Chapter Sixteen

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"Evergreen?" I was almost knocked over in a bone-crushing hug. "E-ever. I. N-need. A-a-air."

She released me almost instantly and came in the room, closing the door behind her. "Sorry Akima. But I have to do this."

I am confused now. "Do what?" She moved her glasses and before I can close my eyes, I saw the light from her magic. My body froze. I can't move. 'Damn it!'

"Sorry Akima. I really am. But Laxus told me to." She sounded like she meant it. "I'll be staying here with you for the time being to make up for it."

Laxus's voice broke through, "Thanks Ever. She is crafty when it comes to escaping. At least this way she can be watched."

"I understand," she said. "Fair warning, you are going to be getting your backside chewed out by her when I let her out of it."

I heard him walk away and a door closing. 'Do they not remember my ability? They just helped me greatly. I'll wait for a bit before putting my plan to action.'


The time was almost unbearable with Evergreen's talk about Elfman and her thinking that I can't hear it. 'Well, now I have blackmail material should the need arise.' She finally stopped talking and I heard faint snores. 'She talked herself to sleep. That works.'

I focus my magic and absorbed the spell. Before I knew it, I'm walking flesh and bones again. I did a mental jump of celebration for that part of my plan. I look at the bed to see a passed out Evergreen.

I walk to the door and open it to see a dark hallway and I didn't sense anyone. When I tried to step forward, I was stopped by an invisible wall. 'Are you kidding me Laxus?! You got the whole Thunder Legion against me?......... Smart'

Inhaling a deep breath, I pressed my hand to the barrier and absorbed that magic. 'At least they're providing me a delicious meal.' Just like that the barrier is gone and I step out into the hall. It is strangely quiet. 'To quiet.'

'Knowing my luck, he has Bixslow's dolls being the alarms. Those little suckers would be great for it.' I walk quietly along the wall and I saw the stairs. I caught the sense of the dolls. "Spirit Shadow," I whisper under my breath.

By body blended in with the wall of shadows. As long as there was a shadow, I can hide and move around in it. I continue down the stairs as two dolls flew past me. 'How did I know?' I smirk at my assumption and continued toward the door. Until a point.

'No more shadows. Shit. I still have at least ten feet before I can get to the door.' I could try one spell that allows me to become invisible, but I haven't perfected it enough to use in my situation.

The hall light came on and I knew my time was up on not being discovered. If they shine any light on me, then the spell will break and I won't have the shadows anymore. My panic picked up when I saw it being Laxus stepping out into the living room.

"Okay Shorty. I know you're out here. So, what does the 'Spirit Shadow' allow you to do exactly," he said into the mostly empty living room. Thinking quick, I moved my flat body under the large black couch.

Luckily my suspicion was true. He began to light up the living room. That was really close. I watch him as he began to spark with electricity and before I had a chance to react, I got zapped. That lead to an accidental yelp.

'CRAP! SHIT!' More curse words flew through my thoughts. Even more so when Laxus walked over and grabbed the couch. The bottom is solid, so I'm so screwed. As he lifted it, light flooded over me and I was forced from the shadows.

When I became solid again I just stare up at him and laugh nervously while waving. "Hi, Sparky. How's it going?" He reached for my arm and I was never on my feet so fast in my life. I was up and across the room from him.

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now