Chapter Thirty-Two

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I was dreading walking into the guild a week later. Yes. I was seriously procrastinating. I've gone my whole life without telling anyone who my enemy is and any other secret.

"Welcome back Akima," Mokorov said as Mavis appeared next to him.

"Wow. Where's Hades when I need all the guild masters of Fairy Tail to be here," I joke. I felt Laxus zap me and I pouted. "Yes. I know Sparky. Start talking." Sighing I sat at the bar and ordered one of Cana's barrels of beer. "I'm so going to need this."

"But that's mine," said drunk complained.

"I'll owe you a new one," I reply before taking a mug and drinking out of that. "So, everyone wants to know my secrets. Well, for starters, I have an older brother, who I dearly love and hate."

"You guys should know him. He doesn't talk much, but thinks he's all big and bad. Agnologia."

The shock was very thick in the air and I swear I don't even hear crickets. I look around to see a guild full of wizards who look about ready to faint.

Cobra began to laugh. "I've never heard this guild this quiet before. It great. Hey, Akima, tell them about your curse."

"Shut up you bloody snake," I threw my now empty mug at his head. "Anyway, as I was saying, Agnologia is my brother and currently the enemy that I was talking about."

"You're pulling our leg," Natsu said.

I shook my head, "I'm not. You can ask Cobra. He is the only person alive that knows everything about me. And that's because of his damn magic."

"What is the curse that he was talking about," Laxus asked. I had Mira pass me a new mug and filled it with more beer. "Akima."

"It's tied to me reincarnating after every time I die," I began. "Mavis and Cobra both know this. After every time Kida and I die, everyone forgets about us. A complete memory wipe."

No one knew what to say. And I can't blame them. I wouldn't know what to say either.

"A memory wipe," Levy asked, sounding a little confused.

I exhale a long sigh. "After I die, and Kida follows, there is a time period of about a week that the world forgets about us. It doesn't matter how close we are to that person, they won't remember us. So every time we reincarnate we come back with a clean slate. Very few are loopholes to this curse. Mavis and Agnologia being two."

Once again the guild was silent as I continued to drink more from the barrel. Eventually, Lucy spoke up.

"Is there any way to break the curse? I mean, what is it tied to so you can be normal again?"

I shook my head, "Not for me. I'm tied to it because of what I did to Calina. Kida, on the other hand, I can break the curse on her. Thus allowing her to live a normal exceed life. I can also cast it to another, changing their fate to match mine. But for me, I'm stuck in this cycle for eternity."

I finished the beer and rose to my feet. "Please excuse me. I'm going to go home for the day, and contemplate how to tell everyone this again."

*Kida's POV*

When Akima left, I remained sitting by Levy at the bar. "She doesn't mean anything bad about that. It's just a little difficult to come back again, only to repeat what she just talked about."

Mokorov gave me a look, "So, I've known you both from a previous life?"

I nodded, "We have been a part of Fairy Tail from the beginning. Everyone has met us. Whether or not they remember, that is the true problem. Mavis remembers us because she is sealed with Akima's magic."

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