Chapter Nineteen

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I shoot up from my pillow, covered in sweat. "Damn it. I had to have a nightmare of the family killed." I take a calming breath. "At least it's different than what I'm use to."

I swing my legs off the bed and looked at the time. It's five in the morning. Growling low, I stood and went into the bathroom to take a bath, to hopefully relax some. That nightmare was a hell of one.

Looking in the mirror once I was naked, I see the black ink that looks like a curled up dragon on my right side. It's a little bigger than my hand, and I know why it's there.

"As long as he doesn't find out, then I can continue on like it's not there." The thought is probably stupid, but true. "I have to avoid getting close to him, or I can say goodbye to my heart, permanently."

Once in the tub, all I can think about is how Cobra is right. My curse is only going to make me afraid, not prevent it from happening.

'If I don't do anything and keep my distance, then I could regret it in my next life. If I do follow through with being with Laxus, I'll be heart broken in my next life, but it would give me a chance to cherish something in this life.'

I groan in exasperation and sink deeper into the water. "My life is a mess. And that's saying something from my many life times." My head began to hurt and I rub my temples to easy the coming migraine.


When I was finished with my bath I requip into a pair of black sweats and a dark blue tank-top and grey sneakers. I pull my hair up into a messy bun, happy to relax for once. I know it won't be for long, but I don't plan on going anywhere for a few hours as I searched for a new house.

The papers show options that are reasonable, and the best part is, the paper will change to show the available houses. I don't know how long I'll be in the hotel room, but I need to at least find one before going to my homeland.

A knock on the door startles me. I look at the time to see that it's ten-thirty. I blink a couple times. 'Kida is the only one who knew where I'm staying. But she sleeps in until two in the afternoon usually.'

I open the door to see Laxus standing there. My mind went blank for a second.

"Mind letting me in," he asked raising a brow.

"Uh, yeah. Come in," I say shaking my head. "What brings you here?" I close the door and followed him into the main living area.

"Everyone wanted me to keep you away from the guildhall for a few hours apparently. Your cat knew where you are staying," he answered.

I raise a brow and crossed my arms. "Okay. Well, I was planning on hunting for a new house today anyway." I went back to the table I was sitting at with my coffee (Dr.Pepper) and continued to look through a couple houses.

"Sounds like fun," he said as he sat across from me.

I smile, "Oh, it's a blast. I am just jumping with joy from it." He rolls his eyes. "Have you had any breakfast yet?" He shook his head. Rolling my eyes I stood. "Come on, I know an awesome cafe across the street."

I did a quick requip into my more normal clothes; combat boots, black jeans and a black top that shows off my belly and partial sleeves that leave my shoulders exposed. I put on my sunglasses and lock the door behind me. Laxus kept walking without know that I changed my clothes.

My tattoo is still covered by my top, thankfully. I walk up next to him and pull on his arm to steer him in the right direction. Luckily, he chose to amuse me and let me drag him to the cafe.

When we went inside, my stomach decided to pick that time to complain. "Man, I don't know why I didn't come sooner." I heard Laxus laugh lightly. "Careful. If Freed heard that, he would not rest until he knew how I made you laugh."

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