunset. Kida is by my side. We're both just laughing and flying, enjoying the wind in our faces.

Then she wasn't there, and large fire surrounds me in every direction. My body begins to shake in complete fear as I recognize whose fire it is as it becomes blue and black.

"I will come for your family," a booming masculine voice sounded. "You can run all you want, but I will ensure that you can never live in peace."

"Why," I call out.

"So you can never forget what they deserve." Agnalogia came forward from the fire as a human, smirking with victory. "They were warned, and you made your choice."

"That was ages ago, Agnalogia. Drop it!" Anger replaced my fear as he continued to speak to me.

He just laughed at me. "And why should I?"

My blood was boiling. "Just DROP IT!" My voice shot out around me. The power that I had behind it made everything disappear in a white blinding light.

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now