Chapter Nine

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I walk into the cafe to see my client, a tall man in cowboy clothes and piercing blue eyes and blue hair that is tucked under his black hat. He smiled at me as I approached. "Are you from Fairy Tail for one of my requests?"

"Yes," I answered. "By any chance, did you hire for two separate jobs?"

He nodded, "Which one are you helping me with?"

I shrug, "I think it's the one for the horses."

"Oh right, well thank you for coming. Do you mind if we wait for the other group to arrive?"

I shrug, "Sure. Quick question, what is your other request that you hired for?"

He shook his head, laughing, "Just to help set up for the rodeo later."

Right then, the Thunder Legion walked in followed by Laxus.


All I had to do was tend the horses and groom them for their show tonight, and I made quick work of that. Then another thing popped up.

"What do you mean, you're down a rider," I ask the client.

"Apparently my trick rider got a broken foot from training and can't preform," he answered. "This is really bad."

I was just talking to him before the rider had called in saying that she couldn't preform. I already know that I can ride in her place, but my worry is the fact that the client will be wanting to pay extra for me.

"I'll ride," I said. "And there would be no need to pay me for it."

"That would be great," he exclaimed. "Do you need a horse?"

"No, I got my ride already," I waved it off. "What time would it be at?"

~~~Timeskip: because I'm lazy as hell.~~~

I go back to the barn as my time approached to ride. Once I'm in a large stall, I pull out a key that I made. "Open, Gate of the Stallion. Arson!"

Before me a beautiful black stallion with a gold Celtic mark on his back leg and shining gold hoofs and eyes appeared.

"Hey, Arson. How are ya doin' handsome?" I went up to him and patted his neck.

"What are you doing Akima?" I look behind me to see an annoyed Laxus.

Rolling my eyes, I reply, "Finishing my job." I return to Arson and tacked him. All that I put on him was a basic black and blue western saddle and bridle. "I have to do a bit of riding in the place of a trick rider. Apparently she broke her foot," I explain. "It shouldn't take me long."

Arson began to get antsy as I led him out of the stall and let him stand next to me. I quickly requip into my western attire. A black cowgirl hat, black and blue boots, dark blue jeans, and a black and blue top.

"Nice," he commented.

"Thanks," I walked forward with Arson following me. 

He nickered, 'You like him.I can talk to him telepathically, sort of. I can hear him, but it's only one way.

"Don't even think it," I nudged his head away.

'But it's true. I can sense it.' I can hear his laugh.

"You know what bloody show pony, you better watch it, or no more sugar cubes for five lifetimes," I threaten.

'NO! Not the sugar!' He stops in his tracks, looking scared.

"Yes, the sugar. Now come on," I grabbed his reins and guided him along.

'Do I still get a carrot for this?'

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now