Chapter Three

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As I kept looking at the table, I can feel him watching me as he sat down in the seat across from me. I can feel that he is hurt, emotionally, but knowing him, he isn't going to show it.

"Quit looking like you saw a puppy get kicked in the ass, Akima." I look up and saw him looking nonchalant at me. Even though he always looks pissed, even when he isn't, I'm not intimidated by him.

For some reason people are afraid when they see him. I don't see what their problem is. He was large and built sure, but unless you did something really wrong, you were fine. His blond hair spiked back with a little tuff in front over his forehead, and sharp hazel eyes watch me carefully as I mentally trace his lightning bolt scar over his eye.

I mentally shook my head, 'Quit checking him out Akima.' I wipe all emotion from my face and look back at the table.

"You know, it's rude to look away from people when you're talking to them," he said. I just shrug, because there was nothing for me to say. He sighed in annoyance before sending a zap of electricity to my arm.

"Ow. What was that for Lizard Brain?" I scowl at him.

"Hypocrite," he said. "You owe me. Where have you been?"

I could hear Mokorov on the first floor yelling about a party tonight to welcome Kida and me back and everyone cheering in response. I'm pretty sure Kida is catching up with Levy about some of our missions that were exciting.


I sigh, "Sorry for leaving the way that I did. I should have said goodbye first. And I have been busy with things that you don't need to worry about." He looks annoyed by my answer but doesn't push the matter. "Oh, and why did you call me a hypocrite?"

"You called me 'Lizard Brain' when you are a dragon slayer as well," he shrugged.

He was right. I am a dragon slayer with an official title in the guild since Mavis first had me join. Fairy Tail's Dragon.

"Do you guys want anything," Mira almost startled me when she spoke. 'Girl is sneaky as hell.'

"Just a beer and a burger," Laxus answered.

"Fries and any alcoholic drink that is best for crappy situations," I said.

"Okay," she said smiling. "I'm on it." Then she left Laxus and me to talk alone again.

"'Crappy situations'," he asked.

Shrugging I said, "Yup. Face it, you are going to grill me for answers to a bunch of questions that you have bouncing around in your head." Mira came up with two beers and our food. "Thanks Mira."

We sat there eating and drinking in silence. At least until I see dolls flying around us. Laxus cleared his throat, "In coming."

The next thing I know is three sets of arms wrapped around me. My body stiffened from the contact. 'This is getting really really annoying.'

"AKIMA! YOU'RE BACK," all three of the Thunder Legion yelled, taking out my eardrums.

"Get off," I yell. "SPIRIT BOUNDARY!"

A misty bubble appeared outward from me, forcing them off. They are sprawled on the floor from the force that I used, and they're laughing. Laughing at me.

"You all know that I can't stand hugs. And you know I have sensitive hearing," I scold them. They only laugh harder. "I'm going to die by suffocation of hugs in this lifetime, I swear." That made Laxus quietly laugh.

All three of them look at Laxus, shocked. Then Freed grabbed me by my shoulders, "How did you do that?"

"Do what," I asked, completely confused.

"Make Master Laxus laugh." He began to shake me, "How?" Within seconds he is lying on the ground buzzing with electricity.

Bixslow, Evergreen, and I look at Laxus. He simply shrugged and got up after finishing his beer. No one said anything as he left to a different area on the second floor.

'I guess I deserve that. I did abandon him and the whole guild when we were teenagers.' I stood and looked at the other three, "I'll be downstairs." I grabbed my mug and went back to the bar. I sat on a stool and faced the guild. "You mind giving me more beer please, Mira?"

"Sure," she said as she refilled my mug.

It seems as though everything calmed down, well except for Natsu. He was challenging who I assume to be Grey. He has changed a lot. I can sense that he is a fellow slayer. 'Demon slayer.' I've met others like him a long time ago.

"Hey Mira," I called.


"I overheard the old man saying something about a party tonight, what time is it at," I ask.

She smiled wider, "It's at nine, and you have to dress nicely."

I raise an eyebrow, "Who said that I was going? I just wanted to know so I know when to stay away from the guild."

"I did. And Master. And Kida. And-"

I interrupted her, "Okay, okay. I get it." I took a drink of my beer.

"Should you be drinking that?" I look over to see Kida with her paws on her hips.

I scowl, "Give me a break. You know what it meant to come back. So, I'm going to sit here and drink. You also know that it'll take barrels of beer before I can even come close to being drunk."

She huffed, "Fine." I dug into my coat pocket and pulled out a kiwi and tossed it to her. "Are you feeling guilty, or bribing?"

"Bribing," I said shortly. 

"Excuse me ma'am?" I look next to me to see a panther-like exceed with dark green pants and little brown shoes. "Do you have any more delicious kiwis?"

"Uh..... Sure," I dug around in my pocket and passed him one. I don't recognize him from when I was here. Along with a few other wizards in the guild hall.

"Lily? Who's your new friend?" I look up to see a petite girl with a bandanna holding back her blue hair. Glasses resting on top of her head. She stopped to look at me. "Akima?"

I blinked a few times, "Levy? My bookworm friend with a crazy imagination?"

"The one and only," she smiled and hugged me. She is the only person that's been allowed to hug me, other than Lisanna. "I can't believe your back," she yelled.

My ears twitch in pain. "Levy. Sensitive hearing, remember? That has not changed."

"Sorry," she smiled apologetically. I wave it off.

"Hey, Akima. Levy. Are you two coming or what," Mira asked by the door.

"Yeah, we're coming," Levy called back as I try to sneak away.

'There is no way I'm going to go try on dresses.' I get to the steps to go to the second floor, but sadly Levy is quick. She grabbed me by my coat and I made it disappear, then she grabbed me by pants and belt and began dragging me backwards.

"NO! I WANT TO LIVE!" I call out as Levy drags be to the door. "KIDA HELP ME!" She just smiled and waved goodbye to me. My eyes widen and my jaw dropped. "TRAITOR!"

Me: I'm so dead. Maybe Kida was right to tell me to write a will.

Levy: Come on Akima, it'll be fun!

Me: *collapses to the ground* I'm gonna die.

Levy: Well, since our dear Akima is playing dead, have a good day everyone!

Lucy: This is going to be fun!

Erza: Yes. It will be. *grabs me by the back of the neck and drags me on the ground to a shop*


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