Chapter Twelve

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I knock on the door to Mokorov's office and heard the command to enter. I walked in seeing him sitting behind his desk with a pile of papers. He doesn't even glance up at me and asks what a brat like me wants.

I clear my throat before speaking, "Really old man? You said to come see you when I was well enough."

His head shot up, "So sorry Akima. Yes, I did request that you come to see me. It's about last night."

I held up my hand to stop him, "I have a hunch of what happened, but I'm not certain. One thing that I need to do is check my house, and find out if I can pin-point who did the attack." He gave me a skeptical look saying that he worries about me losing control of my magic. "I'll be fine old man. I just need to get answers."

He gave a quick nod, "Very well."

"Thanks," I bowed my head and left the office. On my way out the door, I felt the familiar static on the back of my neck. I sigh, "I will not stop you, but I'm not waiting for your slow ass." I continued to walk out the front doors towards the forest. Toward my house that is probably just rubble right now.

I felt Laxus come up from behind me and began to walk next to me. We kept silent as we walked through the trees. I know he wants to say something and it's driving me nuts that he is making this more and more awkward.

"Better say what's on your mind, Sparky. It's not smart to keep it bottled up," I said as we pass yet another tree to my house.

I hear him taking a deep breath before asking, "What are you hoping to find in the rubble?"

I shrug, "Anything that can lead me to know who the bastard is that thought they could get away with it." We finally walked out into the clearing and my heart dropped at the sight. Mine and Kida's house is reduced to complete rubble. There is no piece there that can be salvaged. Tears threaten to fall, but I just push it back.

'Now is not the time to cry over a lost building, Akima. Get it together.' I mentally shake my head and step forward to the mess of a pile. I sniff near where the front door use to be. Nothing but lingering smoke. I move around, sniffing as I went.

Eventually, I stop and notice a certain smell that gave me headache. I back up immediately and rub my forehead. "Shit. Now I know this bastard is not randomly burning down houses. He used a special fuel that no one really knows to use."

"What's that suppose to mean," Laxus asked me as he came up to my side. He was staying along the edge of the field until I said that.

"It means, there isn't anything else I can do here." I looked up at him. "Whoever did this knows a combination of certain oils and plants to mess with my senses. It's something that I haven't caught a whiff of in a long time." He nodded in understanding. "Come on, let's get back."

~~~Timeskip: brought to you by it being 1:30 in the morning and being WIDE AWAKE.~~~

It didn't take long to get back to the guild. We went up to the bar to talk with Mokorov and Kida. The look on my face probably gave it away on how successful we were. Not at all, sort of.

"Well," Kida asked.

Exhaling a long breath, I ordered a mug of beer. "Well it looks, or rather smells, like you and I have been found and being targeted by an expert, for once."

"Do you know who," Mokorov asked.

I shrug, "There is only two possible options. Maybe just one if I really think about it."

Kida became serious. "What are the two?"

"Hunters or," I had to pause before saying the other, "you-know-who, and I don't mean Voldemort from Harry Potter." She looked about ready to pass out from panic. "Calm down Kida. Pray it's the hunters and not him."

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now