Chapter Thirty-Four

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~~~Timeskip: One Week~~~

I sit up and stretch my tired arms. Happy that I was no longer stuck being a wolf. It was interesting, to say the least. Natsu dog-napped me to challenge in a sniffing contest. He won by default. I walked away and took a nap. He was not happy about it one bit.

"Akima! I challenge you to a fight," Natsu came barging into my room.

I smile sickly-sweet at him, "Natsu? Care to explain why you think it's okay to barge into my home? Let alone my bedroom?"

"Eh?! Sorry Akima. I'll just leave now," he stuttered and left as quickly as he came.

I sigh and shake my head, "Gotta love a goofball. Well, I better get up and get going." I looked next to me and saw a sleeping Kida. I poke her cheek, "Kida. Time to get up."

She bapped at my hand and rolled over. "Just five more minutes," she grumbled. I poke her back and she doesn't even flintch.

Smiling evilly, I got out of bed and went to my living room. I suck in a deep breath before yelling, "KIDA HELP ME! AN ENEMY IS HERE AND I CAN'T TAKE THEM ON ALONE!" In an instant, she is in her warrior form standing protectively in front of me. "Thank you, and you don't need to be in your warrior form. I'm going to the guild."

Her jaw dropped, "You evil, conniving, little-"

"Ah! Don't finish that sentence aloud. You know you love me," I said and began to back away. I requip into my normal clothes while doing so.

A dark aura surrounded her as she crept closer to me. "I'm seriously starting to wonder why that is. But now that I think about it, I think it's because I can just as easily get payback." She lounged at me, and I dodge and ran for the door.

"AHHH! Crazy kitty is after me," I yell as I left the house with her on my tail. As I ran, I was laughing the whole way to the guild, and once I arrived, I shot through the doors and ran behind Pantherlily the moment I saw him. "Save me from my crazy kitty!"

"W-what? Why," he asked, caught off-guard. Then he saw Kida charge in, looking for me. Luckily, she changed back to normal.

I laugh nervously, "Now Kida, don't do anything you might regret."

She looked at me and flew over. Before I could even blink, she had punched me in the top of my head. "There. Don't ever pull that stunt again. Understand?"

I sat on the floor and crossed my arms and pouted, "Yes, Mom." I saw Lily giving us a weird look. "Sorry for a few minutes ago. I was kinda trying to avoid the whole, angry-Kida-thing. But, apparently, I can never win a battle against her." Everyone around me laughed, and Kida just rolled her eyes and went to stay by Levy.

I stood back up and dusted myself off before walking up to the bar. "Hey, Mira. Can I get my usual milkshake please."

She nodded and began preparing my drink. "So, what was that all about?"

I shrug a shoulder, "Just my everyday-mornings with Kida. If I scare the hell out of her right away." We both laughed at Kida's expense for a moment before my mark began hurting. "Ow," I mutter under my breath and pressed my hand to it. "This seriously sucks."

"Are you okay," she asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. Just my blasted marking." I let out a small yelp when I felt a zap on my lower back. I turn and glared at Laxus, who is standing right behind me. "You need to quit doing that, Sparky." Unsurprisingly, he only gave me his cocky grin. I roll my eyes and turned back to Mira. "Please excuse me. I'm going to ring my boyfriend's neck."

I stood and sat my jewel on the counter for the drink, and turned to grab Laxus's arm and dragged him out the back door to the large tree by the lake. As I turned to chew him out, his mouth crashed on mine. I let out a gasp of surprise, and he took the advantage of it.

Our tongues fought each other for dominance, and that is one battle that I didn't mind losing. My head is spinning, and I couldn't focus on anything, except him. It took a moment for me to realize that he had his hand up my top and over my mark, and when I did, electricity shot through me in an amazing buzzing feeling.

I couldn't help the small moan that sounded from my throat, and in an instant I was pressed up against the tree. I wasn't worried about anyone really seeing us, since the tree would block there view of us. My arms instinctively went around his neck and I ran a hand through his spiky hair. It is softer than I thought it would be.

When we parted for air he attacked my neck, biting and nipping over my sweet spot, which encouraged more moans from me, but I tried to keep them, from breaking free. Apparently he didn't like that and so he shot and slightly more powerful electricity in my mark and bit my neck. There was not holding back my moan after that, but I still managed to hold back most of it.

"Stubborn woman," Laxus growled when he brought his forehead down to rest against mine.

I shrug, "Sorry, but we are still where people can hear us." 'Especially the other dragon slayers, and in all honesty, I don't want them to hear me.' Right after I said that, he moved his hand from my shirt and the next thing I knew I was over his shoulder. I let out a yelp of surprise, "Laxus! Put me down, you sparky-lizard-brain!"

"Nope," he said as he began walking away from the guild.

I gripped his coat tightly, "And why not? You know it freaks me out when I'm carried like this. I can walk, you know!"

"I know," he said simply. I just gave up on trying to tell him to put me down. There is no changing his mind at this point.

"At least tell me where we are going," I whined not loosening my grip on his coat.

"My place."

And just like that, my heart rate spiked up to rival that of a hummingbird's. I couldn't say or do anything from the shock of it. Then I was shocked, literally. On my ass. "HEY! Do not zap my ass! I will get payback for it if you do," I threaten.

"Oh, is that so," he asked with a bit of laughter in his voice.

I growl, "Laxus. I'm not making an empty threat and you can't-" I was cut off by a hit to my ass. "Laxus," I narrowed my eyes at his back and gave my best death glare.

"Akima," he replied.

"What was that for," I growl out. Another slap sound on my ass. "LAXUS! Quit it!"

Eventually, we made it to his house, and it is how I remember it. And when we were inside with the door closed, I was being carried up the stairs. I opened my mouth to ask where he was taking me, but he seemed to read my mind and answered before I could ask.

"You still have to escape my house, and this time I'm not letting you out of my sight," he said as I was sat on my feet finally. I look around to see a different room than the last time I was here.

A four-post, king-size bed with black comforters and sheets, dark-wood nightstands on each side and a fireplace across from the bed, and I saw a television lacrima on the mantle. There are two other doors on each side of the room, and I assume to be the closet and the bathroom.

I turn back to face Laxus to chew him out for the stunt he pulled on the way here, and a sense of deja'vu overtook me as his lips recaptured mine. 'Damn him and his ability to make me forget being mad at him. Very well, let the challenge begin.'

Me: Damn! Bloody! Sparky!

Cobra: Oooo. I think it's going to get steamy in here.

Me: Cobra! Don't even think it.

Laxus: Too late.

Me: Don't take his side you damn lizard-brain!

Cobra: What's wrong Akima? You're blushing.

Me: Shut up. I'm leaving. Goodbye, my pretties! Good luck with the guys and hope that I don't die from embarrassment.

Cobra: *laughs after she slams a door closed* Well, can't say that I didn't see that coming.

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