Chapter Two

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"You mustn't look so down Akima," Kida said as she rested on top of my head.

"Sorry," I said. "You do understand that Mavis and Mokorov are going to be upset with me. Especially Mavis, since I promised to always be there for the guild and we have been absent from them."

"I know," she began. "I wish I knew what would happen though."

I sigh, "Me too."

It is early morning now and we needed to get going. Kida opened her wings and flew next to me as I walked through the forest, toward Magnolia. My heart is picking up speed as I got closer  to the town, even though it's an hour walk.


When we arrived in Magnolia, people are crowding the street like any normal day. Eventually on our way here, I pulled my hood up and Kida decided to have me carry her the rest of the way.

"Should we stop for some food and drinks," Kida asked as we got closer to the guild. I reach in my coat pocket and pulled out Kida's favorite snack, a kiwi. "Thanks. So, I take it as a 'no'?"

I nod and continue to walk. Little kids run past as they play tag but stop to look up at me in curiosity. Crouching down, I held my hand out.

'Spirit-make butterflies.' Little wisps of butterflies flew from my hand and around the kids then away. The children chased after them, playfully.

I stood back up and continued to walk toward the guild, and it only took about twenty minutes before finally standing in front of the new guild hall. 'It's a lot different than what I remember.' It's two stories tall, with a bell tower on top. The emblem waving on a orange flag just below the tower, above the wooden double doors.

I stand there frozen in anticipation and fear. Kida had begun saying my name to get my attention. A small child's hand pulled at my coat. I look down to see a seven year old girl wearing a pink cowgirl hat and tee-shirt. A little toy gun is poking out of her small brown vest. Her black hair pulled back in a braid, and her big brown eyes shine brightly up at me.

"Hi," she said smiling. "My name is Asuka. I need help with the door to the guild, can you help me please?" I knew she was fibbing and just trying to get me to move toward the guild. She pulled me by my coat to the big wooden doors before I had a chance to respond.

My hand gripped the door knob tightly and I push open the door. I followed Asuka inside, but had to dodge a flying chair. Everyone is fighting and I move toward the bar, dodging all of the attacks. Somehow, I manage to make it to the bar without being hit, and without my hood falling down.

A young woman that's about my height, maybe a little taller, came up to me. She reminds me of someone that I use to know. 'It can't be.'

"Hello, I'm Mira," she said. 'No. Way. She has changed a lot.' I smile back and shook her hand. "Would you like to speak with the master?"

"Yes please," I answer, keeping my voice at a low volume, just enough for her to hear me and not draw any attention toward Kida and me. I followed her along the bar to stand in front of Master Mokorov, who is drinking a mug of beer. Kida escaped my arms and flew behind me. I mutter scaredy cat under my breath.

"Hello Master," Mira said. "Someone wanted to talk to you." The fighting ceased at once and everyone's eyes watched Kida and me closely.

"Very well," he said. He looked at me, "Go ahead child. First, would you please pull your hood down so that I may see your face."

Keeping my hands steady, I reach for my hood and pull it back off my head. Fear still coursed through me, but not so much that I couldn't control. Kida peeked over my shoulder and looked at Mokorov as my face and identity are visible to everyone. His eyes widen as he saw my face.

"I don't believe it," he said. "AKIMA! KIDA!" He grew his size to be a giant and hugged Kida and me in a bear hug. I had a hard time breathing as I tried to escape his grasp.

"Damn it old man! Put us down," I call up to him. He finally sat us back on our feet and he returned to his average size. "Than-" I was interrupted when someone turned me and pulled me into another hug. 

"Where the hell have you been?!" I realize it was Gildarts.

"Let me go," I yell, though it was muffled by his chest. When I was finally free of his grip I said, "I'm back now and that means, NO HUGS!" I punch him in the face and he went flying into the opposite wall. I look back to Mokorov as Kida landed on the counter of the bar.

"Alright Ice Princess! I'm back!" I turn to see Natsu looking older and raging through the doors. He stopped and saw me. "No way. Akima?!"

Smiling I waved and said, "Hey Fireball. What's up?" A ball of fire came right at me and I dodge it easily. "Really? No heads up first? Anyhow, I'm busy at the moment, maybe later I can fight you." I brought my attention back to Mokorov. "Not much has changed I see."

"Sadly, no," he replied. "You brats better knock it off!"

I sat down in a seat, "Well, I'm back. My apologies for leaving for as long as I did." Guilt churned in my stomach. "If I had known, I would've been back sooner. I was on the island with you all though, so Kida and I were held for seven years too. I just had other things to take care of before I was able to come back."

"That's understandable, child. No worries. As you have stated, you are here now," he smiled widely.

I smile back softly, "Thanks." The next thing I know is that there is a small bit of static on the back of my neck. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be right back."

I stood and went to the stairs of the second floor, then I had to dodge Natsu as he attempted to attack me. "Why are you attacking me Fireball?"

"You're not allowed on the second floor," he answered. "Unless you are an-"

"S-class wizard," I interrupted. "That I am. Now go pick on Grey and get beaten senseless by Erza, if you don't mind." I turn and went upstairs. Seeing a table by the job request board, I sat and looked at the table, tracing the cracks in it.

"Long time, no see," a gruff voice said behind me. My stomach churned and I kept my eyes on the table.

"Hello Laxus," I said.

Me: OOooooo. This is happening.

Kida: Yeah. At least you survived so far.

Me: Key words being 'so far'. Lets hope the Sparky doesn't-

Laxus: Doesn't do what? *standing behind me glaring down at me*

Me: *gulp* Oh you know, that you don't start shooting lightning at me.

Kida: I think you might want to write your will.

Me: Shut up cat! You're not helping.

Kida: I'm not trying to.

Me: Then get going before I tar n' feather your ass.

Kida: Yes ma'am. *runs to Natsu* Hey Natsu, Akima wants to fight you now.

Natsu: *smiles* Awesome. I'm all fired up!

Me: You little cheating cat! No Natsu, I don't want to fight! Kida lied!

*Natsu set his fists on fire and stalked toward me*

Laxus: Back off kid. She has to answer some questions first. *grabs me and throws me over his shoulder*

Me: Come on! Let me go! Do I not get a say in anything? *banging fists against his back*

Laxus and Kida: Nope.

Natsu: Man, I want to fight her!

Me: *sweat-drops* Well, goodbye everyone. Hope to see you in the next chapter.

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