Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Everyone began to mull around on deck as I just sat on the railing of the Crow's Nest. The sky is still dark, and beautiful. The stars feel a lot closer than back in Earthland. I raise my hand as if I could touch those stars. They always feel as if they're in reach, and if I were to just reach, then I could grab them.

"Akima," Levy's voice calling out below me. I look down to see her waving to me. "Akima, come down here."

I smile and does as she asks. I grab a rope and slide down it and land right in front of her. "Okay crazy bookworm, what do you want?"

She returns my smile, "Have you had anything to eat today? Mira is cooking up a mean burger, if you wanna join me."

My stomach decided to pick that time to growl. We both break out in a fit of laughter. "I think I've been out-voted. Come on. You're paying though."

She looked surprised, "I didn't know we had to pay for food here."

I laugh again, "I'm just pulling your leg. On my boat, food and drinks are free." She laughed again when I said that. "You can still pay if you want. It'll make it possible for me to purchase more food when we get back home."

"No, I don't think I have that kind of money," she sweat-dropped.

"It's okay," I said. "Come on. Let's get that burger. I'm starving."


I step back out on the deck with Levy and Lucy. We were eating dinner with each other and talking. Lucy was curious about my connection to the Celestial Spirits, and if I am a Celestial Wizard because of my keys.

"Technically, yes. Though I prefer to be called a Spirit Wizard, if any," I said. "Only because that is a better description of my magic. I work with Celestial Spirits, sure. But I'm also like Bixslow in that aspect of spirit, or souls."

"Wow," she exclaimed. "Really?" I nodded. "How do you know so many different types of magic?"

I shrug and look up at the sky. "If you were stuck living for eternity, you would learn other things too. I may have started as a dragon slayer, but over time, I learned how to be more. In a few of my life-times, I've been a different kind of wizard. One of them, I was just a requip mage. In another, a Spirit-Maker."

Levy was the next one to say something. "So you really do know different types of magic."

I lightly laugh, "Yeah. And as for regaining my magic power, it doesn't. As long as there's spirit around me, I'm good. If I do run out, well it just takes a hell of a lot for that to happen."

"What was your most powerful magic spell," Lucy asked.

I thought for a moment. "Honestly, it's one of my take-over forms. One that no one has seen, except Kida of course."

"What's the form," Levy asked.

I look at the both of them. "They don't call me a dragon for nothing, you know. Mavis is the only other one that truly knows what I can do when pissed off." They both looked panicked. I laugh lightly, "Don't worry. As long as no one interferes with our battle and intend harm, there is truly nothing to worry about."

They relaxed a little. I look back up at the sky and watch as the stars began to move. My body began to shake in excitement.

"Hey Lucy," I said quietly. "I hope you don't care if I steal the attention of your spirits for a bit."

Before she could answer, I sprout my wings and open them wide. In a split second, I took to the air. The stars began to fall in bright streams just a little ways away. I laugh in excitement and flew straight for the first light.

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