Chapter Twenty-Three

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I woke up on something comfy and warm. A hand is shaking my shoulder and I really want to go back to sleep.

"Akima. We have to get up." I move and sat up. I remember everything that had happened. Awareness shot through me.

I had to blink a few times before realizing, Laxus had his hand over my mark that is hidden by my tank-top. He stilled and held his hand there and looked confused for a second.

"What's right here Akima," he asked in a serious tone. "And don't say it's nothing, and don't be a smartass about it."

The words are stuck in my throat. 'Oh yeah, just tell him. I hope they have the same issues that I have!' I open my mouth but only two words came out, which is all I needed to say. "My tattoo."

He raised a brow. "Your tattoo?" I nodded slightly. "Let me see it."

I swallow the lump in my throat. "U-um." Before I can say or do anything, I am pinned down on my back with my wrists above my head. "L-laxus?"

One of his hands held down my wrists and the other is working it's way up my side under my top and stopping over the mark. "You were taking too long." His face is close to mine, our noses are nearly touching.

My top inched up more and my skin is feeling warmer with the passing seconds. Then my top is gone completely. Thankfully, I still have my sports bra on, but my mark is visible for him to look at.

"When were you going to tell me about this?" Proving his point some electricity went through the mark. That did something that I never expected, it felt amazing, almost soothing. I became putty in his hands in that moment. "Akima. When?"

I had to focus my thoughts, which is really difficult to do with him sending the shocks into my mark. "Today, if you can believe it. It's just, there is too much to talk about first."

Another wave went through me. 'Damn. If he doesn't stop, then I'll lose all thoughts.' His face lowered to my ear.

"Well, now that I know you're mine, you will be staying close to me for a while. I'm sure that "tattoo" has been hurting you," he said in a husky voice.

I couldn't have guessed that he would start kissing down my neck and back up to my jaw, then my lips. He licked my bottom lip, requesting entrance, but being me and that entails being stubborn, I kept them pressed together.

A low growl rumbled in his chest before he sent a jolt of electricity through my mark and into my body, making me gasp. He took full advantage of it and dove his tongue into my mouth. I can feel little bits of the electricity over my body that made me relax more into the kiss.

My head is spinning and my face is warm. Nothing is important, except Laxus, in that moment. He broke away for breath. We are both trying to catch air in our lungs. Then a knock came at the door.


"Shit," I whisper. "That's Mira." I had to gather my thoughts before answering. "Yeah?"

"Are you coming out today?"

"Yeah I'll be out in a few." I smile up at Laxus and shrug. "I guess we have to resume later."

He smirked and leaned down, but change direction to my throat. Right as he made contact, my body felt tingly from another wave through my tattoo. The combination made me want to moan, but I have to remain quiet, because I know the others will be listening in if they could.

I couldn't hold it back when he found my sweet spot. I bite down on my bottom lip and sucked on it as he continued to attack that spot. Biting and sucking until it became tender. I know my bottom is probably slightly swollen from my attempts to stay quiet.

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now