Chapter Five

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Previous: I shook my head. 'They are really going to owe me. I hate dressing up like a barbie. Now I'm having to sing, all because I kept complaining.' I inwardly groan at what they are making me do. Walking over to the center of the stage behind the thick red curtain. Looking down I saw a microphone and picked it up.

'I hope this turns out okay.' I can almost laugh at my own predicament. 'Once I'm done singing I'm going to get a drink, then hide in a dark corner. Away from everyone.'    

~~~Now back to the chapter!~~~

'Five seconds.' I swallow a lump.

'Four.' My hands are sweating.

'Three.' I take a deep breath.

'Two.' For everyone.

'One.' For the guild.

'Zero.' Tally-ho.

A beat began, and I immediately knew the song that I'm going to sing. A spotlight turned on behind me, making me a silhouette to everyone. Smiling, I began singing,

"Please don't stop the music," I repeat it a few more times. The curtain rises as the spotlight behind me turned off and one shined above me. Everyone stopped and stared.

"It's gettin' late, makin' my way over to my favorite place.Gotta get my body movin', shake the stress away."

A few people began to dance, and more joined. Soon all of my worries went away and I began to have fun singing.

"Hand to hand, chest to chest, and now we're face to face. I want to take you away, let's escape into the music. DJ let it play."

As I sang, I was happy for the first time in a long time. 'I still hate that they dressed me like a barbie doll. As my song ended, everyone cheered, and I couldn't stop the smile off my face.

I steeped to the edge and dropped down off the stage. After turning off the microphone I sat it on the edge of the stage. I walked toward Levy and Mira, but was stopped.

Someone grabbed my wrist. I gave the two women a pleading look. They made my jaw drop by just waving and smiling at me, then walking away.

'What the hell?!' I just watch in shock as I saw them disappear in the crowd.

I was pulled back, making me lose balance as I turned. Luckily I was caught by Laxus. I just scowl at his chest.

"I thought you never trip." I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Yeah well, the girls made me wear high heels," I mutter.

He still had his hands on my waist from catching me, and my hands on his chest. I felt a low growl of annoyance rumble in his chest.

"Quit looking away from me, Akima. As I've already said, it's rude," He said just loud enough for me to hear.

"Says the one who tripped me," I quipped back, still looking away. I felt a small sharp zap in my lower back, making my quietly yelp and jumping into him. Thankfully, no one in the guild heard me. I glare up at him, "Really Laxus? What was that for?"

"It got you to finally look at me, didn't it? Even if you're glaring," he said with a cocky grin. I look away as I felt heat crawl up the back of my neck, then yelp again as another zap hit my lower back again. Laxus chuckled quietly at my reaction.

"Not funny Sparky," I scold him. I can feel the heat creep across my cheeks, and it only became worse as I realize that it's happening.

"You're right," he said. "It's cute." I just continue to glare at him. He only laughed a little more.

The Past Becomes Present  (Laxus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now