Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I hike through the dead trees and wonder if I should fly to the place that I want to be. Hesitantly, I sprout my large wings and took to the air.

'I wonder if they will think of this.' As I got higher in the sky, I noticed a large bonfire from where I had come from. 'At least they have to wait until morning.' I sped up and flew high into the dark clouds and remained hidden.

~~~Timeskip: brought to you by, a zombie author!~~~

I finally dropped down to the charcoal colored ground and retracted my wings. "Home sweet home," I muttered to myself. "Maybe I can get some shut eye before they find me."

Working my way through the broken castle, I took in all the decorations that have seen better days. Smiling, I climbed the elaborate staircase and an old song came the front of my memory.

"Star light, star bright, all is alight.
Oh, how that lullaby seems sooo sweet, to the heart tonight.

May the stars guide you with their light,

may they shine though the night.

My dearest one. My little one. How you light up my world.

Please stay with me, for eternity.

And I shall give you my whole world. My whole heart.

You chase the cold away with your shining smile,

Your starlight smile.

Spread your little wings and learn to fly,
So that you can reach the night sky,

And shine your starlight smile.

Your starlight smile...


The soft sounds of a harp rang in my memory and I wipe away a stray tear from my eye. Luckily, I had learned to discipline my emotions so I don't go on an emotional breakdown. Especially since, so many memories flood back to me.


"Mommy! Mommy!" I ran with my little legs and laughing when I plowed into her side as she rested on a seat. "Look what I can do!"

Before she could say anything, I closed my eyes and held out my cupped hands. "SPIRIT DRAGON: SPIRIT BUTTERFLY!" I hear her let out a gasp and I open my eyes to see a tiny blue glowing butterfly.

"That's amazing Akima," she praised me. "I'm proud of you. Maybe you should show your father." I nodded eagerly and ran to find him.

"Daddy!Daddy!" I ran around the castle and finally saw him in the back court with Big Brother. I smile and sped right outside and stopped when I saw him yell at Brother.

"Stupid boy! How many times must I tell you to do something right," Father yelled. The swords clash, and Brother went flying back and hit a tree.

I was frozen in fear and couldn't move. Then Calina's voice spoke, '"Akima. What's wrong?"'

'Daddy and Brother are fighting. But Daddy is being mean,' I thought back to her, too afraid to speak aloud.

'"Go tend to your brother. I'll be with you if you need me. Remember that."'



Creeping a couple steps toward Big Brother, I broke into a small run and helped him sit up. "Big Brother? Are you okay?"

He groaned and sat up the rest of the way. "Akima? What are you doing out here?" He stood up and I stood on my toes to hug him around his neck. (AN: Akima is only about 4 years old with her brother being 7 years old.)

"Are you okay," I repeated. I felt him nod his head slowly. "Good. Cause I would drag you to have tea with me if you were." I heard him grumble and laughed.

"Akima. ****. Both of you come along," I heard Daddy say and Big Brother stiffened in my arms.

I let go of him and something snapped in me. "NO! SPIRIT DRAGON: ETERNAL SLEEP!" As a blue ball of energy shot from me, it went straight toward my father. And he was down and I felt my energy drain and I collapse as well.

"Akima," my brother called out. But I was already out for the count.

~End of Flashback~

I shake my head, clearing away the one memory that still haunts me every now and then. 'I wonder what HE's up to. Surely his would think better than to come after me.' Finally making it to my old, empty room I took in the sigh and smell of it.

"Too bad that it won't remain standing after this trip," I sighed.


I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. 'What time is it?' Looking out the window, I noticed that it was midday and I could sense the others closing in on me. Quietly laughing to myself, I open my wings and stood on the window ledge.

"About time to fight. They work rather fast," I mutter with a smirk. "Maybe it's you Cobra. Leading them with my thoughts. Or could it be you, Natsu? With your sense of smell." I decide to sit and enjoy the air blowing past me as I waited for them to come.

'In all honesty, I don't know if I would be happy if they beat me in battle. I want to come out the winner, so I don't have to do the dares an be a guild master for the month. On top of it all, I don't want to answer the questions to come.' I want to bang my head against a brick wall, repeatedly. 'I must really be going crazy.'

"That you are."

I jump so high from the voice behind me, I actually fell from the window, but caught myself and flew back up.

"COBRA! Not. Cool. How the hell did you sneak up on me to begin with," I ask and crossed my arms.

He shrugged, "You were so deep in your thoughts, you didn't hear me. Anyhow, I figured I'd say hey and you know, let Natsu have an attack on you."

Gasping I dodge a large ball of fire and flew higher into the sky. "Nice one, Snake. I'll give you points for distraction."

"Hey, Akima!" I look down to see Natsu all fired up. "Fight me!"

Smiling, I flew down. "As you wish, Dragneel."

Me: WOOHOO! It's a fight!

Natsu: Finally! I'm all fired up!

Kida: *looks to Pantherlily* How much you want to bet they are both going to be knocked out after this?

Pantherlily: *shrugs* Don't know.

Me: *punches Natsu, knocking him out cold* Well, that was fun while it lasted.

Laxus: *glares behind me* Hurry up with the chapters.

Me: Uh-oh. *turns slowly with a smile* Hey, Sparky. Long time, no see. How are ya?

Kida: Well, she's dead. *looks to readers* See everyone in the next chapter!

*Laxus using lightning to chase me and zap my ass*


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